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My girlfriend got a new boss at work in past couple months and on Friday he got steaming drunk on vodka that they found in his desk and they had to call his wife for her to come get him as he was in a bad way

She (my mrs) wasn't in work to witness this and was off yesterday and is going to find out today if he's still there or not, personally i think he will have got the bullet as this is unacceptable behaviour

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My girlfriend got a new boss at work in past couple months and on Friday he got steaming drunk on vodka that they found in his desk and they had to call his wife for her to come get him as he was in a bad way

She (my mrs) wasn't in work to witness this and was off yesterday and is going to find out today if he's still there or not, personally i think he will have got the bullet as this is unacceptable behaviour

Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?

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How you feeling BigSlimTabbyDave? Operation go well?

Still fat - it takes a while for the weight to drop off, even on three thimblefuls of cabbage per day.

I actually know a lassie who had a gastric band put in years ago and is still the size of a house. She says that she throws up if she takes more than three mouthfuls of food without waiting for an hour afterwards. Now that's the kind of dedication to obesity that, frankly, I don't know if I could manage. Chocolate's tasty 'n' all that, but still.

I like BFTD but I also like FTB's but which one is best?

Only 1 way to find out, fight. Unless Dee is correct & they are wan?


I'm going to test this theory today by battering myself about the heid.

If F_T_B's posts remain the same and mine suddenly become coherent, we're clearly different people.

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Still fat - it takes a while for the weight to drop off, even on three thimblefuls of cabbage per day.

I actually know a lassie who had a gastric band put in years ago and is still the size of a house. She says that she throws up if she takes more than three mouthfuls of food without waiting for an hour afterwards. Now that's the kind of dedication to obesity that, frankly, I don't know if I could manage. Chocolate's tasty 'n' all that, but still.

I'm going to test this theory today by battering myself about the heid.

If F_T_B's posts remain the same and mine suddenly become coherent, we're clearly different people.

But how wil I tell the difference? ;)

Oh & now I realize why my food parcels have stopped, you've been eating them.

When's band practice again, I think we should call ourselves The Gastric Bsnd.


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My girlfriend got a new boss at work in past couple months and on Friday he got steaming drunk on vodka that they found in his desk and they had to call his wife for her to come get him as he was in a bad way

She (my mrs) wasn't in work to witness this and was off yesterday and is going to find out today if he's still there or not, personally i think he will have got the bullet as this is unacceptable behaviour

Update - her boss isn't there today but she doesn't know if he's working elsewhere at another office and hasnt heard anything about his whereabouts. Personally i hope he has been sacked.

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Why? whats he ever done to you?

Just sounds like a moron from what my gf said and did something that only an arsehole boss would do to one of her co workers. Generally sounds like a dick I'm not saying that to be mean.

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Still fat - it takes a while for the weight to drop off, even on three thimblefuls of cabbage per day.

I actually know a lassie who had a gastric band put in years ago and is still the size of a house. She says that she throws up if she takes more than three mouthfuls of food without waiting for an hour afterwards. Now that's the kind of dedication to obesity that, frankly, I don't know if I could manage. Chocolate's tasty 'n' all that, but still.

I'm going to test this theory today by battering myself about the heid.

If F_T_B's posts remain the same and mine suddenly become coherent, we're clearly different people.

I know someone who was given the band last year. She has lost 12 stones but somebody who got one around the same time has only lost a stone and is struggling through lack of willpower. Best of luck biggie...

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Update - her boss isn't there today but she doesn't know if he's working elsewhere at another office and hasnt heard anything about his whereabouts. Personally i hope he has been sacked.

If the guy says he's an alcoholic, they can't sack him and must offer him some form of help for his problem. I know this to be true because my mate Dave in the pub told me.

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