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Who's Going To Uni?

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Absolutely. Contributing to the alienation and individual desensitisation that inherently comes with a capitalist society.

A pretty poor piece from Joanna Williams. Students and campus authorities have been banning this & that since the year dot - seldom a week goes by without the thugs of the SWSS demanding something in the Union shops or cafe be "boycotted" in order to "smash" some dictatorship or firm that has offended their sensitivities.

Back in the 70s & 80s, many University campuses sold nothing from South Africa at the behest of the Student Union (& in the case of Glasgow UU they promptly looked for something South African to stock just to piss the SRC off!). Others banned the Sun over Page 3, later the "lad's mags" & Viz. After Iraq, some wouldn't stock any American produce. To this day, members of the far left & far right could find certain campuses no-go zones because the student powers that be had decreed they're not going to be allowed a platform.

Far from being "anything goes", campuses have long been havens for suffocating levels of zealotry, often in the name of "freedom".

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Capitalism through it's exploitive nature strips people of individuality, hence Universities becoming places that almost encourage/enforce conformism isn't all that surprising really. Instead of criticising the poster however, why not reply and criticise the actual post? I'd happily engage with you about capitalism and its flaws.


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Im doing civil engineering HND - i can still get into 3rd year of uni if i get good graded units - i been out of education for a while now and i was in a crossroads in my life so had to change what i was doing! Enjoying it so far and will probably see it out till at least a bachelor degree at uni to get a decent job. I put off doing it for years on grounds that I'm too old - I'm 27 now and don't feel too old to be doing it at all but had i left it for longer i would have been slugging around doing brainless work for the rest of my life so pretty happy with my choice!

not as long as me, Im 42 haven't been in education since the late '80s, been a home carer for the past 15 yrs,and with no real trade behind me, decided to enroll on Healthcare academy at Dundee College, (accepted on my third year of trying!)_,if i qualify I'll have SVQ 2 in Health and social care ,and with the experience I should gain being on placement in the hospital from now until may,hopefully end up with a decent job :)

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Did have decent jobs,before the missus became ill, royal navy,welder, city council technician in the architect department,which was a brilliant job but had to leave due to wife's illness, then carer for her, thankfully she's on the mend and I'm trying very hard to get this course under my belt :)

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Good luck to the pair of you. I was 22 when I started college, I'm now in my honours year studying Management. Going to university after college was one of the best decisions I've ever made, I've met loads of new folk and been taught so much that I didn't know before.

Had my first meeting with my dissertation supervisor yesterday, and I'm feeling really positive about my topic and the things required for it.

That said, I've got to complete my introduction (1500 words) by the 31st October, do a 2000 word essay by the 31st October and do a 2500 word essay by the 8th November. Going to be an utterly shite month I reckon.

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Good luck to the pair of you. I was 22 when I started college, I'm now in my honours year studying Management. Going to university after college was one of the best decisions I've ever made, I've met loads of new folk and been taught so much that I didn't know before.

Had my first meeting with my dissertation supervisor yesterday, and I'm feeling really positive about my topic and the things required for it.

That said, I've got to complete my introduction (1500 words) by the 31st October, do a 2000 word essay by the 31st October and do a 2500 word essay by the 8th November. Going to be an utterly shite month I reckon.

:o and I thought it was bad enough having to do a 700 word set of guidelines for the communications module :o

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:o and I thought it was bad enough having to do a 700 word set of guidelines for the communications module :o

Are you going to stick with the SVQ or are you planning on taking it further once you've finished?

30 when I started my access course and 31 when I started my nursing degree and I'm considering going right up to Masters level. We'll see what happens when I've finished the degree.

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Why do Uni courses insist on making us do so many presentations? I have one nearly every bloody week! Never mind a book review, an essay, a timed essay, and a massive cataloging project & placement. Bloody hell Oct, Nov & Dec are going to be decidedly shit.

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Why do Uni courses insist on making us do so many presentations? I have one nearly every bloody week! Never mind a book review, an essay, a timed essay, and a massive cataloging project & placement. Bloody hell Oct, Nov & Dec are going to be decidedly shit.

I think I had to do two out of my whole four years (geology). One was a summary of a research project dissertation and the other was making and producing a poster to present. Out of a big list of topics to choose, I chose Oman only to find out on the day that there was a guest marker who just happened to be a boffin from Shell who had worked on Oman for about 30 years. I was an utter nervousll shaking wreck presenting that and still hate standing up in front of people.

Maybe the mass number of presentations you have is to rid yourself of the fear over time? Trouble is, you know you're being assessed during a uni presentation whereas in real life you're probably presenting to people who genuinely want to hear what you're talking about.

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Currently 2800 words and two weeks into a mechanical design assignment and only about 40% complete when the lecturer emails to inform of a 1800 word limit.


Nothing worse than having to delete hunners of work.

Could be worse. I had an essay of similar length to do for a near pointless secondary subject and just as I saved the Word document at 2am (8hrs before the deadline), the file corrupted. Horrible panic followed by frantic searching how to restore files, followed by tough decision to start from scratch. Horrendous case of persevering through 'stingy-eye-syndrome'.

Thank f*** most of my work was practical based.

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Does anyone have any advice on applying for graduate jobs? I was at the SECC graduate fair today and it all seems a bit daunting. I should probably have went to the careers advice desk but spent the full time talking to employers, and got a bit carried away at Hewlett-Packard as the bird was a looker.

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