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Nah I tell you what though nothing ever flusters me, not even slightly. Yet the driving test had me a wreck. I don't enjoy being out of my comfort zone like that.

You're not wrong. I managed to fail three. I was a nervous wreck before all of them but kept my cool on the forth. I also had a fucking horrendous second driving instructor. At them time it wasn't possible for me to get any driving time outside of the lessons, which I told her repeatedly to no avail. She kept reminding me of the importance of getting driving experience outside of lessons. I told her I was fine with the theory of driving I just needed experience but, oh no, she decided it was best to sit in the car for over half the lesson and go over things I already knew. The cow even threatened to not allow me to use her car for my forth test, which I had booked and paid for, because I wasn't ready. I had already taken a test in her car. The time-wasting, money-grabbing cow.

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During my driving test I wasn't nervous at all, I just told myself like a thousand times before it that if I drove to my best ability I'd pass it comfortably and I did with only 3 minors. It's a whole load easier if you compose yourself and make yourself confident.

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Did I ever tell anyone about the fact that I had to use hand signals on my driving test?

Didn't perthshirebell throw a strop about that?

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This post should probably go in the gambling forum, but I imagine the guys in there don't want to read this sort of drivel.

The stuff that goes in there is just mind-blowing. I was just reading the thread about Betfair's Premium Charges, and this "Blue" bloke is, from what I understand, having to actually make massive losses at Betfair (whilst winning elsewhere) to bring his win percentage down, to avoid paying massive charges.

Some of the stuff that these guys are doing, analysing the markets and betting/laying huge amounts of money at very little/no risk is just amazing.

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