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Read a different thread then? :huh:

I clearly scored out the word 'thread' to replace it with 'forum'. Should I change to a different forum because of one or two Tam McB's? I don't think so, m8.

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What do you mean re like me? Was it because I laughed a bit about the crispy pets saga?

Think this idea is perfectly reasonable. I was there on Saturday with my mate who was on crutches and we had to go quite early but not early enough to get into the one pub nearby. Ended up going to the asda and getting a few beers , managed to neck two before I got stopped by the polis and threatened to be lifted for having a beer! It doesn't benefit anyone this.. The fan zone idea would be so easy and would keep everyone happy, almost every time I have gone to Hampden I have been irked by the facilities and how hard it is to get a good hard on before the game.


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Well also if you are getting so wound up by Grimbo's updates you clearly have too much time on your hands.


You sound like a fucking child

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To be fair to Grimbo, he's managed to break his own record for least well attended pub crawl in history this weekend. Next time he goes for the record he isn't even going to turn up himself.


If that does happen the knowledge that Grimbo won't be there will mean that half of Pie And Bovril will turn up so I doubt his new record will ever be bettered. Chapeau!

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I've put on a few pounds in the last few weeks due to illness related idleness. Whilst some folk lose their appetite when they're ill I am the opposite, I eat like f**k and don't do any exercise.

So I'll need to check if my holiday clothes still fit as we're away a week on Tuesday. Failing which I'll have to hit the shops.

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Great band, great people.

How's the job going?

For the most part it's a nice little number. You get the odd 'unpleasant' person or two but you'll get that in any job where you work with the public so it's to be expected.

Needless to say, weekends are the worst when alcohol is involved. I'm last one from Carlisle tonight, great fun :wacko:

Edited by 19QOS19
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For the most part it's a nice little number. You get the odd 'unpleasant' person or two but you'll get that in any job where you work with the public so it's to be expected.

Needless to say, weekends are the worst when alcohol is involved. I'm last one from Carlisle tonight, great fun :wacko:

Just wear they shorts, they'll soon behave.

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