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9 hours ago, Shotgun said:

Have you ever done the exercise where you take your age, and subtract it from your date of birth? Then you think of all the monumental world events that took place in that period of time before you were born. For me, that would everything from 1905 to 1962. Ancient history, right?

Then you consider that a child born today, will look at everything that's happened while you've been alive in exactly the same way. The Cold War, man walking on the moon, the introduction of the Internet, 9/11 and the resulting wars, Britain's time in the EU...all ancient history.

I feel like I'm ancient because I saw Hibs play Clydebank in the Premier Division.

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I got Facebook back to buy and sell on clothes and make money on the side again, so I'm a member of a few local pages in Dundee. 

A few recent belters were :

A guy selling a fridge, he had no idea how tall the fridge was but "I'm five foot eleven and it's same height as me". 

A woman saying she found an iPhone 6s in rose gold. If you've lost a phone near *pub in town* message what make and model it is and she will get it back to you. 

And today a lady selling old Celtic tops. She is selling them at £5 each. She has 9. You can buy them all for £50.

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20 hours ago, tamthebam said:

I feel like I'm ancient because I saw Hibs play Clydebank in the Premier Division.

I saw Aberdeen play Hibs in the Summer Cup Final...

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Had a flat viewing booked today only neither the estate agent or the owner turned up. On the plus side, while waiting for them, it helped me realise that the area around the flat was a total dive so bullet dodged IMVHO.

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4 minutes ago, Dele said:

Asda's red label baked beans are better than both Heinz and Branston's offering. The sauce is much thicker. 

Cooking them slowly on a low heat is the key imo.

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3 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Just thinking about Game of Thrones and how Hodor's name came from him hawding the door.

That was fucking terrible story writing.

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I totally agree.

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