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On a related note, I have an idea for a product aimed at the same demographic;

It's a f**k harness for those with arms and legs who want to get on top. They're attached via this harness to you, with the old chap right up inside of them, and can just shake their torso around and go nuts as you fill them will hot, silken semen.

I don't think I've ever been more terrified in my life.

Sorry, did I say terrified? I meant tumescent.

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I've been told that I a good idea I have is 'unsavoury' and not really something that would work or sell very well.

I'd like some input.

Basically it's for fucking someone with no arms and legs in public. You dress them in baby clothes and fire them into a pram. You cut a hole out of the pram where the boaby goes in, and you can push them about town whilst fucking them. Obviously there would have to be a sort of 'porch' between you and the pram that attaches to your trousers otherwise it could be slightly embarassing if you were on a hill and slipped out and the pram flew away.

Outstanding :lol:

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Guest The Phoenix

I was just having a look through the posts I've had upvoted and I think this one is the undoubted highlight of my ten years on this website.

Brilliant given that a straight line doesn't often get a laugh.

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I'm reading this on the train just now and had a little outloud giggle at something I saw.

Unfortunately the two guys beside me cracked a joke and also laughed at the same time, making this particularly awkward as they obviously think I'm constantly eavesdropping on their conversation. I can feel the tension already.

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I'm reading this on the train just now and had a little outloud giggle at something I saw.

Unfortunately the two guys beside me cracked a joke and also laughed at the same time, making this particularly awkward as they obviously think I'm constantly eavesdropping on their conversation. I can feel the tension already.

Show them the thing you laughed at.

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I'm reading this on the train just now and had a little outloud giggle at something I saw.

Unfortunately the two guys beside me cracked a joke and also laughed at the same time, making this particularly awkward as they obviously think I'm constantly eavesdropping on their conversation. I can feel the tension already.


When I was at school there was an annoying, middle age, female teacher who always tried to be really pally with her pupils to the extent that she'd be saying stuff like "C'mon lads you know me I like a chat as much as the next guy but we need to get on with our work".

The problem was her banter was absolutely terrible.

Once she was trying to get these two girls to cut out their conversation but unfortunately she wasn't confident enough to just tell them to be quiet. Instead she tried to edge into their conversation in an awkward attempt to convince them to stop talking in a 'matey' way. This culminated in her laughing at a joke she had absolutely no chance of hearing and then awkward eye contact between the three of them as their collective laughter gave way to sheepish, confused, awkward looks and the realisation that the teacher had absolutely no idea what they had found funny.

She went all red and went back to her desk.

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