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Why did you split up with your boyfriend/husban/lesbi-friend redhead? Was it acrimonious? Will you still be friends? Did he catch you getting pumped in the storage cupboard at your office by Geoff the delivery driver? Has he confessed that he's actually an enthusiastic homosexual and is leaving you to shack up with Raoul from the Irn Bru adverts?

I'm bored, please entertain me with your life as mine is boring.

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Why did you split up with your boyfriend/husban/lesbi-friend redhead? Was it acrimonious? Will you still be friends? Did he catch you getting pumped in the storage cupboard at your office by Geoff the delivery driver? Has he confessed that he's actually an enthusiastic homosexual and is leaving you to shack up with Raoul from the Irn Bru adverts?

I'm bored, please entertain me with your life as mine is boring.

Mine is fairly boring too! Boyfriend, coming up to 4 year mark, relationship hadn't been working for a long time. Nothing scandalous, no Raoul or anything (as far as I know!). Anyway, he responded by going to the Celtic game and leaving me to start packing his stuff
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Mine is fairly boring too! Boyfriend, coming up to 4 year mark, relationship hadn't been working for a long time. Nothing scandalous, no Raoul or anything (as far as I know!). Anyway, he responded by going to the Celtic game and leaving me to start packing his stuff

Sounds like he has his priorities right.

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RedHead got what she deserved by starting a relationship with a Celtic fan tbf. I hope you evaluate your life decisions and learn for the future. Also, don't pack his stuff, burn it.

Are you a motivational speaker Deeboy or just P&B's resident philosopher? :) I have actually learned a big lesson from this. Tbf though I wouldn't really tar all Celtic fans with the same brush tho...

Edited by Redhead81
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Are you a motivational speaker Deeboy or just P&B's resident philosopher?.
I'm just a caring soul..
I have actually learned a big lesson from this. Tbf though I wouldn't really tar all Celtic fans with the same brush tho...
You still have a little bit to learn then!
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Yeah, the sympathy I had melted away when I realised that her fella wasn't a fellow Clyde fan, but one of them.

Poor show, Red. You seem like a sensible sort, why go out with a Celtic fan?!

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I'm trying to source a replacement slide on mount for one of the hinges on our kitchen cabinets. It appears to be an unusual type and size and no c**t seems to have any idea where I'd get one. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of shite?

The hinge appears to be standard, but the mount is about 4 times the height of any normal ones I've seen.





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