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35 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Density and viscosity are not the same thing, you viscous c**t.

Indeed.  I use bromoform frequently and it may as well be water when you pour / stir it despite it being almost x3 denser.

Nasty stuff that'll knocks you right out with one whiff.  I'll leave it at that.


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2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Density and viscosity are not the same thing, you viscous c**t.

Look, if I say they mean the same thing, then they mean the same thing. Even if they don't . 

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Had a packet of Bugles earlier and the 'delicate' texture and taste before the flavouring kicked in immediately reminded of a breakfast cereal that I've not had in ages, certainly since 90s (it may not be on the go anymore), but I've forgotten the name.

They're not Golden Grahams, but they're similar in that they are quite yellow coloured and square shaped but full of air on the inside with a criss-cross pattern on it and they'll probably never sink in a bowl of milk as they're super-light, unfortunately making them go soggy quite quickly.

Basically a hybrid of standard golden grahams, shreddies, golden nuggets and (evidently) bugles.

Any ideas folks?

These things (or an earlier version of it)?

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2 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

My water is off and I've not got a fucking scooby why? Does this happen from time to time?


I'm guessing someone's doing work somewhere, but if I've had a letter Ive not seen it or binned it without noticing.

Take 2, after your second attempt.

Scottish Water tend not to have time to f**k about sending out letters if they have a burst pipe somewhere.

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Take 2, after your second attempt.
Scottish Water tend not to have time to f**k about sending out letters if they have a burst pipe somewhere.

I've just checked and there's been problems with a burst pipe in DD3 tonight, I'm DD2 but the DD3 area is about half a mile away. Says there done but maybe something else has come up.

f**k knows but hopefully it's back on tomorrow otherwise I'll be going into Uni reeking.
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My water is off and I've not got a fucking scooby why? Does this happen from time to time?
I'm guessing someone's doing work somewhere, but if I've had a letter Ive not seen it or binned it without noticing.

Send off a strongly worded email, or better send THEM a letter, mind use a ruler to keep your writing straight.
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2 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

I've just checked and there's been problems with a burst pipe in DD3 tonight, I'm DD2 but the DD3 area is about half a mile away. Says there done but maybe something else has come up.

f**k knows but hopefully it's back on tomorrow otherwise I'll be going into Uni reeking.

Phone your mum.


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