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I'm going on a Work Experiance placement a week tommorow. KInda looking forward to it as it's a week off school, but im going straight into a primary school :lol: On the whole, looking forward to it!

I did my work experience at a primary school. Really enjoyed it.

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For some reason our school did work experience alphabetically, meaning that when it came to my turn (my surname begins with S) most of the good jobs were already away, leaving me with the choice of arranging something myself or going to ASDA.

A mate of mine's mum owned a shop so I "arranged" to go there and spent a week at home playing Champ Man 2 8)

She gave me a great reference as well :D

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My work experience was doing live sound, rigging up PA's based in a freezing cold warehouse in the West End. I was freezing, I burnt my hands to f**k learning how to solder, lumped massive subs around the place in an old VW van, and it was pishing with rain all week while I was travelling to and from the place.

And I fucking loved it :D .

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I went to work with my Dad. Most boring week of my life.

This. It was the same place I used to go to with him on Saturday mornings when I was like 9. I mind I used to write out football teams and formations on one of the whiteboards and it was still there when I went for the Work Experience at 14 :lol:

edit; my strike force was Paolo Di Canio and Christopher Wreh 8)

Edited by Carol Beer
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Done it last year. Was ok, the debate was a bit heated! Only stayed in half an hour in the Chamber before being asked to leave.

Aye was oryt, I was annoyed how it said we couldn't all cheer or boo when someone said something laugh.gif.

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