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A work colleague of mine has just spent a good five minutes explaining how, should we become independant, dvds and the like will have to change their language selection to include 'Scottish' as well as English. Her reasoning being, "I speak Scottish. If I spoke *adopts Cockney accent* 'like this', I would speak English. I don't, I speak Scottish." :huh:

She's a 32-year-old married mother of two by the way.

You should have punched her square in the dish.

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A work colleague of mine has just spent a good five minutes explaining how, should we become independant, dvds and the like will have to change their language selection to include 'Scottish' as well as English. Her reasoning being, "I speak Scottish. If I spoke *adopts Cockney accent* 'like this', I would speak English. I don't, I speak Scottish." :huh:

She's a 32-year-old married mother of two by the way.

:lol: Tremendous, please make sure she is in the audience for the next Leaders debate. It'll put the 'Yes' campaign ahead by miles.

Edit to add: and next time, if you can really be arsed arguing with the simpleton, point out that there aren't currently options for Canadian, Australian, New Zealand ,,,, in the language selection!

Edited by Swarley
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A work colleague of mine has just spent a good five minutes explaining how, should we become independant, dvds and the like will have to change their language selection to include 'Scottish' as well as English. Her reasoning being, "I speak Scottish. If I spoke *adopts Cockney accent* 'like this', I would speak English. I don't, I speak Scottish." :huh:

She's a 32-year-old married mother of two by the way.


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Cheers guys.

It must be a mistake as the site says interest is in line with inflation. £20.17 a month and rising = not inflation. Possibly an admin error, and if it's not I'll purposely never earn more than 16k for the rest of my life just to spite them.

Move abroad and earn a fortune, and don't bother telling them.

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Cheers guys.

It must be a mistake as the site says interest is in line with inflation. £20.17 a month and rising = not inflation. Possibly an admin error, and if it's not I'll purposely never earn more than 16k for the rest of my life just to spite them.

Well it would rise every month, even with the same interest rate, as it is now being calculated on an higher balance (it will include the previous month's interest!)

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To be fair, Scots or any dialect in this country is more distinct from standard English than many 'languages' are from their nearest neighbours. No reason why there shouldn't be a Scottish language but it's not going to happen because it's just not a politically significant choice.

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I actually made that very point. Apparently the dvds from those regions do include options for Australian, etc. You learn something new every day..

Well tell her you've spoken to someone from "Australia-land" and he said "strewth mate your Sheila is talking complete and utter wombat shit"

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I actually made that very point. Apparently the dvds from those regions do include options for Australian, etc. You learn something new every day..

Pish. She's probably referring to the bit when the DVD first starts up where some ask you what country yo are watching it in.

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Guest The Phoenix

Pish. She's probably referring to the bit when the DVD first starts up where some ask you what country yo are watching it in.

You'll be in the good old US of A then?

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My new job is so boring that i have started collecting stamps from the envelopes I have to check. I have a small collection of about 8 unique stamps. Sorry to say I have no doublers, so any collectors are out of luck.

If it is boring try to make a game of it. For example see how many stamps you can get in an hour. Then try and beat that record.

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