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A chippy in Edinburgh tried to charge me 25p to put tomato sauce on my chips

I fly out to Italy tomorrow for 2 weeks. Can't wait

They'll charge you 25 Euros to have chips with your tomato sauce.

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Got a letter from my solicitor basically saying: 'Despite you paying over £1000 in fees just to buy a house, you still owe us the grand sum of 40p. Pay up."

Pretty sure I transferred exactly what they asked for in the previous letter too.

Imagine I'd they were doing that just to f**k you over. Imagine them all getting round the coffee machine and being like "yeah lets just shaft the b*****d for 40 more p. Just to show him who's boss" and then all laughing and strolling back to their desks happy to have fucked over another willing customer

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There's some amount of aliases clogging up the forum these days. There's always been the regularly occurring ones (Livingston ones, St Johnstone one, couple of Celtic ones and couple of Rangers ones), but there seems to be millions at the moment, almost all of which appear to be just the same handful of deeply unfulfilled people going into multiple account overdrive. Presumably it's the time of year and they've all just got loads of time on their hands because the schools are off.

Yeah It's painful really. Perfect Circle and Bad Day are PB aliases. You would have thought he wouldn't have an REM song for every alias he makes these days... just makes it easier to spot.

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My old trick for passing free periods was to go for a dump...in the staff toilets. It was always a heart stopping moment when a teacher came in whilst you were squeezing one out

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