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One of my mates loves Ice Hockey, going all over the UK following Braehead. He says it's decent because you can get a beer during it, but swearing is out of the question.

What a joke!

Its quite hilarious going along and watching someone get telt for swearing and then trying to use a different word to get their point across.

'you useless fat b*****d' to 'you're not a very good team player and quite frankly cant skate that well due to your inability to lead a healthy lifestyle'

personally i wouldnt miss the football for anything but i still enjoy going to the hockey.

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It's the kind of sport that seems to be loved by tedious life failures with bad hygeine and monobrows.

Top Scottish teams: Braehead, Dundee and Fife Flyers.

Top Scottish teams in the wee National League: Paisley Pirates, North Ayrshire Wild, Dundee Comets, Dundee Tigers, Kirkcaldy Kestrels.


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Top Scottish teams: Braehead, Dundee and Fife Flyers.

Top Scottish teams in the wee National League: Paisley Pirates, North Ayrshire Wild, Dundee Comets, Dundee Tigers, Kirkcaldy Kestrels.


Aye, exactly. It isn't just trying to copy America with the stupid names, it's the whole forced excitement of it I can't stand. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing they all skate out onto the ice to a tannoy introduction all waving, grinning and swooshing their bits of wood around. Now that's fine if it's the Calgary Maple Leafs or other big transatlantic team with thousands upon thousands cheering and smiling big hearty North American gleaming smiles of positivity with massive teeth, dressed to the nines in promotional gear. But you just know that in Paisley or Fife it would be the most cringeworthy event ever, with about four grannies at one end holding bits of cardboard with "Gies a kiss Hank!" scrawled on biro and the rest of the three hundred folk sitting on their hands looking embarrassed and hoping nobody's looking at them. We just don't do audience participation in sports really.

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I have not done a stroke of useful work today because I simply couldnt be bothered. I played with the feral cat that lives in my greenhouse. I tried to bend the handle on a lawn roller back into shape, and I have generally had a nice day fannying around. Tomorrow and Friday will be a fucking nightmare as a result of this but f**k it, I didnt feel like working.:)

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Sounds profanisaurus-y


It does a bit. He's a great cat, he just struts around the garden booting the f**k out any other cats that attempt to come in here and shagging all the weemen cats. The wife and kids built him a house lined with straw and polystyrene which he nests in most of the time. When he first turned up here he was scraggy looking underfed and a bit war torn. Now he is a magnificent black glossy panther of a cat. He's a top boy.

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Didnt there used to be some fruit loop guy claiming to be an ayr fan,but his sole purpose was to blame ayr for the eagles folding?

ah SomersetSam he only posted when we lost

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Didnt there used to be some fruit loop guy claiming to be an ayr fan,but his sole purpose was to blame ayr for the eagles folding?

ah SomersetSam he only posted when we lost

After the first promotion under Brian Reid he was all over the forum posting about how beating Airdrie was his best day watching Ayr ever, he was all tearful and emotional and Reid was his new hero.

Five games into the First Division the next season he wanted Reid sacked, saying how he was a disgrace and the worst Ayr manager ever.

He's well suited to American sports - they're only interested in teams that are winning.

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After the first promotion under Brian Reid he was all over the forum posting about how beating Airdrie was his best day watching Ayr ever, he was all tearful and emotional and Reid was his new hero.

Five games into the First Division the next season he wanted Reid sacked, saying how he was a disgrace and the worst Ayr manager ever.

He's well suited to American sports - they're only interested in teams that are winning.

there are many like him down somerset road though to be fair

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Kirkcaldy Kestrels.

I've lived in Kirkcaldy for 21 years and that's genuinely the first time I've ever heard of them. Can't be very good.

The Flyers seem to be doing well this year. Starting to get bigger crowds than the Rovers for some games, which is a fucking grim thought.

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Apparently I've threatened some guy at school and am cyber bullying him. This amuses me as I haven't actually spoken to him or sent anything to him in about 4 years. I said something in a conversation on Twitter to a pal that has been totally misinterpreted. Polis apparently been telt and they'll be after me right away. I'm still waiting.... I assume they've looked at the so called proof and just telt them to bolt for wasting time.

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Apparently my Walkers crisps aren't just Ready Salted. They are 'Classically Ready Salted with salt from Cheshire'. :huh:

I Noticed yesterday i had a packet of salt and distinctive vinger with pure British vinegar or something along those lines. Tasted the same, i think

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