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Actually the newsreaders name in question could be rhyming slang for a solitary gentlemanly pleasure.

What's rhyming slang for dipping a leek in chutney and shoving it up your arse while Judith Ralston discusses her "warm fronts"?

Edited by welshbairn
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Brechin indeed.

It's got to be Andrea though. She's lovely.

I had a "blind date" lined up with her through a mutual friend back in about '98........she cancelled a couple of day before though.....turns out she had met her future husband!

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Even better. Dundee Flower and Food Festival. Last year I had a piss next to Paul Hollywood, this year I got chatting to two STV newsreaders. The other one I met in a playpark on Sunday.

Anyway, Im on a roll as I met Brian Cox this morning (Lochee variety, not the astrophysical arsehole).

:huh: Isn't it more usual to take a date to the cinema or a restaurant?

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