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The supermarkets are finding clever ways around it, so I wouldn't worry too much.

They are basically offering the beer at the same price but halved for 1 crate. So 2 for a tenner becomes 1 crate for a fiver.

Phew! Next hurdle, the minimum price per unit.

SNP = lightweight c***s

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Just a bit of fun, in the mafia games we all get roles and have to work out who each other is. There's a wiki page that describes it better.

Doesn't seem like it, or maybe I'm just reading Ludo and GY Diamond's posts in it :P

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What are these "Survivor" and "Mafia" games on here? I have no interest in joining one, I'm just wondering what they are and what the point of them is.

Started off as a Russian experiment. It's basically a test of who wins the unknowing majority or the knowing minority. The mafia (usually around 1/5) know who everyone is and the village have to try and find them. Everyone votes in public and the person with the most votes dies at the end of the night, the mafia also get a kill each night. The game ends when the mafia are all dead(village win) or when the mafia equal the village(mafia win).

It's a bit more complicated but that's a simple way of explaining it. You should join in one game to see how you enjoy it.

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The thing on the left:


Not to put you off, but a bloke I know (I would say mate, but I can't stand him) bought one of these and it didn't work too great. It took a few chunks out of his hair, he is an unco-ordinated oaf though.

Edit: Also, I have no idea what it's called, but I'm sure a wee scour of Amazon or the like would find the name of it.

Edited by Spain
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