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The Falkirk FC Thread

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Continuing the protest against them is a no brainer. You dont even have to do anything. Whats the downside?

You keep your money, dont miss any games if you dont want to anyway, and put the heat where these people understand it. On the balance sheet.

Aside from all of our own interpretations about business and how/whether it could be done better bla bla bla, even if you are not interested in that stuff, how can you have your intelligence insulted by these people and then go and shell our your dough up front. They are literally trying to rip the piss out of us because they think we are stupid. For that alone we should be keeping our cash.

The trouble with that is the only ones that get caught in the crossfire is the team, starve the club for cash and with no extra money coming from the MSG then the only ones that suffer is the team we spend another season in league 1 probably end up part time and we have an even bigger mountain to climb.

Support the team continue the protests, changed days from pre internet protests where chairmen could be heckled outside the ground. Least they have done a deans for Fulston on us is our only saving grace.

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The trouble with that is the only ones that get caught in the crossfire is the team, starve the club for cash and with no extra money coming from the MSG then the only ones that suffer is the team we spend another season in league 1 probably end up part time and we have an even bigger mountain to climb.

Support the team continue the protests, changed days from pre internet protests where chairmen could be heckled outside the ground. Least they have done a deans for Fulston on us is our only saving grace.
These people dont understand any other language than money. If we enable them, then they will continue us on the same trajectory as they have us on. This is because firstly we know that some members of the MSG vehemently oppose Lang and Campbell being removed, and Lang and Campbells form book does not show even a hint of a glimpse that they can do anything differently. Their form book consists of one calamity after another.

If you wish to empower them to stay in place, at least do so in the full knowledge that you no right to expect anything other than more of the same, since there is no evidence to suggest otherwise
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11 hours ago, CC52 FFC said:

Just back from a meeting tonight between all the supporters groups and Craig Campbell and Margaret Lang, here is a summary of what was said (please don’t shot the messenger)


Meeting occurred due to only two Falkirk players turning up to the 3 supporters evenings a few weeks back.


At the beginning ML was in tears and couldn’t speak.


She said she wanted to release a statement but the board were against it.


Explained that they still believe we were above board with the whole McKinnon and Morton saga and that McKinnon wanted to bring a few things up at the tribunal which he wasn’t allowed too which has been backed up by JJ and Houston apparently. Ayr United actually tried to stick up for us by saying we acted above board with them.


Craig Campbell is persuading the board to give out two year contracts to players not only capable of winning League One next year but the Championship the following. He said if they cut the season ticket prices by 10% the playing budget will be reduced by £50,000. He wants bums on seats and every penny is going to the playing budget.


Ray McKinnon was up at Dundee today discussing friendlies (don’t know who with) however club don’t want to pay too much as every penny is wanted towards playing budget.


There’s a board meeting tomorrow to discuss the future of the board. Says there’s interested parties but you have to watch who you let into the club.


Apologised for the whole racist saga and said that was handled very poorly which they accept.


This wasn’t meant to be so much Q and A or they would have made it an open fan’s forum.


Oh FFS let it go! :lol:

Seriously though, what a load of guff. If any of you take that in then you deserve all you get. Well, you still deserve all you get no matter what, but you know what I mean

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31 minutes ago, falkirkzombie said:

Sandy Alexander actually stood up at the end of the AGM and was begging fans to get behind KJ and DW plan, if that not a clear indication that they want out f**k knows what is, 

Why is it taking so long? God only knows, maybe relegation has changed their minds or maybe they are just bumbling idiots.

He's just wanting to make sure there's money in the pot so he can continue to bleed the club dry with the South Stand rent. Decent wee pension pot for him.

The club should be closing the South Stand next season and not giving him a penny BTW. Leech.

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3 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

He's just wanting to make sure there's money in the pot so he can continue to bleed the club dry with the South Stand rent. Decent wee pension pot for him.

The club should be closing the South Stand next season and not giving him a penny BTW. Leech.

Considering the SS cost him 2.5 million 75k per year is extremely generous,

Edited by sick boy
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12 hours ago, GMBairn said:

Anyone who thinks we could get vaulks back must be smoking fucking crack. 

I'm devastated that I appear to have been banned from it :(

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1 hour ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Since the last time we were this low down the leagues, dunfermline, queens, ayr, raith, st johnstone, partick, airdrie, morton, hamilton and livy have all been down there, some on quite a few occasions, some taking a while to get back up. This idea that the club is run terribly and everyone should go shows a complete misunderstanding of how football actually works, go round every league worldwide and you'll find teams to "big" for the division they're in, are they all badly run? (To be fair some are!)  Messi or Ronaldo? Who's best, it's a judgement call and is the same for players at all levels, if the manager gets it wrong then we get what we got last season. Having a witch hunt of everyone connected to the club isn't right. Hartley made this mess and unless you want the board controlling team matters then getting shot of him and rebuilding was the right way to go.


1 hour ago, JinkyBairn said:

Aw mate, what a howler of a post.

I read it in the voice of Ron Manager, which made it a bit more bearable.

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I don't disagree with any of that. My concern would be that if we do starve the club of cash, and nobody buys them out, we may well continue the current trajectory anyway. And then it'll be as much our fault as anyone else's. 
Sorry but it wont be our fault. Not having that at all.
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2 minutes ago, sick boy said:

Considering the SS cost him 2.5 million 75k per year is extremely generous,

I've no idea of the figures - BPM will no doubt be along shortly to correct you if they're wrong - but if accurate that puts a slightly different light on the SA / South stand debate.

It suggests SA is giving us a 33 year mortgage, possibly without charging interest depending on how many years the lease is contracted to run for. Given that at his age he's  unlikely to live that long he'll certainly never get his money back.

Which makes him pretty much the opposite of a leech IMO.

Unless of course your figures are out or the lease runs for 100 years, in which case it's designed to benefit his descendants to the detriment of the club.

I don't know. I'd be interested to find out and would certainly want to know that info before passing judgement on the man.


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2 minutes ago, HopeStreetPieStall said:

 Protest all you want, and we should be and will be, but that doesn't happen in a vacuum. The MSG seem to have been clear that the club will operate on the money it brings in. So a drop in season ticket sales will be a drop in budget. Much as it hurts to advocate giving those clowns money, it's either that or a team full of players that have been binned by Stenny.

So accept being hostage to them then? 

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1 minute ago, HopeStreetPieStall said:

Who said accept it? Turn up and protest. Before the game. After the game. Egg their cars if it makes you feel better. But if you want players to get us out this league, the msg aren't going to pay for them. That much seems clear. 

I look forward to you renewing your season ticket then?

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3 minutes ago, HopeStreetPieStall said:

I don't disagree with any of that. My concern would be that if we do starve the club of cash, and nobody buys them out, we may well continue the current trajectory anyway. And then it'll be as much our fault as anyone else's. 

When a concern or an individual buys a company it comes down to two basic thing that decide the value. Is it in debt ? What are it's assets ? The club is skint, own no property outright. Falkirk Football and Athletic Club as a concern is basically worthless. Whoever buys it will be judged on it's motif for buying. Fan buy out is the best security for it's future success not shareholder dividends.  Being part of a company then we will be no more than a line on a balance sheet that will be looking to take money out the club. For that in the end is what the shareholders are investing in. Not owning the stadium is the biggest strategic mistake the club has made in it's history.

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You can count on it.

Well I won’t.
I will pay my way into select games.
That way I know I am putting something in to help basic operation, but they won’t have the certainty of my seasons revenue nor that I will pay in the equivalent of the season ticket value.
Really I think that’s what we should all be doing....
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