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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Hopefully those daft moments of panic have gone from him and he's gotten experience from hearts, Livingston and Celtic.

I never realised he got hearts to a league cup final and Livingston to a challenge cup so his managerial career was far from a disaster and maybe hee took a safe job to regroup for a while and get back into day to day football.

I'm optimistic he can come in and do a job from the comments in the interview he's under no illusion there's a lot to be done behind the scenes as well. I mean who the f**k decided to do away with video analysis of matches after it was set up? 

I bet he's cutting about in a pair of shorts as we speak painting a wall.

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Beautiful interview... “once we get this interview out the way, I’ll be out on that training ground. There’s certain standards  and the players will be expected to meet them”

This certainly isn’t the cheap option as some people have suggested. Prizing him away from his Celtic role as well as giving him Paul Smith will have cost a bit. I think Wardy called it correctly the other day when he said something along the lines of ‘get him in the boardroom on Sunday and give him what he wants’. 

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Hello, Dumbarton FC?
Make that three pies.

Steady, people are starving in the third world. I only said I was thinking about it. My wife will probably crush my dreams of a trip to Dumbarton by informing me I am looking after our children.
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Looks like a good appointment. The interview gives you hope. He seems like he has missed the day to day hustle of being on the training ground. Coming in with new ideas for training as well. As far as loans go, he may have an idea of players he would like to bring in already. Maybe players he has scouted or are already at celtic.

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36 minutes ago, cowdenbeath said:

He never got punted he left to take the Hearts job.


He'd taken us as far as he could (and as far as anyone realistically could, if we're honest) and he deserved his shot at something better. Sadly it didn't really work out for him. 

I think he stayed a season longer than he should've last time, it's just that the opportunity didn't arise for him. Club was on a big downer after not getting promoted. 

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7 minutes ago, Michael W said:


He'd taken us as far as he could (and as far as anyone realistically could, if we're honest) and he deserved his shot at something better. Sadly it didn't really work out for him. 

I think he stayed a season longer than he should've last time, it's just that the opportunity didn't arise for him. Club was on a big downer after not getting promoted. 

Aye, in true Rovers style it was down to having a reduced player budget due to having to pay out more win bonuses than had been budgeted for the season before.

Only the rovers...


Anyway, today is a good day :lol:

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This is exciting. People are actually happy for a change! The BoD have made a good call and the announcement was well done with a bit of class. Never would have thought McGlynn would come back in all honesty but it's quite a coup from the board so well done to them.

Well done also to Wardy too! Throughout the whole time he never wavered and persisted with his canvassing for McGlynn.

Hopefully this is what the club needed to bring everyone back on the same track and get us all moving forward together.

Thank f**k Barry Smiths gone is all I can say. Never liked the guy anyway.

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