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Three interesting statistics I read in today's Times: support for the death penalty in Britain has dropped below 50% for the first time, Polish people are the demographic most likely to be in full time employment in Scotland (86% were also 'economically active'), and the majority of people born in Scotland voted Yes in the referendum.

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Three interesting statistics I read in today's Times: support for the death penalty in Britain has dropped below 50% for the first time, Polish people are the demographic most likely to be in full time employment in Scotland (86% were also 'economically active'), and the majority of people born in Scotland voted Yes in the referendum.

All three an absolute scunner for the Daily Mail. Heads exploding as we speak.

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Protests planned over NI football team playing on a Sunday by religious leaders


I'm sure God wouldn't mind, considering they didn't turn up on Wednesday.

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If Christians believe God gave us free will, why the f**k don't they just let us exercise it?

Anyone mind the old god game Mega-Lo-Mania? You had to store believers in cryo-sleep until the end-game apocalypse, at which point every God's followers were woken up and had to batter f**k out of each other. Winner take all, whatever the 'all' was.

That's my weekend sorted :P

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You can't make this shit up. Republican Senator and Grade A moron, Sylvia Allen suggests we need laws making church attendance mandatory for Americans.

State Sen. Sylvia Allen, R-Snowflake, brought it up during a committee meeting Tuesday while lawmakers were debating a gun bill concerning concealed weapons permits, not religion.

Allen explained that without a "moral rebirth" in the country, more people may feel the need to carry a weapon.

"I believe what's happening to our country is that there's a moral erosion of the soulicon1.png of America," she said.

"It's the soul that is corrupt. How we get back to a moral rebirth I don't know. Since we are slowly eroding religion at every opportunity that we have. Probably we should be debating a bill requiring every American to attend a church of their choice on Sunday to see if we can get back to having a moral rebirth," she told the committee.


Guess you're SOL if you do go to church but it happens to be on a Saturday. Take that you immoral Jews!

Arizona is currently ranked 49th out of 50 states for education.

Edited by Shotgun
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There is alot too hate about British politics, however the last post makes me feel that we are maybe lucky with our shitty choice in parties. The American right are fucking nauseating.

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Is Arizona part of the "bible belt" of America?

Generally, the bible belt is considered to be the south-east of the USA.


However, this sort of lunacy can be found pretty much anywhere that Republicans and Christian Conservatives hold office. This comes for example; in the same week that Indiana's Governor, a loathsome piece of work called Mike Pence, passed a bill, which allows businesses the legal right to discriminate against gays. Naturally, he doesn't call it discrimination, he prefers the phrase "Religious Freedom."

This is why I get angry when I'm told I "must" respect religious beliefs. These people aren't harmless eccentrics; they're evil scum.

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Mind you it's worth pointing out that while "State Senator" sounds impressive from here it turns out that she represents a town of less than 6,000 people in the middle of nowhere.

I hope outsiders don't judge Scotland by what happens in Stornoway

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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I can't sleep tonight. Had a coffee earlier. I don't drink coffee but I've got a dissertation due so it had to be done.

I feel unwell. Like someone's laced my coffee with a pill. I feel like I'm on a come down right now. Wtf is going on.

I'm genuinely frightened.

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I can't sleep tonight. Had a coffee earlier. I don't drink coffee but I've got a dissertation due so it had to be done.

I feel unwell. Like someone's laced my coffee with a pill. I feel like I'm on a come down right now. Wtf is going on.

I'm genuinely frightened.

Maxwell House?

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Mind you it's worth pointing out that while "State Senator" sounds impressive from here it turns out that she represents a town of less than 6,000 people in the middle of nowhere.

I hope outsiders don't judge Scotland by what happens in Stornoway

She is 'from' a small town in the middle of nowhere but she represents a Senate District in which over 60,000 people voted in the last election. I couldn't find the population of her district but it is one of 30 in Arizona, each with equal say when it comes to passing the laws of the state.

In addition to this week's idiocy, Ms Allen has also attempted to pass laws ensuring that felons and the mentally ill don't have to undergo background checks before obtaining guns, and deny voters access to public meetings. Last year, used her position to interfere with an internal investigation looking into her detention officer son-in-law's conduct around women prisoners.

The woman is a lunatic and she has power.

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