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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Tough times for raith fans seem like a really decent bunch on this forum too. Good luck for next season.

Still can't get over the appt of Locke everyone posted so at the time. I posted a killie fan who's never returned to the football since his tenure there he hated him so much. Any kind if even mild due diligence by your board would have kept them a million miles from him.

Also seen some chat on here of Duffy as manager and Vaughan Stewart etc staying think ...think the third tier ain't going to be attractive to any of them.

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The club hold the cards to an extent as they have contracts for next season. Granted there will be need to cut cost and I'm sure these players don't want to be playing at League 1 level, but it isn't as simple as players just wanting to move on.

Not a single one of these players can really say they have been good enough for us this season. Even Vaughan was loaned out as he hadn't scored in the league all season at that point.

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Whilst there are a few players under contract I would like to see invited to leave, if we really have told everyone they can leave it sums up the utter shambles that the club is. There are a couple of them we could get a small fee for. 

I think the days if much of a fee are long gone. Yes there is a decent spine of players already signed that would easily cope in league 1. If they have been told they can go then is it a change of ideas , mix of part time and full time ?
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I have to say I'm shocked Brechin have got the better of you over two legs, one of the poorer sides I've seen this season but that's football eh, that's why the bookies win. 

What I would say is sometimes it helps to take a step back and freshen things up, we've done just that, and although it was disappointing to be relegated in hindsight it's helped the club move forward, it's been an enjoyable season and we are in a better place to take on the championship next season. 

Good luck to you, it won't be easy in league 1 but sign the right players and get a good coach and you should be fine. 

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By gut feeling is that Hughes went right through the players at full time and said something along the lines of "You can all gtf, even those with contracts" as opposed to the board making that decision within an hour of full time.

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Mcglynn has a good job at Celtic and is going nowhere. That's a given.

Those were the words of his wife. My missus knows her sister.

I spoke with John McGlynn a couple of weeks ago. He wants the job. He was up at Brechin on Wednesday.

Who to believe...
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Mcglynn left the game on Wed with some sort of club official. I presumed was just a social call but maybe not.

There's not a lot for us to choose from being honest. A solid if unspectacular appointment is better than batshit mental.

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28 minutes ago, andylivi1 said:

I have to say I'm shocked Brechin have got the better of you over two legs, one of the poorer sides I've seen this season but that's football eh, that's why the bookies win. 

What I would say is sometimes it helps to take a step back and freshen things up, we've done just that, and although it was disappointing to be relegated in hindsight it's helped the club move forward, it's been an enjoyable season and we are in a better place to take on the championship next season. 

Good luck to you, it won't be easy in league 1 but sign the right players and get a good coach and you should be fine. 


Well that remains to be seen, at the moment all that's happened is that you are back to where you were 12 months ago and have had to take a huge financial risk (at your own board's admission) to get there. If it hadn't paid off, who knows how it would have ended up. In what way are you further forward?

This thing about getting relegated being an opportunity to have a 'clear out' and 'freshen things up' is a total myth. At this level every player is on a 1 or 2 year deal, so you can have a clear out pretty much every summer if you wanted, there is no reason to wait until you are relegated to do this. Raith will be 'fine' in the sense that they will be challenging at the top end of League One, however there is only one automatic promotion slot and the play-offs are a lottery. You have Ayr who will also be benefiting from this apparent opportunity to 'freshen things up', hopefully ourselves (although maybe not...) and maybe Alloa up challenging aswell. It would be very easy for Raith to miss out on the title and spend 2-3 years down there (like Dunfermline did).

I get fans trying to find a positive spin for Raith, but lets be honest it's an absolute shocker of an outcome with virtually no positives.

Edited by Diamonds are Forever
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Well, that was catastrophic.

Considering how the season has panned out though, getting relegated by means of a penalty shoot out, seems entirely fitting.

Brechin lost more league games than they won over the course of the season, so the fact we couldn't beat them over two fixtures, tells you a lot about how guff we are.

We'd be covering old ground if we listed everything which has went wrong this term, goodness me, it's a lengthy list, but in terms of terrible performances, poor leadership and rank amateur decision making, it's been right up there with the Anelka/Dalziel farrago.

Other than a few fleeting moments, the entire campaign has been an abysmal watch, right from the get-go, when we huffed and puffed against Cove Rangers at Forfar.

I personally think Hughes was just as big a disaster as Locke. Okay, he didn't build that squad, but his man management skills have clearly been abysmal, while his tactics and substitutions have been downright strange at times.

Let's face it, he's been a giant weirdo from the minute he arrived, and good riddance he's away.

I think we should have dispensed with him sooner, and would have had a better chance of staying up if we'd handed the reigns to Easton for the playoffs.

Not necessarily because Easton is a good manager, it's impossible to tell, but at least it would have cleared the toxicity from the dressing room.

There appeared to be mutual disrespect between the players and manager, if not outright contempt, and it completely hindered us. At times I think it clouded Hughes judgment too, and he cut off his nose to spite his face.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but the fact our statement on his departure is about a sentence and a half long, possibly tells a story in itself. Or maybe whoever wrote it just wanted home for their tea. Who knows?

The next managerial appointment is huge. Clubs live and die by boardroom decisions, and we desperately need the next few to go well.

A good one, and we'll come straight back up, I don't doubt that for a second, but if we continue to make poor ones, then there's a wee chance we'll end up like Airdrie.

A part-time club that's marooned in League One, that doesn't own its stadium and is playing in front of crowds of under 1000. It's pretty concerning.

The only plus point is that the whole, wretched season is now finished.

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