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Get the impression this Adele lassie will be the 2010s version of Celine Dion or Dido; fairly bland, inoffensive stuff that people lap up for a few years, before being faintly embarrassed at having bought in the decades after.

Have we come up with a title for this decade yet, BTW? Did we settle on the 'Noughties' for the last one? Are the 'Roaring Twenties' going to make a revival in five years' time? Why do I care? :unsure:

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Sorry Pete but a lot of petty things annoy me. Theft, for example. From what I remember you were on the side of vile thievery so not surprised to see you complain about me complaining!

Oh come one! Petty theft is one of life's great pleasures! And stealing a free trip on a train is barely stealing at all. f**k them.

Pete has had a new kitchen recently. I reckon that's been shoplifted.

It was a b*****d walking out of B&Q with an island under my coat and a worktop down my jeans, but thankfully everyone's used to seeing me with a massive trouser bulge so I got away with it.

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It was a b*****d walking out of B&Q with an island under my coat and a worktop down my jeans, but thankfully everyone's used to seeing me with a massive trouser bulge so I got away with it.

They haemorrhoids are an absolute b*****d, so I'm told.

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More importantly, did a relative buy her that jumper from River Island?

It's an eh from me, as in eh, eh wid.

Definite wid.


So you're a big fan of stealing. Cool, but odd behaviour to me.

I'll steal your heart

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Oh come one! Petty theft is one of life's great pleasures! And stealing a free trip on a train is barely stealing at all. f**k them.

It was a b*****d walking out of B&Q with an island under my coat and a worktop down my jeans, but thankfully everyone's used to seeing me with a massive trouser bulge so I got away with it.

^^^ walks about town with a hard on hat.

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If I could walk into a shop, take what I wanted and leave with no fear of prosecution I would. I've got an external hard drive full of music and I've not paid for any of it.

Stealing from shops is a victimless crime IMHO (in my humble opinion)

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If I could walk into a shop, take what I wanted and leave with no fear of prosecution I would. I've got an external hard drive full of music and I've not paid for any of it.

Stealing from shops is a victimless crime IMHO (in my humble opinion)


Except from the shop-owners. And all those sheep that actually pay for stuff and will no doubt have to pay increased prices due to the thievery.

Edited by pandarilla
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Except from the shop-owners. And all those sheep that actually pay for stuff and will no doubt have to pay increased prices due to the thievery.

Just worked it out, if you nick a bottle of Grouse it would add 0.0000000000000000000001p to a tin of beans at Tesco.

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It's Halloween on Saturday but in Kilmarnock it is on Friday as falls on the last Friday of the month for some bizarre reason. This means that it sometimes falls almost a week out of sync with proper Halloween. (people say it's something to do with it not being a school night but no-one is sure) .

I was wondering, is Kilmarnock the only place to change the date of events to suit now forgotten reasons?

(cue it's Halloween every day in Kilmarnock type posts).

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It's Halloween on Saturday but in Kilmarnock it is on Friday as falls on the last Friday of the month for some bizarre reason. This means that it sometimes falls almost a week out of sync with proper Halloween. (people say it's something to do with it not being a school night but no-one is sure) .

I was wondering, is Kilmarnock the only place to change the date of events to suit now forgotten reasons?

(cue it's Halloween every day in Kilmarnock type posts).

So it's the 31st on Friday in Kilmarnock?

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Something more coherent today:

I have to go to Edinburgh on Wednesday

Is it better (read: cheaper) to get a train ticket (from Queen Street) online beforehand or can I just get one when I go to the station?

Get off at Haymarket. Always get off at Haymarket.

I remember a massive thread about this before but I still find it bizarre that people are happy to steal from rail companies when they wouldn't just walk into a shop and steal food/clothes.

Most people don't steal food/clothes for fear of getting caught, not because of some moral dilemma.

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Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family?

What if your family don't like bread? They like... cigarettes? Now, what if instead of giving them away, you sold them at a price that was practically giving them away. Would that be a crime?

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