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My and the missus had our 20 week scan today and found out we were having a boy, he had a massive cock for his age

There really is nothing quite like the irrational joy a father experiences when he realises that his son has a sizable weiner :D

Are they allowed to tell you the child's gender in Dundee? When the wife had her scan in Stirling, they had signs up everywhere saying they weren't allowed to tell people anymore, for reasons that I still don't understand. Instead the clinician pointed to a bulge on the scan picture and cleared her throat. The wife and I must have looked like the clueless fuds we are, as she rolled her eyes after a second and said, "extra bits?" :lol:

Congratulations anyway!

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You're turning into a lizard after overdosing on David Icke.

So...Throbber's becoming part of the Illuminati? :o

Don't forget your old mates at P&B when you're in discussions with Doncaster and Regan about the reconstruction of Scottish football, Throbster.

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So...Throbber's becoming part of the Illuminati? :o

Don't forget your old mates at P&B when you're in discussions with Doncaster and Regan about the reconstruction of Scottish football, Throbster.

Im not becoming part of it but i do find it interesting, a lot of the stuff is quite hard to deny tbh. I don't think the royal family are lizards though thats just silly

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My and the missus had our 20 week scan today and found out we were having a boy, he had a massive cock for his age

That's the umbilical cord m(I)5.

There really is nothing quite like the irrational joy a father experiences when he realises that his son has a sizable weiner :D

Are they allowed to tell you the child's gender in Dundee? When the wife had her scan in Stirling, they had signs up everywhere saying they weren't allowed to tell people anymore, for reasons that I still don't understand. Instead the clinician pointed to a bulge on the scan picture and cleared her throat. The wife and I must have looked like the clueless fuds we are, as she rolled her eyes after a second and said, "extra bits?" :lol:

Congratulations anyway!

The same reason for everything nowadays; the risk of being sued! I was told that they stop doing it now because if they tell someone it's gonna be a boy and it turns out to be a lassie then the NHS are at risk of being sued. Whether that is the official reason or not I'm not entirely sure but it certainly wouldn't surprise me. They told my sister-in-law the sex of her bairn, but she was told it's not 100% basically.

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We were asked what we thought and we said girl, the sonographer said it would need a few operations to be right, at the 4D scan we were basically told 'and there's his penis' - 'you do know its a boy right?'

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We were asked what we thought and we said girl, the sonographer said it would need a few operations to be right, at the 4D scan we were basically told 'and there's his penis' - 'you do know its a boy right?'

Sounds like many of my earlier sexual encounters

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I've been told it's because some Asian families want a certain sex (can't remember what now), and if it isn't the one they want, they can go for termination.

Absolutely no idea if this is true though.

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Sounds like many of my earlier sexual encounters

Ah, it was your case I was on the jury for.. That cctv was hilarious.

Should of had the benny hill music followed by 'and there's his penis'..

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The same reason for everything nowadays; the risk of being sued! I was told that they stop doing it now because if they tell someone it's gonna be a boy and it turns out to be a lassie then the NHS are at risk of being sued. Whether that is the official reason or not I'm not entirely sure but it certainly wouldn't surprise me. They told my sister-in-law the sex of her bairn, but she was told it's not 100% basically.

The fact that they were in such an obvious panic at Stirling Royal in 2006 implies that someone had actually tried it :(

Would be interesting to hear how they'd suffered due to an incorrent gender determination..."well, if I'd known it was a boy, naturally I'd have insisted on an abor...why are you looking at me like that? I AM NOT A MONSTER!" :lol:

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I've been told it's because some Asian families want a certain sex (can't remember what now), and if it isn't the one they want, they can go for termination.

Absolutely no idea if this is true though.

Due to the Chinese one child rule, it was supposed to be an absolute nightmare if your child turned out to be a girl. Girls were essentially money pits for rural communities, with no practical uses. So they say.

Meanwhile, in the UK...anyone who considers gender to be valid grounds for abortion deserves to be dismissed from any courtroom with a mandatory order for sterilisation. Fucking savages.

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Just picked up a voice-mail from a gentleman with an Indian sounding accent and an American sounding name who said he was with the "Federal Investigation Authority of Investigation". Apparently both I and my house are "under suspicion of a major investigation" and I need to call him back at a New York number "as soon as my earliest convenience."

I don't think I've done anything wrong but I wouldn't trust my house as far as I could throw it. Guilt by association, imo. Anyway, I'm off to turn myself in.


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