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It will be six weeks to the day since I last did any exercise, probably the longest stretch I've ever went from a good couple of years now. In that time there has been a lot of fags and a lot more booze(so much) consumed that time.

Gym tonight, there is gonna be some spew. God help me...

Bottled it. You pathetic, pathetic man...

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Guest The Phoenix

What percentage of women do you think would let their husband/baby's dad go galavanting for weeks or months while they stayed at home?

No idea.

I only needed the one. :D

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Me - "I'm going to Skye for 3 weeks. Are you ok to look after baby X while I'm away"?

Mother of baby X - " :huh::angry: "

I can share experiences with my child when I'm any age. I couldn't get back the years that I'm footloose and fancy at the moment.

You called your child X. Fucking. Awesome.

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A video showing how Mark McGhee sang a song and done a dance to convince Jerel Ifil to sign for Aberdeen!

Edited by uni
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Start my training course today at 11. Not sure what to expect but hopefully this will help me get back into employment.

What's the course for? Is it a job training course, or one to help you find a job?

I plan to go to the gym today for the first time in a month and a bit. I'm going to deliberately burn out though, just to get to sleep tonight.

Edit; In fact, no, I want to watch the Arsenal game. No gym until Friday.

Edited by Smurph
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Me - "I'm going to Skye for 3 weeks. Are you ok to look after baby X while I'm away"?

Mother of baby X - " :huh::angry: "

I can share experiences with my child when I'm any age. I couldn't get back the years that I'm footloose and fancy at the moment.

You're leaving ad lib behind? How could you???

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Been up all night and going to school later. Lovely!

Supposed to be training tonight and I'm still feeling it from Tuesday, so aye, lack of sleep and still sore means I'll no be going.

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I've been back in the home country the past two and a bit weeks and have had quite a good time. I'm going back over to Dutchyland for a month as of tomorrow and I can't be arsed. But I'm spending the weekend in Amsterdam and I'm doing some travelling after my exams, so I can't really complain.

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My english teacher made a speech today about the world changing on 21st december 2112. She actuall believes it!!! She say that all holidays, she has been reading about spirits and stuff. How can they employ such an imbecile. I like the women but she a bit insane and a terrible teacher. At least she actually made me think for once. A feat too difficult for most teachers.:(

I can honestly say that i have only got one satisfactory teacher this year. Only one.:angry:

Edited by jojo
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