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Unpopular opinions.

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Clearly I don't have any unpopular opinions as everyone seems to think the opposite view is the unpopular one. I don't think anyone could argue with any of the following which are already on record as being my heartfelt opinion.

For example I think Margaret Thatcher is the UK's best post war leader bar none, like everyone else does.

I think the NHS is a monumental waste of money, it's grossly inefficient and ineffective and that a private sector healthcare system would be much better value for money

I think our education system should be radically reformed, and taken out of taxpayer funded status. The public sector should only offer scholarships to those who have shown the right work ethic, enterprise, endeavour and ability and who will dedicate themselves to a lifetime of public service.

I think all people from Greenock are deformed inbreds, mentally retarded and socially inept

I think all people from Paisley are unwashed drug abusers with a paranoia level that goes off the scale. - edited to add a note that Ralston is NOT in Paisley

Yes it is.

I think present day pipefitters are thick as pigshit who don't know their arse from their elbow.

Call centres are a modern day work of genius

Lanarkshire should be carpet-bombed towards oblivion. So should America for that matter, in particular Florida.

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1. You should only get one attempt at the driving test.

2. Fatties should pay for the cost of their health care.

3. Religion should be taught in schools.

4. There hasn't been a great album made this century.

5. Modern school qualifications aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

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Yes it is.

I think present day pipefitters are thick as pigshit who don't know their arse from their elbow.

Call centres are a modern day work of genius

Lanarkshire should be carpet-bombed towards oblivion. So should America for that matter, in particular Florida.

Well at least you are on topic - certainly more than I could ever be in a topic such as this. :rolleyes:

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1. You should only get one attempt at the driving test.

2. Fatties should pay for the cost of their health care.

3. Religion should be taught in schools.

4. There hasn't been a great album made this century.

5. Modern school qualifications aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

What's unpopular about that?

1. I agree

2. I agree although would add so should everyone else.

3. Disagree, just to be difficult.

4. I can't think of one either.

5. I agree. Not only that I don't understand them. Credits, Intermediates - what a load of bollocks. Sit the fucking test and either pass or fail. Simple.

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Clearly I don't have any unpopular opinions as everyone seems to think the opposite view is the unpopular one. I don't think anyone could argue with any of the following which are already on record as being my heartfelt opinion.


I think all people from Paisley are unwashed drug abusers with a paranoia level that goes off the scale. - edited to add a note that Ralston is NOT in Paisley.

I think you are trying far, far too hard these days. :lol:

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Russell Kane isn't that funny

Tourists are interesting people

Cider tastes horrible

Nightclubs are almost always terrible places

Top Gear is boring

Alcohol is already too expensive

Apart from the cider, why would you think any of these opinions would be unpopular?

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Many people on here base their political (and other) opinions on an overinflated sense of self-importance, essentially basing their views on society on punishing those who they consider 'worse' than them.

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Apart from the cider, why would you think any of these opinions would be unpopular?

Because a lot of people like Top Gear, most young people enjoy clubbing and did Russell Kane not win some prize at the Edinburgh Festival (therefore suggesting a certain level of popularity)?

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That annoying bint from Paramore is nothing special.

There are too many Scottish football teams. I'd rather the top 6 or so Scottish sides played in the English leagues and the rest fought it out in leagues similiar to the Welsh or Irish leagues.

Compared to other parts of Britain and Ireland, Scottish girls are munters.

A fair bit of music in the charts these days is actually pretty catchy and well made.

People talk so much about Oasis being over-rated, to the point that they've become vastly under-rated.

Vodka is digusting, undrinkable pish.

People care far too much about hand shakes. If someone has too firm a hand shake that doesn't mean they'll be too intense, and people with soft hand shakes aren't always going to be pussies,

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That annoying bint from Paramore is nothing special.

There are too many Scottish football teams. I'd rather the top 6 or so Scottish sides played in the English leagues and the rest fought it out in leagues similiar to the Welsh or Irish leagues.

Compared to other parts of Britain and Ireland, Scottish girls are munters.

A fair bit of music in the charts these days is actually pretty catchy and well made.

People talk so much about Oasis being over-rated, to the point that they've become vastly under-rated.

Vodka is digusting, undrinkable pish.

People care far too much about hand shakes. If someone has too firm a hand shake that doesn't mean they'll be too intense, and people with soft hand shakes aren't always going to be pussies,

They certainly are upopular opinions, Oasis if anything are over rated.

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Fat people should have less luggage allowance on planes.

Anyone who wants to live in this country should be allowed to.

The royal mail should be scrapped, why do we need mail. Couriers for parcels, email for everything else.

Why give flowers? They may look fresh but they are dead.

Edited by Steve McQueen
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