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Who's Going To Uni?

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Just chosen my dissertation topic, which will generally be about the idea of how federalism would play out in the UK. It will almost certainly bore me to tears but I've got plenty of reading material on it and a rough idea of what to write so I should be ok. Hopefully I've got a good chance of getting the swag daddy that is Tom Lundberg as supervisor too as it falls within his field.

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Also chose my dissertation topic last week - analysing the claim that Scottish independence would lead to a balkanisation of Europe. Gonna contrast the two situations and look at the differing ways the states emerged/would emerge to dispute it. Got til the end of June to finalise it so wording of question/focus of it may/probably will change

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Consider the job market, please. I have a Social Science degree at it's worth hee-haw. 10 years later, doing a more job-focused degree.

why in the world are there so many degrees out there not worth shit. A few years wasted and a shitload of debt youll probably never pay off

Mind boggling

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Consider the job market, please. I have a Social Science degree at it's worth hee-haw. 10 years later, doing a more job-focused degree.

That's probably because your level of award was mediocre and/or you did nothing else to make yourself stand out as a candidate. The vast majority of degree subjects aren't actually free passes into the jobs market, not sure where this myth sprouted from.

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Aye see you there hopefully. If I can't meet my conditions I don't even deserve to be near a uni :lol:

I accepted the offer for Sports at UWS today. Most nervous I've ever been clicking a mouse just in case I rejected it :lol:

Hopefully see you in September!

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I accepted the offer for Sports at UWS today. Most nervous I've ever been clicking a mouse just in case I rejected it :lol:

Hopefully see you in September!

Good stuff mate. I've made it my firm choice on UCAS, so I'll be there if I meet my conditions :)

My friend who was at your interview has accepted his offer too!

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If you are still considering uni for this year, get in touch and as if there are places open. I know the UCAS deadline passed, but this deadline is actually a bit of a myth designed to force people to actually apply. You might not have missed the boat.

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Currently working through my project proposal and I'm absolutely loving it. The process itself teaches you a lot in respect of how passionate you really are about the subject you are studying; hopefully i'm still as determined when it comes to recruiting participants.

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Just handed in my last ever piece of coursework, all that's left is to get my degree classification.

What a feeling. 8)

I've been told that I've played 5s with you before, from my mate called Ross. Is this true? :lol:

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Probably man, up at soccerworld? I'll have been the boy in the Hearts top with the brutal first touch. :lol:

Aye; it would have been at Soccerworld. I can't remember playing against a guy in a Hearts top but I've been reassured that it's definitely occurred! Ach well, no doubt if we are in the same group of people that play 5s together I'll see you again. Anyhow, well done on finishing up your last piece of coursework.

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Aye; it would have been at Soccerworld. I can't remember playing against a guy in a Hearts top but I've been reassured that it's definitely occurred! Ach well, no doubt if we are in the same group of people that play 5s together I'll see you again. Anyhow, well done on finishing up your last piece of coursework.

Might just have worn another top, if I haven't I probably will at some point haha. Cheers mate!

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