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7 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I just can't fathom this is the Wire you're talking about. I mean, aye, they swear, but not once did I think it was profanity for profanity's sake (it is sometimes I suppose, when the coppers are pished).  The dialogue in the Wire is probably my favourite thing about it tbh, some absolutely fucking brilliant scenes/lines.

It was mainly dialogue scenes between the coppers in the police station that had a few to many F words for me and the missus to cope with. Just couldn't warm to them. Will go back to it though. It's not dead to me, just need to give it another go (not that I really watch much tv anyway).  

4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I thought you'd be used to sweary vernacular from all that rapster style hippy hop you're so fond of.

The amount of things they can rhyme with "snitches" is astounding. 

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2 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

It was mainly dialogue scenes between the coppers in the police station that had a few to many F words for me and the missus to cope with. Just couldn't warm to them. Will go back to it though. It's not dead to me, just need to give it another go (not that I really watch much tv anyway).  

Fair enough, each to their own I suppose.  I was instantly big fans of both Bunk and McNulty, the two together could give moments of genius.

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31 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I just can't fathom this is the Wire you're talking about. I mean, aye, they swear, but not once did I think it was profanity for profanity's sake (it is sometimes I suppose, when the coppers are pished).  The dialogue in the Wire is probably my favourite thing about it tbh, some absolutely fucking brilliant scenes/lines.

Was there not one episode where for about 10 minutes (they were searching a house I think) when the only words spoken were f**k and derivatives of it?

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Just now, Rugster said:

Was there not one episode where for about 10 minutes (they were searching a house I think) when the only words spoken were f**k and derivatives of it?

Yip, I was reminded of that scene after I finished my last post talking about Bunk and McNulty (but wasn't going to mention it for fear of giving Shandon some ammo to back up his point - cheers Ruggy!).  Even though it's the only word spoken, I still think that scene is genius.

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31 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Yip, I was reminded of that scene after I finished my last post talking about Bunk and McNulty (but wasn't going to mention it for fear of giving Shandon some ammo to back up his point - cheers Ruggy!).  Even though it's the only word spoken, I still think that scene is genius.


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1 minute ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Yes but it completely made the scene and was just the perfect dialogue for it.
My FIL is a retired cop and actually thought the swearing added to the authenticity.

I wasn't being all @Shandon Par /Mary Whitehouse about it, just mentioning it. Excessive swearing doesn't bother me in the slightest.

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I'm not sure I really give a f**k about independence anymore. I still believe it's the right way for Scotland, but not by the huge margin that I originally thought, and I don't think a lot of the people who voted Yes last time would do so again. I'm also coming around to the idea that most of the SNP members are utter bellends.

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4 minutes ago, Jamaldo said:

I'm not sure I really give a f**k about independence anymore. I still believe it's the right way for Scotland, but not by the huge margin that I originally thought, and I don't think a lot of the people who voted Yes last time would do so again. I'm also coming around to the idea that most of the SNP members are utter bellends.

Image result for wanker gif

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8 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Have you caddied for one of the writers?
The police techniques from that era, internal politicking, characterisation of cops (in particular the excessive force, hard drinking, ineptitude of many officers, nepotism and womanising etc) is all entirely accurate. The portrayal of the gang members is also pretty accurate, given many were hired as extras on the set. Yes there was poetic licence of certain things but im pretty happy with the authenticity. Given many former Baltimore PD officers were consulted on these things and involved in providing stories for the writers to use im confident its pretty accurate. How many other police shows demonstrate the paperwork side of things? Given the recent case of the corrupt Baltimore cops I’d say it hit the spot pretty well.

I'd say you're full of shit.  It's so over the top as to be wholly unrealistic.

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8 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Aye, David Simon spent a year with the police learning their job, some parts of the show will be embellished but on the whole it was pretty realistic. The real Avon Barksdale was also consulted on the gang stuff.

Was he not also the old minister guy who had the gym. Or was that in the bill.

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I'd say you're full of shit.  It's so over the top as to be wholly unrealistic.

Doesnt the fact its already been shown the lengths the writers and creators went to make that program realistic demonstrates just how authentic it is?
I’m sorry you feel the need to be abusive but I think you’ll find more folks agree with me than you.
Just out of interest, what specifically do you find over the top? Rather than being really aggressive why not write out a few examples, frame a decent argument?
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9 hours ago, The OP said:

Get the feeling an argument might start about which of us knows the most about Baltimore street culture and institutions. I'll just say this, most entertainment is subjective, but if you didn't like The Wire you're probably stupid. 


9 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

I'd say you're full of shit.  It's so over the top as to be wholly unrealistic.


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6 hours ago, Jamaldo said:

I'm not sure I really give a f**k about independence anymore. I still believe it's the right way for Scotland, but not by the huge margin that I originally thought, and I don't think a lot of the people who voted Yes last time would do so again. I'm also coming around to the idea that most of the SNP members are utter bellends.

They're a small very vocal minority who should just move on and let Scottish politics recover instead of chasing an impossible and impractical solution. Scotland after Brexit then Indendence would be skint. Let's divert the money into crucial things rather than something that won't happen. I voted yes, it didn't happen and judging by the mess of Brexit I think we dodged a bullet.

You can't just keep moving the goalposts when it suits.

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5 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

They're a small very vocal minority who should just move on and let Scottish politics recover instead of chasing an impossible and impractical solution. Scotland after Brexit then Indendence would be skint. Let's divert the money into crucial things rather than something that won't happen. I voted yes, it didn't happen and judging by the mess of Brexit I think we dodged a bullet.

You can't just keep moving the goalposts when it suits.

You think Brexit proves independence would be bad.  That's the most hilarious twisted logic I've ever read.  That's like saying I had a shite fish supper yesterday so that proves I definitely shouldn't get Chinese tonight.  Walloper logic.  You're really just a shitebag might as well admit it.


Unfortunately for you champ the Scottish people have voted to give the SNP a mandate for a referendum.  That's democracy champ.

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