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No. It's the flag of Shetland today. 
I also take my shoes off and walk around the office in my socks. I hate wearing shoes inside. 

That's at least 2 households that I know of that fly the flags of different countries in Dingwall. Bizarre place.
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18 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

There is. You're at work?! Surely you're only a step away from cutting about in baffies?

Edit: while I'm shocked, I'm impressed with your no fucks given attitude.

I think if I did cut about in my baffies no one would take any notice. I might try it.

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1 hour ago, jmothecat said:

Danish law states that on Denmark day if you have a flagpole in your garden (which is very common over there) you have to fly a Danish flag.

Can imagine the anarchy, if that was introduced over here.

Now for something completely different... (Probably for a different thread)

Anyway decent lassie in one of my classes that I've been chatting to for a while, didn;t have her on Facebook but had been walking with her back to our flats after class (we live fairly near each other). Anyway, today was the last tutorial we have for three weeks, so I was gonna ask her out. Unfortunately, I've had issues sleeping and did an all-nighter last night and the went to my 9am lecture before going to bed for a couple of hours. However, I slept from 10-45 until 4pm in bed and missed the class and didn't get to speak to the girl and I don't have any other classes with her for three weeks.

In other words, I completely fucked that one up.

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10 hours ago, jmothecat said:

All four of my grandparents all had dementia, to differing extents, before they died. I just assumed it was what happened when you got old and that basically everyone got it, but judging by the reaction to the Billy McNeill news I'm guessing I've been wrong this whole time.

My grandad had 3 strokes and a heart attack all between the age of 73 and 90, and pretty much lost the use of his right arm as a result but his brain was still sharp as it always was. My gran was the opposite, still charging about well into her late 80s, but had no clue who anyone was, to the extent that she thought my mum, her own daughter, was her grandmother.

Dementia is an absolute b*****d.

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However upon closer inspection said price decrease isn't all that great;


I got an email this morning saying my direct debit is going up by £8.25 per month, but being the absolute gems that British Gas are, I don't need to do anything about it and they'll contact my bank for me. Good guys.

I live in a decent sized, modern flat, but pay the best part of a ton a month on gas and electricity. I do have the kids a few nights each week, but I'm out at work all week! I think I'm probably getting my pants pulled down here.
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7 minutes ago, Adam said:



I got an email this morning saying my direct debit is going up by £8.25 per month, but being the absolute gems that British Gas are, I don't need to do anything about it and they'll contact my bank for me. Good guys.

I live in a decent sized, modern flat, but pay the best part of a ton a month on gas and electricity. I do have the kids a few nights each week, but I'm out at work all week! I think I'm probably getting my pants pulled down here.


Sounds like it mate. We're in a 3 bed house and lazy arse is still off on maternity so stuff on all day everyday and we're about £90 a month. Get it checked out. 

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Adam and DA - do you not have a float system where you pay a fixed rate each month based on an estimate of your consumption and then it goes up or down accordingly depending on your meter readings? We paid 80
A month for a while which was far too much and then paid as little as 20 for a year then got a notification we were in the negative again so paid a little more. Don't think they just crank it up willy nilly.

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2 minutes ago, throbber said:

Adam and DA - do you not have a float system where you pay a fixed rate each month based on an estimate of your consumption and then it goes up or down accordingly depending on your meter readings? We paid 80
A month for a while which was far too much and then paid as little as 20 for a year then got a notification we were in the negative again so paid a little more. Don't think they just crank it up willy nilly.

In my experience they massively overestimate, collect the interest and drop the bill later. If you read your own meter and let them know at the right time they wouldn't be able to do that though, I suppose.

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My grandad had 3 strokes and a heart attack all between the age of 73 and 90, and pretty much lost the use of his right arm as a result but his brain was still sharp as it always was. My gran was the opposite, still charging about well into her late 80s, but had no clue who anyone was, to the extent that she thought my mum, her own daughter, was her grandmother.
Dementia is an absolute b*****d.

That's what my grannie was like. First forgot who me or my sister was, then forgot who my mum was, then forgot who my aunt was. Soon she could tell you with complete clarity what she did during the Second World War but couldn't tell you what she ate for lunch an hour ago. Weirdly though she was fairly happy, just seemed content to be, as heartbreaking as it was for us.

My grandad's funeral was the last time she left the home she lived in before we died. A lot of people were saying things like 'a sad day' etc as gets said at funerals. My grannie then, when we were back in the home sighed and said 'it's a sad day...why is it sad again?' Meaning my mum had to explain that grandad had died and we had been to his funeral. The same thing was repeated a couple of times before eventually everyone gave up and just let her not remember.
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