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Anyone got some spare cash for a £90 million home?


This is the kind of thing that makes me so angry.

I don't entirely know why because its not in any way a surprise. But just seeing this kind of ridiculous wealth brings it home just how fucking disgusting our inequality is.

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I didn't realise that moths could sting. I thought they just ate your clothes.

Have you seen the moths in Dundee???? The Atilla the **** of the insect world

Maybe his wife is a caterpillar.

naw she's gorgeous :wub:

the mother in law is however like a moth, everytime she visits I'm so tempted to clobber her with a rolled up newspaper :P

Edited by rustyarabnuts
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Does anyone still take a bath over a shower? And I don't mean if you genuinely want to lie there for six hours but just to wash yourself and go? My shower has sadly packed in and baths are such a hassle for a simple job. It takes forever to fill and being my stature, I end up doing forward rolls and head dives trying to wash my hair. Ridiculous.

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Thats been tried but if she goes out at night,she has to be on a leash due to the street lighting/moon

Your M-I-L goes moon lighting?

**must read original quotes!

Edited by Chris_DK
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Anybody else get road rage?

Near me they've recently changed lane priorities on the roads. A lane that used to be left turn only is now left turn and straight ahead. So today I'm in the left lane going straight ahead when a zoomer in a sporty Honda Civic in the next lane starts flashing his lights and blaring his horn. As he pulled in behind me he's giving me the finger and quite clearly going mental. "f**k this" thinks I and slammed on the brakes and got out to confront him. As I head back the shitebag is locking his door and filming me on his phone. An altercation took place with him insisting I was in the wrong lane and me pointing out the six foot fucking arrows on the road and questioning his eyesight. He declined to discuss it further outside his car so we parted, exchanging pleasantries.

I can't remember being so angry over something so stupid but the sight of this c**t in my rear view mirror giving me the finger sent me nuts.

Anybody else prone to massive over-reactions?

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Anybody else prone to massive over-reactions?

I wouldn't say that was a massive over reaction tbh. If someone started going mental at you in the street for doing nothing wrong it would be normal to confront him. Just because he's In a car he thinks he's immune to confrontation. Sack that. Well done you for giving the boy a fright.
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Anybody else get road rage?

Near me they've recently changed lane priorities on the roads. A lane that used to be left turn only is now left turn and straight ahead. So today I'm in the left lane going straight ahead when a zoomer in a sporty Honda Civic in the next lane starts flashing his lights and blaring his horn. As he pulled in behind me he's giving me the finger and quite clearly going mental. "f**k this" thinks I and slammed on the brakes and got out to confront him. As I head back the shitebag is locking his door and filming me on his phone. An altercation took place with him insisting I was in the wrong lane and me pointing out the six foot fucking arrows on the road and questioning his eyesight. He declined to discuss it further outside his car so we parted, exchanging pleasantries.

I can't remember being so angry over something so stupid but the sight of this c**t in my rear view mirror giving me the finger sent me nuts.

Anybody else prone to massive over-reactions?

I drive the M8 Glasgow - Edinburgh for work, road rage is a daily occurrence. The number of complete and utter wanks who drive this road is unbelievable.

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