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Got a wee blast of this last night and a bit of today nothing too bad...about 6 inches of snow.

The worst is when you get the icy rain or freezing rain as its also known.... we got some of that earlier and its a pure c**t.

As soon as it makes contact with whatever it hits, it instantly freezes.

So, so close to a Kenneth Williams pic.

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Disappointed not to wake up to the promised 2" of snow, although not surprised as I was wakened during the night by the rain beating off the window.

Got into car and was immediately engulfed by a hail shower, followed by about 15 minutes of sleety snow, which didn't lie, obviously.

I think Snowmaggedon has been grossly exagerrated, at least for Northern Ireland

Edited by Jacksgranda
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Got a good covering of snow in Falkirk an hour or so ago and it's still falling. Enough to build a wee snowman with the bairn for the first time though :)

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1422478826.320982.jpg


You better bring her in before someone reports you to Social Services...

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