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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Never been to the ice rink since I was a bairn. Has it been done up that it can accommodate crowds of 3000+ as I can't remember it being overly big inside. What would you say is the main reason that the Flyers can get bigger crowds than the Rovers? Is it the fact the Flyers are doing well or is there much more on offer on the night that helps entice people back? Are they better at promoting their fixtures etc?. It's weird how they are getting really good crowds yet apart from on these forums I never hear people around the town talking about them.

Remember the flyers represent fife, not just kirkcaldy.

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Never been to the ice rink since I was a bairn. Has it been done up that it can accommodate crowds of 3000+ as I can't remember it being overly big inside. What would you say is the main reason that the Flyers can get bigger crowds than the Rovers? Is it the fact the Flyers are doing well or is there much more on offer on the night that helps entice people back? Are they better at promoting their fixtures etc?. It's weird how they are getting really good crowds yet apart from on these forums I never hear people around the town talking about them.

To be honest other than a lick of paint and a tidy up, not really. A lot of people do stand though as seating is quite cramped.

Personally, as I said earlier, it's more of an event than a fixture. At the end of each period there is entertainment and the bars are always packed. Hot meals are served and there is also the cafe. It is more of a family friendly atmosphere although it has done well to avoid become a sort of crèche, so far.

An average attendance is probably 1500. But you also have to consider that they play 2-3 games a week. Over Christmas it isn't uncommon for 5 games in 8 days and so on. Fife fans travel well but it's a dear carry on. 52 league games per season (26 at. Home 26 away) with 12 of those away games being in either Braehead, edinburgh or dundee. So a fan could realistically attend 38 games in Scotland. Throw in a few weekends away and you are upwards of 40 games. Also the cup has 10 games of which 8 are in Scotland plus playoffs. It's astonishing that they keep attendances so high.

Anyway I am rabbling. . I'll take my hockey pish elsewhere

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Remember the flyers represent fife, not just kirkcaldy.

Yeah, but I doubt East Fife, Dunfermline or Cowdenbeath FC have issues with tracts of their support fucking off to watch Ice Hockey. Like it or not, the locality of the club gives Flyers a kirkcaldy 'feel', and I'll bet the majority of their support are Kirkcaldy/Glenrothes based - basically a huge overlap with our support, less so with the other Fife football teams (worth noting that Dunfemline used to have an ice hockey team, which for me weakens the idea that Flyers are a Fife level team, they largely represent Kirkcaldy and always have).

There is a novelty value with Flyers being an 'elite league' team now and they are drawing 3,000 crowds at time (with an average crowd bigger than ours), the 'wee team' jibe that Dunfemrline fans throw at us was never about the size of our club with respect to theirs, but rather our crowd size with repsect to the Flyers. When they were stranded in the SNL their crowds were a damn sight smaller, I'll bet that most folk who follow both teams are pretty casual about their knowledge of both sports, and mercenary about who they spend their money on. Far from the notion that we need to play a better style of football to attract crowds, as is often cited - folk just care about winning.

Crowds go up when you win, even if they don't really understand what's going on, and I'm willing to bet you could correlate Rovers vs Flyers crowd numbers for how many games they win and how long they've been in one place. This is our fifth year in the 1st div and assuming we somehow survive in it into next year, it'll likely be between 7th and 8th again - stagnant. We got a crowd boost when we nearly went up, playing fucking atrocious football but winning every week through Gregory Tade. Contrast that to the Flyers, now in a shiny new league (relatively) and with relative success (f**k knows how finishing 8/10 in a league with no promotion or relegation, to get to play offs is success, fucking diddy league!)

So yeah, you want them to come back to Starks, you've got to give them some kind of excitement, the novelty of the fresh (Rovers have been pretty much the same for decades now!) and success. Not hard at all....

Edited by renton
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Article on Courier website says Robinson trains with Rangers at Murray Park. I'm reading that as he doesn't train with the Rovers. Explain a lot?


Another feather in Grant Murray's cap. Brings in a goalie to play and he can't even be arsed making him come to training. Incredible. Surely we're on the only full-time team in Britain who employ players that don't even train with us?

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Another feather in Grant Murray's cap. Brings in a goalie to play and he can't even be arsed making him come to training. Incredible. Surely we're on the only full-time team in Britain who employ players that don't even train with us?

I can't understand why he doesn't train with us. Surely it's not asking too much for him to come from Glasgow to train with us? No wonder we've looked so much of a shambles defensively. You'd think Murray would be able to see the correlation between us defending like buffoons and Robinson training with The Rangers.

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Another feather in Grant Murray's cap. Brings in a goalie to play and he can't even be arsed making him come to training. Incredible. Surely we're on the only full-time team in Britain who employ players that don't even train with us?

Robinson is part-time. He trains with Raith twice per week and Rangers in his spare time. He used to do this at QOS too

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Robinson is part-time. He trains with Raith twice per week and Rangers in his spare time. He used to do this at QOS too

Well I wouldn't think twice about doing a 60 odd mile journey at my expense to go to my workplace a couple of days a week for free to see the boys , who would ?

Can't understand the problem really with Robinson going into get training for free IDE be more griped if I was a Rangers fan

It's like biting the hand that feeds you in playing against the team that's helping you to improve

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No. They are different sports ffs. I can support both equally. For as long as I can remember I have went to the rovers on a Saturday afternoon and then the flyers at night. I buy season tickets for both. I buy tops for both (for family now because I don't get a wear out of them). I use/join supporters club for both. I travel to away games for both. My weekend revolves, yes revolves, both teams doing well or I am a miserable b*****d. I am neither a rovers or flyers fan "first and foremost".

your are possibly in the minority.does it make you a miserable b*****d?no, your fortunate that you have the disposable income to cover both and dont have to choose,some dont so thats where its either or/rovers or flyers fan first and foremost

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your are possibly in the minority.does it make you a miserable b*****d?no, your fortunate that you have the disposable income to cover both and dont have to choose,some dont so thats where its either or/rovers or flyers fan first and foremost

It really does.

So before you said all fans had to choose which they preferred but now it's only the people who don't have the finances to attend both? Aye ok bud

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Paco, on 01 Apr 2014 - 18:35, said:


Another feather in Grant Murray's cap. Brings in a goalie to play and he can't even be arsed making him come to training. Incredible. Surely we're on the only full-time team in Britain who employ players that don't even train with us?

Steve Simonsen only trained with us on a Friday before the game, the rest of the week he'd train by himself down in England.

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Yeah, but I doubt East Fife, Dunfermline or Cowdenbeath FC have issues with tracts of their support fucking off to watch Ice Hockey. Like it or not, the locality of the club gives Flyers a kirkcaldy 'feel', and I'll bet the majority of their support are Kirkcaldy/Glenrothes based - basically a huge overlap with our support, less so with the other Fife football teams (worth noting that Dunfemline used to have an ice hockey team, which for me weakens the idea that Flyers are a Fife level team, they largely represent Kirkcaldy and always have).

There is a novelty value with Flyers being an 'elite league' team now and they are drawing 3,000 crowds at time (with an average crowd bigger than ours), the 'wee team' jibe that Dunfemrline fans throw at us was never about the size of our club with respect to theirs, but rather our crowd size with repsect to the Flyers. When they were stranded in the SNL their crowds were a damn sight smaller, I'll bet that most folk who follow both teams are pretty casual about their knowledge of both sports, and mercenary about who they spend their money on. Far from the notion that we need to play a better style of football to attract crowds, as is often cited - folk just care about winning.

Crowds go up when you win, even if they don't really understand what's going on, and I'm willing to bet you could correlate Rovers vs Flyers crowd numbers for how many games they win and how long they've been in one place. This is our fifth year in the 1st div and assuming we somehow survive in it into next year, it'll likely be between 7th and 8th again - stagnant. We got a crowd boost when we nearly went up, playing fucking atrocious football but winning every week through Gregory Tade. Contrast that to the Flyers, now in a shiny new league (relatively) and with relative success (f**k knows how finishing 8/10 in a league with no promotion or relegation, to get to play offs is success, fucking diddy league!)

So yeah, you want them to come back to Starks, you've got to give them some kind of excitement, the novelty of the fresh (Rovers have been pretty much the same for decades now!) and success. Not hard at all....

My comment was more about the actual size of Flyers crowds as opposed to "overlap" with football support.

In that context, due to locality, there is no doubt that Rovers would suffer more than the others from an upsurge in Flyers fortunes. I would say though that the Flyers crowds were better than the Rovers back in October when Rovers were winning and the Flyers were howfin.

Surely there is a deal to be struck somewhere between the clubs for a combined ticket discount. As most would agree there is significant amounts of fans with a decent interest in both, myself included.

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Robinson is part-time. He trains with Raith twice per week and Rangers in his spare time. He used to do this at QOS too

McGurn and laidlaw used to train with the keeper coach in Kinross seperate from the team so I don't see why it's suddenly an issue for Robinson doing that
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I think a few folk have read it as he doesn't train with us at all however makes sense if he's part time to fit in extra sessions on top of the training he does with us. Training with the enemy though, crocked for Sunday probably.

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actually i didn`t

enjoy both your games over the weekend

Sorry, you said you had to be predominately a rovers fan first and foremost or a flyers fan first and foremost which is a lot of pish.

Will do. Hopefully 2 winners.

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Finishing 7th from 10 over the course of a whole season then trying to claim some massive victory by winning a few games afterwards?

On the off chance it happened for Flyers then it comes across a very hollow victory to me! The set up just seems silly and flawed yet Ice Hockey fans get all excited by it!? Each to their own I suppose :/

As diddy as our cup is.... It is still my team winning every match in each round to reach a Cup Final. Maybe I won't celebrate like its 1994 but wouldnt miss it for the world

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