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I'm not an animal lover but if you have decided to have a pet and they need put down then pay a vet to do it humanely and stop being a miserable b*****d.

If you are just 'joking' the same still applies.

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I came home one time to find my Landlord drowning a bunch of kittens by holding them down one by one in a bucket of water. Quite humane I thought but I'd be too squeamish, the traditional tied sack with a couple of bricks in the canal would be my option.

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I came home one time to find my Landlord drowning a bunch of kittens by holding them down one by one in a bucket of water. Quite humane I thought but I'd be too squeamish, the traditional tied sack with a couple of bricks in the canal would be my option.

I'd no idea you spent time in Gloucester, WB. How was Cromwell Street before that whole witch-hunt?

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I came home one time to find my Landlord drowning a bunch of kittens by holding them down one by one in a bucket of water. Quite humane I thought but I'd be too squeamish, the traditional tied sack with a couple of bricks in the canal would be my option.

What a fucking c**t. Anybody drowning an animal wants drowned themselves. What a horrendous way to die.

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People who have survived near drowning experiences claim it's painless once your lungs are filled with water. Have to say I wouldn't actually kill a cat, I even take spiders and other insects out to the garden rather than squish them.

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People who have survived near drowning experiences claim it's painless once your lungs are filled with water. Have to say I wouldn't actually kill a cat, I even take spiders and other insects out to the garden rather than squish them.

I've also heard it's a euphoric experience but I don't know how anyone could find that out and I'm not really into finding out myself. The guys in the ISIS cage certainly didn't look as if they particularly enjoyed it.

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I've also heard it's a euphoric experience but I don't know how anyone could find that out and I'm not really into finding out myself. The guys in the ISIS cage certainly didn't look as if they particularly enjoyed it.

My neighbour doesn't look very terroristy but he has an ISIS cage in his garden. Says it's to keep the cats from pissing on his most precious plants but it looks standard-issue ISIS to me.

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Mind when that woman stuck a cat in a wheelie bin and the whole world lost their minds? People are fannies.

Yeah - the cat was sitting on the wall near the bin and you could see her eyeing it up and in one skilful movement she opened up the bin whilst shoving the cat inside. Was funny as f**k. Think she got an asbo for it!

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