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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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caught the latest episode last night. Yet another filler episode which means that they definitely better deliver with the finale as I thought there is enough going on there to spread it over the two episodes but I suppose Merle's actions have set it up for a mile a minute last episode.

I definitely wasnt expecting Merle to become a zombie, thought that a very nice touch and showed just how cold a b*****d The Governor can be, he knew he wasnt going to beg and he wanted to punish him so intead of shooting him in the head he shot him in the chest and left him to die and become a zombie. One thing I didnt like about that whole sequence is just how much of a beating The Governor delivered to Merle, yeah he had just been kicked about and he only has the one hand but he really worked him over and even bit off two of his f*cking fingers. I dunno, just up until now I've not really believed that The Governor is that handy apart from with a gun but now he's dishing out beatings to the hardest c*nt in the series (albeit like I said, once Merle had already been kicked about). Just maybe made too big of a jump in my eyes but also can be seen that The Governor is really going off the rails, the mad b*****d.

Has anyone seen a shittier proposal ever? Didnt even get down on one knee, Ken its a new world and all that likesay but keeping a bit of the old ways would've been good.

Anyone else getting annoyed that Rick keeps dropping bombshells on the group and then stoats away and leaves them to it? He's just said that its now a group thing but does the off before anyone can even get a chat going about what they want to do. Someone will probably say that whatever they decide he'll go along with so he doesnt need to be there but thats not the point, too much of a drama queen.

Eh whit else, aye, Michonne is seriously becoming one of my favourite characters. Solid actress with solid dialogue.

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Hugely underwhelmed by that finale.

Governor continues to look awesome, both with the stuff with the doctor and butchering the group (although the group fucking off after the first bit of trouble is a bit shit). Didn't like how he just left with Martinez and the other guy and nothing more was made of it.

Couldn't care less about Andrea dying though, she's been a pain in the arse for seasons now.

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I enjoyed it and although not a patch on the season two finale, I still found it thoroughly satisfying.

Although a few wee questions and thoughts (I don't want any comic spoiler answers)

- Why didn't they all just move into Woodbury seeing rather than back to the prison? Woodbury has proper houses and defences and is empty now surely? All those old duffers they have taken on will freeze in that prison

- Where is the guvnor off to now?

- Tyreese is a bit shit isn't he? Seems a bit bland and a bit of a follower - hope his character improves

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I like how they've left the Guv open ended. It's like seeing the prison at the end of Season Two. He's a defeated man essentially, but given that he's a total maniac, he'll be back. I'm delighted at that as well. He went from menacing before to full blown terrifying in this episode. I like how they ended that side of things for the season, although the Prison battle was a bit underwhelming. It seemed to be the story of the Guvnor's descent into full blown maniac that was the story here and for that reason, I thought it was a wonderful finale.

Oh, and they obviously see the prison as their home. They just went to great lengths to defend it, and it's important to them.

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I enjoyed it and although not a patch on the season two finale, I still found it thoroughly satisfying.

Although a few wee questions and thoughts (I don't want any comic spoiler answers)

- Why didn't they all just move into Woodbury seeing rather than back to the prison? Woodbury has proper houses and defences and is empty now surely? All those old duffers they have taken on will freeze in that prison

- Where is the guvnor off to now?

- Tyreese is a bit shit isn't he? Seems a bit bland and a bit of a follower - hope his character improves

Comic spoilers aren't relevant to the show just now, they're at completely different places.

They know how to defend the prison, they don't know how to defend Woodbury. Governor probably knows all sorts of ways to get in and out Woodbury too.

Tyrese gets better, or should do.

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Decent episode but as a season finale it was pretty underwhelming. I was expecting a lot more intense action than there was. The Governor will be back and I think that he will feature in pretty much the whole of next season also, just unsure of how many people he'll come back with. I too had wondered why they had taken people back to the prison instead of moving into Woodybury but as has been said already, its their home and they fought for it so want to stay there, they know how to defend it and The Governor could have numerous ways to get into Woodbury if he wanted too.

I liked the way Andrea was killed off, wasn't really expecting them to do it like that. Wasn't expecting her to get killed off at all actually.

Anyone else notice that Daryl seems to be fine even though Mearle just died? Sure he doesnt really show his feelings but you'd think he'd be a bit distant or bloodthirsty after what happened.

Even though I hare Carl I like the way they're taking his character.

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Everyone spends a year shooting walkers in the head from 200 yards, but they can't shoot people unless they are standing next to them. It's getting annoying.

There are a lot of annoying things about it now. They seem to have just abandoned the idea of walkers being attracted to humans by their smell.

Does anyone think that there was originally a different ending planned concerning Andrea? The reason I think this is because of the completely meaningless scene where Tyreese goes to talk to Sasha after finishing his patrol of Woodbury, only to seemingly have an epiphany and decide that he'll make the next patrol as well. I think there may have plans for him to discover Andrea before she got bitten.

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There are a lot of annoying things about it now. They seem to have just abandoned the idea of walkers being attracted to humans by their smell.

Does anyone think that there was originally a different ending planned concerning Andrea? The reason I think this is because of the completely meaningless scene where Tyreese goes to talk to Sasha after finishing his patrol of Woodbury, only to seemingly have an epiphany and decide that he'll make the next patrol as well. I think there may have plans for him to discover Andrea before she got bitten.

Yeah, I thought he was gonna find her when he had that scene. It was absolutely pointless in hindsight.

As for not being able to shoot humans vs zombies, zombies are a lot slower. I'm not sure who you're referring to not being able to shoot humans but there's plenty of quick kills. Probably a sub-conscious thing with those who have one in that they're committing murder rather than just killing zombies.

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Glad Andrea is finally dead, she was really get on my tits just how stupid she was being especially after finding the goveners daughter

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Carl has firmly gone from one of my most hated characters to one of my favourite. He is on the path of self destruct and a mini guvnor. At the moment his character is very much like young Anakin going through his path to the dark side 8)

It's all building up to something big with him and the govener,maybe?

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