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Where on earth were you eating and drinking? I found the food and drink to be very reasonably priced and of very good quality.

We went to a sizzler/steakhouse type place first night and a thai/oriental rest on last night..

both were very good if a tad pricey

About 80 euros for us both two courses and a couple of beers and a bottle of plonk. Still enjoyed it but might have saved a few quid had we shopped around a bit more

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We went to a sizzler/steakhouse type place first night and a thai/oriental rest on last night..

both were very good if a tad pricey

About 80 euros for us both two courses and a couple of beers and a bottle of plonk. Still enjoyed it but might have saved a few quid had we shopped around a bit more

I would say that is quite reasonable for the food and drink you had?

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We went to a sizzler/steakhouse type place first night and a thai/oriental rest on last night..

both were very good if a tad pricey

About 80 euros for us both two courses and a couple of beers and a bottle of plonk. Still enjoyed it but might have saved a few quid had we shopped around a bit more

There's your problem...

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Ask his ex-sheep :ph34r:

Ha! I see what you did there!

Anyways got the reply and this sums up my face when I found out;


I will return to shitting it soon enough though!

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Ha! I see what you did there!

Anyways got the reply and this sums up my face when I found out;


I will return to shitting it soon enough though!

Don't worry pal, having sex is easy.

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We went to a sizzler/steakhouse type place first night and a thai/oriental rest on last night..

both were very good if a tad pricey

About 80 euros for us both two courses and a couple of beers and a bottle of plonk. Still enjoyed it but might have saved a few quid had we shopped around a bit more

We were paying that sort of price for 4 of us tbh.

Luckily enough two of my cousins live in Berlin and we met up with them everyday and being students they knew the best places to go for decent scran and beer etc.

It is a wonderful city. One of the best I've visited.

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South Korea, to teach English. I've stagnated in life and would rather just go travelling to see a bit of it, than commit myself into a "Career" as such. I fully expect to be a world nomad over the next 10-20 years.

I've been travelling through Europe and was met with the same discussions. So refreshing to get out of the melting pot that is Scotland, even if it was sole destroying for my return.

My brother does that at the moment, left in March 2011 only expecting to do a year but signed an extension and is going to be out there till 2013. Makes good dough and says it's really cheap to live out there. Good luck to you!

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Another day of handing in CV's hoping for a small summer job until I'm 18.

After that? Going to blow my student loan.

Good luck! I can't get anything the now and I'm not even entitled to JSA. Employers take one look at my CV, see my qualifications, summise that I'll be buggering off in August and throw it in the bin.

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