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The Falkirk FC Thread

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Once again, what should their statement have said re McKee? What was he banned for saying, specifically? The rumours I have heard is that McKee called Shiels and his father c***s. The evidence for this seems to have been the word of Dean Shiels. Should the club apologise for that on his behalf?  Not for me. Maybe if you can provide evidence of something worse than that being said... But then by your logic maybe Dean Shiels/Dunfermline should apologise for his attempt to injure a fellow football player by means of absolutely halfing him with zero attempt to even pretend to go for the ball, considering I can show you video evidence of this and several thousand people witnessed it??

O'Hara, yes the club could have said something. Then maybe they felt that publicly slating him on the back of a fairly unprecedented 8 game ban wasn't the right thing to do for their employee. I recall O'Hara himself contacted Shiels to apologise. Again, as a fan I don't have a huge problem with how that played out. The boy was tried and severely punished. Case closed and he will move on.

Inverness, the club spoke about that. I don't think there was a great deal more they could have done on the matter, and based on severity of fan misbehaviour and the subsequent statement from Tuesday, I think the club has acted in a fairly proportionate way through most of this. Genuinely puzzled what more you want or expect from them, or what you think it would achieve?

To be fair bairnardo the word "rumours" about what was said could and, most likely will be exactly that. 

Do you honestly believe that the beaks would hand down a ban to a player based on rumours alone? That's like me saying that "rumour has it bainardo flung the eyeballs onto the park at east end". Should you now face a banning order because of that or do you think there should be more proof than a simple rumour? 

It would have to be proven to some degree or there would be very few football players eligible to play every week. 

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Does that mean that everyone on here has carte blanche lump Joe McKee in with the eyeball chuckers, which seems to be whats happening here, without having any idea of what he was even convicted for?

What I'm saying is that the two banned players were caught doing /saying something that warranted their respective bans. I honestly don't think the SFA would give out such lengthy suspensions based upon the victim's say alone. It's a seperate issue from the stupid wee knobs from Saturday
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I thought we'd all agreed to give it a rest?

Have to laugh at the "20 years of domination post" - in the last 20 seasons you've finished above us 10 times and we've finished above you 10 times. We've only been in same division in six of those years.

That's far more crucial than head-to-head record, surely? Although even that is standing at 11 Falkirk wins, 7 Pars wins and 9 draws.

I guess beating Dunfermline a couple of times a season is more important to Falkirk fans than overall league position?

Edited by Poet of the Macabre
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37 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

In that case, just pop the evidence in here

What evidence do "you" require?

You are the one claiming that lies have been told, so why not prove those lies? Your chairwoman/lawyer couldn't prove that lies were being told and I'll bet you can't either? 

Wouldn't you say there was clearly enough evidence to support Deans case? Or are you claiming there's some kind of conspiracy going on here? 

People do and say things they regret in the heat of the moment and, this whole sorry episode would have been forgotten if your player and club kept its dignity... admitted wrong doing... and took the hit on the chin. Instead of that they decided to further humiliate Dean by quizzing him to try and make out he was lying. Turns out that "your" player was deemed to be telling lies over this, hence the ban. 

Personally I think you should just bow out of this now as you are making a complete c*nt of yourself here.  

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The main issue with the McKee ban is that he wasn't even giving Sheils abuse about his eye but was allegedly  slagging off him and his faither.  Something which I'm sure happens week in week out on football parks around the country and is why he only got a 4 game ban instead of an 8 game ban like O'Hara.  No evidence was provided to corroborate Sheils evidence and all witnesses called said they hadn't heard anything.  The furore over the whole thing has seen him banned for a ridiculous number of games considering the offence which again although not being very nice happens all the time in various sports on a regular basis.  O'Hara was a different case having pled guilty and was dealt with accordingly although to me 8 games is way over the top .  The club like any other were not going to hang him out to dry in public though and have insured that he and the other staff at the club have gone on the correct awareness courses to try and make sure it doesn't happen again.  When you consider that clubs across the UK are signing convicted rapists and players that have previously killed people  whilst others are being kept on having assaulted police officers on more than one occasion and having to actually play matches whilst wearing monitoring tags I would say that O'Hara's case is pretty low down the scale for those calling for Falkirk to sack them etc.

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In the past 2 days this has been done to death. 

  • O'Hara is an arsehole on the park -> Apologizes and is rightly banned
  • McKee denies the offence -> Club defends him and tries the case, loses so he is therefore banned 
  • Fans sing about DS at ICT -> Club issues statement apologising
  • Fans are out of order at EEP -> Club attacks them, apologizes to DS and DAFC and vows to punish them if found 

What else is supposed to happen here? All sensible, appropriate action has been taken, With the fans, when it happened again and the abuse is obviously much worse the board came out strongly against their own fans. I'm not sure where our board have went majorly wrong here.

Time to get back to talking about football (where I'm sure we all have a lot of complaints about the board).


Edited by ilostmyself
Missed out statement @ ICT
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In the past 2 days this has been done to death. 
  • O'Hara is an arsehole on the park -> Apologizes and is rightly banned
  • McKee denies the offence -> Club defends him and tries the case, loses so he is therefore banned 
  • Fans sing about DS at ICT -> Club does nothing- only time they probably could have done more
  • Fans are out of order at EEP -> Club attacks them, apologizes to DS and DAFC and vows to punish them if found 
What else is supposed to happen here? All sensible, appropriate action has been taken aside from the singing at ICT, club does nothing and then when it happens again and is obviously much worse they come out strongly against their own fans. I'm not sure where our board have went majorly wrong here.
Time to get back to talking about football (where I'm sure we all have a lot of complaints about the board).

The club came out and made a statement condemning the singing at Inverness.
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In the past 2 days this has been done to death. 
  • O'Hara is an arsehole on the park -> Apologizes and is rightly banned
  • McKee denies the offence -> Club defends him and tries the case, loses so he is therefore banned 
  • Fans sing about DS at ICT -> Club does nothing- only time they probably could have done more
  • Fans are out of order at EEP -> Club attacks them, apologizes to DS and DAFC and vows to punish them if found 
What else is supposed to happen here? All sensible, appropriate action has been taken aside from the singing at ICT, club does nothing and then when it happens again and is obviously much worse they come out strongly against their own fans. I'm not sure where our board have went majorly wrong here.
Time to get back to talking about football (where I'm sure we all have a lot of complaints about the board).

Something about IRA singing and sectarianism in Glasgow. That’s really important to this case apparently.
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