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Had my last exam today. Multiple choice questions were fine, shorter questions in the middle were dire, essay was nailed I think.

Hopefully ditching economics for next year, something between me and that subject really just does not click.

Edinburgh University and Economics 2? The short answer questions were a mixed bag I thought, 17 and 19 were fine but 18 and 20 were horrendous.

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That sounds excellent, how did you get into that? One of the modules I can choose to take next year as part of my maths PGDE is Teaching English as a Foreign Language, is it along those lines?

I'm doing an English language assistantship, which is run through the British Council. It's not exactly a part of my French degree (I do a separate compulsory semester abroad), but it is recommended to French students at Stirling. Assistantships can also be done in German and Spanish speaking countries (I'm going to France but again, other Francophone countries are available) and possibly elsewhere, although I couldn't confirm.

Being a modern languages student's a massive plus point on an application, but you don't have to be one to apply. The link below gives further information:


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Absolutely shitting it for this exam at 2. I'm only not fucked if two particular questions come up for the second part of it. And even for the first part I can only nail one type of question.

I guess we'll see when I post back between 430 and 530.

Mindfuck of an exam. Was feeling good about the first half but not the second part of the course. Come out the exam having answered the second part's questions reasonably well but the first half was a disaster. Could only answer 1 question and you were supposed to do 2 of 3.

Gotta hope I get loads of marks for working and just scrape it.

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Edinburgh University and Economics 2? The short answer questions were a mixed bag I thought, 17 and 19 were fine but 18 and 20 were horrendous.

That's the one aye. Having talked to some mates after the exam 19 became clearer to me but at the time I made a complete arse of it. The only one I really got anything down for was 17, the rest of those questions were shite.

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That's the one aye. Having talked to some mates after the exam 19 became clearer to me but at the time I made a complete arse of it. The only one I really got anything down for was 17, the rest of those questions were shite.

I missed out 20 and wrote absolute garbage for 18.

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HRM exam was abysmal. I didn't finish my second essay in the second part of the paper and if I can scrape a pass then I'll be happy. Everyone I talked to after the exam said that same thing, but then again I suppose it's all our own fault for not getting the pass mark required in the coursework.

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I reckon I'm okay if the Civil War comes up, did the essay on that and got a 1C (which I actually could've improved on if it hadn't been for the fact that it was the third essay that I had to hand in on consecutive days, and I finished it at about half 7 in the morning after sitting up all night) so pretty confident with it. Otherwise, I could also be struggling with the second half of the course. Been revising the Native Americans, but it's a pretty massive topic...

The Civil War will pretty much undoubtedly come up, but it's such a vast topic the question could be anything really.

I'm pinning my hopes on a Reconstruction question, I don't see why there wouldn't be one and there's only so many ways you can ask the question. I'll be the guy striding out after 45 minutes after answering one question if it isn't there...

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I'm really sorry if this seems a little petty, Paco, but it's been irritating me ever since you got that avatar. Could you possibly get a copy of it that has the width:length ratio correct? The stretched Malcolm Tucker hurts my eyes. It just doesn't look right and makes me a bit queasy.

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The Civil War will pretty much undoubtedly come up, but it's such a vast topic the question could be anything really.

I'm pinning my hopes on a Reconstruction question, I don't see why there wouldn't be one and there's only so many ways you can ask the question. I'll be the guy striding out after 45 minutes after answering one question if it isn't there...

Yeah, the Civil War's pretty huge but I reckon that it'll hopefully be broadly along the lines of what the turning points were. Basically, I'm just hoping for one that I can twist into: 'how much did Grant shit all over Lee?' laugh.gif

Got another exam at six this evening, which is super gay.

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Got to keep the pic now then.

Two exams done, one to go next Thursday.

Cold War Europe was fairly straightforward though I didn't quite get the Gorbachev question I was looking for, had to tie it in with Eastern Europe in the 80s instead. Historiography on Monday was a seen paper so was obviously doable, think I did reasonably well but as some of it is philosophical shite you can't be sure.

Scotland and the Americas in the Seventeenth Century is the last one, its more difficult because there's barely any library material and I don't want to just regurgitate lecture notes. I had an essay at 69 which was only marked that low because I didn't provide any original source material whatsoever, so I have the jist of it. A solid 60s pass for that will do, hopefully into the 70s for the other two, and onwards to Honours.

Edit: I've already read two books for my dissertation. ph34r.gif

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2nd exam out of the three in a row and 3rd of the week, Soil Mechanics. Was fairly easy. 3 out of 4 and I nailed the first 2 and a quarter. No idea how to do Mohr's Circle which is some sort of weird diagram which gives you something. Couldn't do it so missed it out and lost 15 marks cause of it ohmy.gif

Maths is tomorrow and then I'm done...

until the resits at least...

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I'm really sorry if this seems a little petty, Paco, but it's been irritating me ever since you got that avatar. Could you possibly get a copy of it that has the width:length ratio correct? The stretched Malcolm Tucker hurts my eyes. It just doesn't look right and makes me a bit queasy.

It looks fine to me, as did Tucker. :unsure:

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It looks fine to me, as did Tucker. :unsure:

It's all squashed up. Makes his head look like a really narrow oval.

Sorry, it's petty.

Edit: magic. I'm sure there's a Tucker photo of that moment in proper ratio kicking about somewhere. It's probably been screen grabbed by someone from a video that's done it in the wrong proportions.

Double Edit: I've just realised I was seeing your old avatar! Suitably refreshed.

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I had my last ever exam yesterday, and I thought that I managed to do fairly well although it was a tough one. They weren't nearly as good this year as last year, but hopefully I'll have done enough to get the First I need. We had a good night out last night too, and the majority of the class came along for a change. Now it's time for the waiting game. Hopefully they get them marked quickly!

Made my choices for second year today. Easiest decision of my life choosing Maths and Stats. In second year there are only 40 credits of Stats so I have to do double the amount in Maths which doesn't seem too bad. As I made a complete disaster of choice in doing Computing Science in 1st year it looks as if I'll be having to do 20 extra credits in second year but I'll be doing them in the course I originally wanted to do and, tbh, it looks like it's one of the easiest courses that they teach but it's simply there to make up the credits and allow me to get to Honours. Doing that in the 1st Semester doesn't seem to bad. Looking forward to second year now as I will studying subjects that want to study and I will have learned from the mistakes I made in 1st year.

Some of the stats will be fairly straightforward. IIRC, there are a few bits which are repetitions of things you'll have done in first year.

I found maths pretty good in the first semester, but I really didn't enjoy it in the second half of the year. It was those courses which put me off continuing any further with maths. You'll be looking forward to proving that 2 > 1 and that 0 exists in Foundations of Real Mathematics (I think that's what it's called). Then you have Introduction to Real Analysis (which amusingly was called Introduction to Real Anal on the exam timetable), which none of us really understood, but which we all managed to get good grades in. From the sounds of things, you're studying the Cryptography and Number Theory module too - it is piss easy compared to the rest.

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So, procrastination has driven me back to General Nonsense, a place I haven't been in a while.

Three exams in three days, minimal revision accomplished. Still, at least it'll all be over tomorrow morning.

By the way, Stirling folk, do the barriers at the back entrance, by the monument, open for anyone, or do you need a permit/buzzed in?

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So, procrastination has driven me back to General Nonsense, a place I haven't been in a while.

Three exams in three days, minimal revision accomplished. Still, at least it'll all be over tomorrow morning.

By the way, Stirling folk, do the barriers at the back entrance, by the monument, open for anyone, or do you need a permit/buzzed in?

You need to be buzzed in.

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