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5 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

Well I appear to have destroyed my man flu with that well known remedy, red wine.

Now where did I put the analgesia for a c**t of a headache...

I've done the opposite and have destroyed my great health and high energy I had yesterday with Stella and red wine and am now hiding from the world in my man cave as the garden was too bright and noisy.

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9 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

Well I appear to have destroyed my man flu with that well known remedy, red wine.

Now where did I put the analgesia for a c**t of a headache...


2 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I've done the opposite and have destroyed my great health and high energy I had yesterday with Stella and red wine and am now hiding from the world in my man cave as the garden was too bright and noisy.

You're both c***s as I've spent the whole weekend lying in bed wasting away due to debris filled gallbladder. 

I can only dream of red wine or Stella!

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1 minute ago, Tynieness said:

I think you need the particular organ removed pronto mate.

Tuesday mate. Can't come quick enough. I've lost 8kg in the last 3 weeks. 1st time under 12 stone since secondary school!  

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Just now, Tynieness said:

Every cloud and all that...

Everyone keeps saying that but fucking hell it's been grim.

The debris has cause issues with my liver and stomach producing and processing bilirubin will ends up seeping into your skin and making you scratch like a fucking mengey dog!

Been tempted to take the c**t out with a kitchen knife myself! 

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Everyone keeps saying that but fucking hell it's been grim.
The debris has cause issues with my liver and stomach producing and processing bilirubin will ends up seeping into your skin and making you scratch like a fucking mengey dog!
Been tempted to take the c**t out with a kitchen knife myself! 

Go for it. Use pizza scissors.
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So your views on music are as misguided as your political views?

I'm a political moderate but musically varied. Foo Fighters I just don't get, and Radiohead I think are basically a band people claim they like because it makes them look like they take music seriously. Creep and Karma Police are decent songs, but the rest are largely forgettable or downright awful.
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5 minutes ago, jmothecat said:


I'm a political moderate but musically varied. Foo Fighters I just don't get, and Radiohead I think are basically a band people claim they like because it makes them look like they take music seriously. Creep and Karma Police are decent songs, but the rest are largely forgettable or downright awful.


I kind of agree with you on Radiohead tbh. I own a couple of their albums but other than a few songs could never get into their music.

I'd never fit in with their music listening aristocracy fanbase anyway.

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49 minutes ago, throbber said:

I think you are being pretty harsh on Radiohead and people who like their music as they are a very good band. I was into them when i was late teens/early 20's and rather hormonal which I'm sure quite a few people can relate to. Find it quite stressful listening to them nowadays mind you!

You'll be back listening to them next year once you're married, Throbs.

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3 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

I don't get the hype on Nirvana, feels like it's mostly because of Kurt being dead and all that.

The Foo Fighters are absolutely amazing however and Dave Grohl is one of the best dudes on the planet. A little ironic given who he used to play for in his early career though emoji1.png


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The BBC just had a minutes "silence" for the Mosque attack. When the plane and the train had passed, it was clear that everyone not actually on camera never bothered their hole observing it. You could hear people talking all through it. It's the thought that counts I suppose.

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Nirvana are okay.
Foo fighters are quite pish.
Nickleback are fuckin rotten.

Nirvana changed music and became the soundtrack for a whole generation.

Foo fighters are just a brilliant, no-nonsense rock band with a legendary front man.

Nickelback are dug meat.
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The auld yins didn't understand the big deal about Nirvana at the time, and pointed out that they just ripped off a bunch of bands like Cheap Trick. I like their albums and they wrote a fair few good songs, but a lot of their stratospheric success came down to timing, and I doubt they'd still be considered such a big deal if it wasn't for the suicide. Well-known and considered classic rock, like Guns 'n' Roses for example, but not really relevant.

Certainly not as culturally important as giants like Nickelback  :whistle

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Nirvana have one really really good song, a couple of pretty good songs and a lot of dross. It always irritates me that Nirvana fans seem to dislike 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' which is one of the greatest rock songs ever written. Why would you dislike your favourite band's best song?

You don't hear Nickelback fans going 'nah, leave that "How you remind me" stuff off the playlist' or Abba fans going 'y'know, I've never liked "Waterloo".' Or chumbawumba fans going 'pfft, Tubthumping? What was that all about?'

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