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14 hours ago, Andre Bo said:

It's a bunch of lazy stereotypes living in a land of no economic reality, talking in stupid buzz-phrases, and it has lots of casual prejudice against various vulnerable social groups.

Friends is of its time. It's absurd to judge people, books, tv shows, etc from the past by the touchy moral standards of 2019. It's also grossly unfair.

Personally I think it's fine if you're looking for something easy to watch with the bird when you're feeling lazy.

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4 hours ago, throbber said:

Think the saddest thing about Fernando was watching him go through it all, from revealing he had the disease on Dutch TV right through his various charity events to the point he was in a wheelchair and unable to speak for himself at the end. Was really sad to see but he never shied away from the public and always came across as positive throughout his illness which isn’t easy to do.

That Sun story is truly cringeworthy though, it’s almost as if the old firm supporters are the British/German soldiers during the First World War and are putting their differences aside on Xmas day.

This always gets me. The way the media go on, you'd think Glasgow was some kind of segregated city where Old Firm fans never meet and live separated existences, only occasionally coming together to fight or try to kill each other.

The reality is that they are work colleagues, neighbours, school pals, university classmates, drinking buddies, they play fives against each other.

Obviously it helps to hype up 'the biggest and most intense rivalry in the world' but it's not reflective of 21st century life.

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I think people forget that sitcoms as a genre are invariably shite.

They’re full of lazy, cheap “laughs” and storylines designed to be as accommodating for the simple minded as possible.

Friends only attracts such ire because it became so popular.

I could think of Seinfeld and The Office as two examples of good sitcoms so that invariably needs to go.
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I think people forget that sitcoms as a genre are invariably shite.

They’re full of lazy, cheap “laughs” and storylines designed to be as accommodating for the simple minded as possible.

Friends only attracts such ire because it became so popular.

I agree with your first post and also the last part of this one. Some people just love knocking something that's popular. I don't agree with your view on sitcoms in general though. Watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and you'll understand why.
Friends is of its time. It's absurd to judge people, books, tv shows, etc from the past by the touchy moral standards of 2019. It's also grossly unfair.
Personally I think it's fine if you're looking for something easy to watch with the bird when you're feeling lazy.
This. You could see something "offensive" in almost every sitcom from the past if you chose to. Even early Still Game has references that would be considered offensive to some people now. The same way today's sitcoms will offend people in the future that we currently find funny and acceptable.
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4 hours ago, JTS98 said:

Friends is of its time. It's absurd to judge people, books, tv shows, etc from the past by the touchy moral standards of 2019. It's also grossly unfair.

Personally I think it's fine if you're looking for something easy to watch with the bird when you're feeling lazy.

This comment sort of proves my point. I didn't like it at the time either.

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This. You could see something "offensive" in almost every sitcom from the past if you chose to. Even early Still Game has references that would be considered offensive to some people now. The same way today's sitcoms will offend people in the future that we currently find funny and acceptable.

I was maybe a bit flippant on sitcoms as a whole. I do enjoy it’s always sunny. The main point was friends comes under this ludicrous scrutiny because of how popular it was.

And the retrospective lambasting of tv etc is ridiculous. Fawlty towers for example is absolutely outstanding but parts of that would simply never be allowed today.
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Friends is shit. I absolutely despise it. The characters are dreadful, dreadful people. I used to love it when younger though.

Quite a lot of the stuff is poor when seen through the lens of today, but I don't think they intended to be offensive. It can't be denied though that some of the shit is offensive though. The homophobic stuff is quite prominent, mainly through using the accusation of being gay as an insult, or claiming that someone is doing something in a 'gay manner'. Again, I don't think the writers were genuinely homophobic. At school the insult of 'bent' and calling stuff 'gay' was normal. I used to do it and thought nothing of it, and I have never been homophobic. I'm sure loads of folk were the same.

There was an episode where Ross hired a nanny who was a guy and went mental about it. Dreadful stuff. Chandler was a horrific chauvinist who was an utter dick to his dad because his dad was trans (he was transphobic basically). Joey was a borderline rapist. Monica was ridiculed because she used to be fat, as if that defined her, and as if she was a lesser person because of it. She was also a neurotic bully. Phoebe was the biggest bully and thought she was some sort of 'wacky' character when in fact she was a total moron and exceptionally boring. Rachel was an insecure hypocrite who sabotaged Ross' wedding. They were all absolute c***s.

Anyway, Friends is fucking appalling and should be resigned to the bin and quietly forgotten about.

Edited by DA Baracus
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I think you're overthinking a lot of it. Ross was uncomfortable with a male nanny. It wasn't in any way homophobic (particularly given the nanny was heterosexual). I reckon a lot of guys would be a bit cautious of a male nanny tbh.


It's a bit simplistic to say Chandler was transphobic. He had an horrifically embarrassing upbringing and that was a big part of it. Without getting in to all the political correctness, I reckon most young boys would be embarrassed. That's without mentioning his mum's antics.


Pushing it to say Joey was a borderline rapist. He was just a womaniser which is still relevant nowadays tbh.


Monica being fat was a running gag but again I don't see any issue with it given fat jokes are still in today's sitcoms. Phoebe was indeed a horrible character and Rachel was very whiney. The biggest annoyance with Phoebe was that she never seemed to mature.



As I've already said, people won't like it but some of the drivel you here folk claiming is just mental. Dig up some old Still Game episodes and you'd find similar "offensive" material.


On a other note. The most horrible main characters of any Sitcom is probably Sunny in Philly. Absolutely detestable human beings but it's just a superb show :D

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13 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

I think you're overthinking a lot of it.

Quite. :lol:

13 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Ross was uncomfortable with a male nanny. It wasn't in any way homophobic (particularly given the nanny was heterosexual). I reckon a lot of guys would be a bit cautious of a male nanny tbh.


It's a bit simplistic to say Chandler was transphobic. He had an horrifically embarrassing upbringing and that was a big part of it. Without getting in to all the political correctness, I reckon most young boys would be embarrassed. That's without mentioning his mum's antics.


Pushing it to say Joey was a borderline rapist. He was just a womaniser which is still relevant nowadays tbh.


Monica being fat was a running gag but again I don't see any issue with it given fat jokes are still in today's sitcoms. Phoebe was indeed a horrible character and Rachel was very whiney. The biggest annoyance with Phoebe was that she never seemed to mature.



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