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Easy / Delicious Dinner Recipes

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I've bought Nandos peri-peri sauce but have no idea what to use it for other than cover chicken in it and throw it in the oven. Any creative suggestions seeing as I have a whole bottle to use? Anything on google seems to come up with how to recreate it rather than use it.

I hate cooking, partly because I'm clueless about it. Hopefully something tasty like this can make me a bit more 'excited' about chucking stuff in an oven / pan or wok rather than boring old Uncle Bens in chicken etc. Try and look up a recipe online and you get a whole extravagant essay - can't be arsed with that, never mind make it. Funnily enough, this topic thread jumped out at me.

I quite often buy vegetables like peppers, onions and mushrooms and just throw them into a frying pan then pour some of that sauce into it. It's usually as a side with something else but you could chuck some chicken in first and have a stir fry, it tastes great.

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Here's another easy curry recipe, it's pretty mild due to the coconut milk obviously. And suitable for vegetarians.

1 x 400ml tin of chickpeas in water

1 x 400ml tin of lo-fat coconut milk (or full fat if you're feeling greedy

100-150g spinach

you'll need a jar of masala curry paste, this will last for ages in the fridge.

1 x medium sized onion

Optional : mushrooms, green chillies (if you want it hotter), peppers/ whatever other veg you want, I just use those 3 things.

start by draining the water from the chickpea tin into your pot / pan ( I use a large frying pan but a soup / stock pot might be better for stirring), put the chickpeas to one side.

Cut up the onion and optional other things and cook it in the chickpea water until it has almost evaporated (5 mins)

take 2 big table spoonfuls of the curry paste and stir fry the veg in this until it's all coated. ( 2 mins)

Turn the heat down to low then pour in the tin of coconut milk, and stir until it changes from white to yellow as it blends with the paste. (2 mins)

Turn the heat back up a bit and chuck in about half the spinach, stirring occasionally until it has wilted (5 mins)

Fling in the chickpeas and the rest of the spinach, and cook until the texture has turned from milky to nice and thick like a curry (10 mins)

serve with whatever you like (rice, naan, bacon).

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Cajun fried chicken and potato wedges.


1 x Chicken breast

1 x Bag of Potatoes

Schwartz Cajun Spice

Schwartz Barbecue Spice


Olive Oil


1. Pour a generous amount of Cajun spice onto a worktop and mix with a wee splash of olive oil until it's like a paste

2. Butterfly the chicken breast

3. Rub the marinade into the chicken

4. Tenderise the chicken...(Punch the f**k out of it)

5. Stick it in the fridge until your ready to eat it.

6. Fry the chicken (On a griddle pan if you have one. If not, just use a frying pan) until cooked right through.


1. Cut the potatoes into wedges and boil them for 12 minutes

2. Whilst the tatties are boiling, stick a baking tray in the oven with a generous amount of olive oil.

3. When the tatties are done, dump them in the hot baking tray.

4. Apply generous amounts of paprika, barbecue spice and a wee bit of olive oil to the potatoes and mix well.

5. Put them back in the oven at 180° for thirty five minutes.


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Easy Jambalaya for 3 or 4 people


· 2/3 of a Mattesons smoked sausage

· 1/2lb Chicken Breast cut in pieces

· ½ an Onion chopped

· ½ a Green Pepper chopped

· ¼ Mug of Celery chopped

· 3 Cloves Garlic crushed

· 20g Butter

· ½ Can of Chopped Tomatoes

· 2 tbsp Tomato Puree

· 1tsp Tabasco

· ½ tsp Cayenne Pepper

· Black Pepper

· Salt


· 150-200g Uncooked Shelled King Prawns

· 350g dry Rice

· ¾ pint chicken stock from cube


1. Brown sausage, chicken, onion, pepper, celery and garlic in large pan or wok with the butter.

2. Stir in everything else except the prawns, rice and stock

3. Bring to a simmer

4. Meanwhile heat the rice in the chicken stock for 8-10 mins until the liquid is absorbed by the rice and the rice is soft (if you do it right both pots will be ready at the same time roughly)

5. Then mix the rice pot with the other pot and stir

6. Simmer, covered for 15 minutes

7. Add prawns and simmer covered for a further 5 minutes to let prawns cook.

8. Serve.

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step 1 - buy cheesy pasta

step 2 - do what it says on the box

step 3 - orgasmic delite

pleasin :D

Cheesy pasta tastes ok but It smells like 1000 foreskins being pulled back at the same time, think about that the next time you're about to eat it.

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  • 6 months later...

Slice of toasted bread.. topped with in order...... 2 slices of parma ham, 1 pineapple ring, grated cheese ( i use mozzarella ).... stick under the grill until cheese melts......... delicious and filling.

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  • 2 years later...
Artichoke Veggie Pizza

Making Time:

Serves: 2

About this Recipe:

1 cup skim ricotta cheese 1/4 cup crumbled Feta cheese 1/4 cup sliced green onions 1/4 teaspoon Minced Garlic 1/4 teaspoon Naturesmith Oregano 1/4 teaspoon Ground Black Pepper 1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained 1 (16 ounce) pre-baked pizza crust 1 can (8 ounce


Preheat oven to 450ºF.
Combine ricotta and feta cheeses, green onion, garlic, oregano and black pepper in a medium bowl; mix well. Stir in spinach; spread over pizza crust. Top with artichokes, mushrooms, and mozzarella cheese.
Bake for 13 to 15 minutes or until cheese melts.

For finding more recipe and spices, you can visit here..


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Artichoke Veggie Pizza

Making Time:

Serves: 2

About this Recipe:


1 cup skim ricotta cheese 1/4 cup crumbled Feta cheese 1/4 cup sliced green onions 1/4 teaspoon Minced Garlic 1/4 teaspoon Naturesmith Oregano 1/4 teaspoon Ground Black Pepper 1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained 1 (16 ounce) pre-baked pizza crust 1 can (8 ounce


Preheat oven to 450ºF.

Combine ricotta and feta cheeses, green onion, garlic, oregano and black pepper in a medium bowl; mix well. Stir in spinach; spread over pizza crust. Top with artichokes, mushrooms, and mozzarella cheese.

Bake for 13 to 15 minutes or until cheese melts.

For finding more recipe and spices, you can visit here..


Get out.

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Mince cheese crumble. Cook some mince in a pot, with mushroom, tomato, Worcester sauce and brown sauce. Chuck in an oven dish, make a crumble, mix in Some grated cheese, cover over the top of the mince and chuck in the oven until the crumble Is golden brown.

Sounds nice, is the oven dish not a bit lumpy though?

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Cheesey Pasta and chicken

Put some pasta on to cook for 10 minutes

Fry up some lardons until crispy then set aside.

Toast some almonds.

Put a pack of chicken pieces (the type for sandwiches) in the frying pan with a little olive oil.

Add a big lump of gorgonzola/dolcelatte or similar cheese, stir through the chicken until melted.

Add a wee tub of double cream

Add a fairly big slosh of white wine.

Simmer until pasta ready.

Mix into pasta and garnish with the almonds and lardons.

Whole thing takes ten minutes and is absolutely bursting with flavours and textures.

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Chicken nugget in the hole.


Tesco Everyday Value Yorkshire Puddings x 6

Tesco Everyday Value Chicken Nuggets x6

Tesco Everyday Value Straight Cut Oven Chips - 1 handful of

Tesco Everyday Value Tomato Sauce - approx 15g


Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

Prepare two small, or one large baking tray with a sheet of tin foil.

Place chicken nuggets and chips on the tray(s) and place in the oven.

Allow these to cook for approx 11 minutes before adding the Yorkshire puddings.

Leave to cook for around 3-4 minutes.

Place one nugget inside each yorkshire pudding and garnish with Tomato Sauce.

Serve on a plate, to be eaten sans cutlery.

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