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23 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

Especially when he is absolutely rubbish. 

His interview in The Herald today was a delight. "Results haven't been great but remember we were top going into Saturday". That attitude needs driven out. Never going to succeed importing culture from the Mortons and Queen of the Souths of this world.

This is absolutely bang on btw. Players should be ashamed they’re not 10 points clear, but instead ray’s mentality of oh but we’re in touch so all is well has seeped into them. It’s the reason we went down last year (after being 8th in March) and the reason we won’t go up this year with Ray at the helm


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He’s effectively the Scottish, right-sided, Tommy Robson.
Effort is there but lacking quality. 
He’s still a massive improvement on our last several efforts at RB I suppose.
Speed is about the only quality he shares with TR. Robson could cross, was weak and couldn't defend. Doyle is the opposite of all that.
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37 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:


Heard today another concert to be announced and the number will be north of 350k. It merely fills a hole. If they could get to the Premier League the club turnover would north of £5m and these concerts could be used to good effect.

Whilst it is good to attract them overall it is Nothing to bum about with the club in division 3.


I agree it’s nothing to bum about due to our league position however it’s good income to be generating from non-football activity.

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If we were to have yet another January clear out I’d be well up for that, assuming of course McKinnon is long gone by then, the perception in the summer was that we were bringing in good mid table championship players who should be more than good enough for League 1. I know I was certainly one who bought into it and thought our squad was going to be more than good enough. It’s not. Aye the manager is fucking rotten and needs punted ASAP but watching the team this season there’s really not a lot there.

Only players I’d genuinely be looking to keep are Robbie Mutch, Morgaro Gomis and Louis Longridge. Mutch is more than good enough to be our fist choice ‘keeper, still got a lot of learning to do but he needs to play games to do that. Louis gets a hard time from some of our fans but of course he’s going to be inconsistent if he was able to produce his quality week in week out he’s be sure playing at a much higher level. Our only player with genuine quality and creativity if he goes in January it’s a massive loss. Morgaro Gomis has unquestionably been our best player this season he’s surpassed by expectations of him definitely and I’d imagine most others as well. His legs are starting to go and shouldn’t be asked to play 90 minutes every week but he oozes class.

Next players who I’m very ‘meh’ about. Cammy Bell, Gregor Buchanan and Mikey Doyle. Bell has been fine for us this season no issues with him but I’d just rather we gave Mutch a proper chance to establish himself. Buchanan is a bang average centre back and seems to get away with a lot from the fans cause he’s local, he really should’ve scored 3 or 4 goals already this season seems to get a decent chance every other game. Doyle is fine at right-back his pace and work rate do let him get away with a lot of mistakes and he’s by no means brilliant but compares to some of the shite we’ve played there over the last few years don’t mind him too much. I’d actually throw Lewis Toshney in here too, someone who imo when played this season has been our best defender but for some reason been benched for months now.

Now we’ve got the jobbers who should be nowhere near the club. Robbie Leitch, Denny Johnstone, Ross MacLean, Gary Miller and Lewis Moore. All pretty shite ‘squad fillers’ that add no value expect sitting on the bench. All could get punted tomorrow and you wouldn’t even notice. I’d be amazed if any are playing full time football once they leave us.

Now we’ve got a whole list of either under performers or just utter shite. Mark Durnan, Aidan Connolly, Declan McManus, Ian McShane, Connor Sammon, David McMillan, Charlie Telfer and Michael Tidser. Durnan is an absolute cart horse of a centre back he’s a liability and a mistake waiting to happen. He’s worse with the ball at his feet than a Peter Grant which is fucking impressive. After a bright start Connolly has fell away and rarely has any influence on the game either stating or coming off the bench. Might be a bit harsh on McManus but his attitude does my fucking tits in always looking to foul first then having a strop when he gets the foul against him or throwing himself to the ground at any opportunity. Also got a very ratty face that you would never tire of punching. Ian McShane just isn’t my type of player at all I don’t think he adds nothing to the game except shite set pieces. A complete shitebag and a passenger. I’ve really tried to like Sammon and aye he’s not helped with getting the ball hoofed up to him all the time but he’s a big fucking diddy and really doesn’t offer much of a threat. McMillan isn’t much different well and looks to be a decent enough poacher but his all round play is terrible can’t really trap the ball, pass the ball and not the cleanest of strikers of a ball either. Telfer similar to Connolly started really well but since his excellent performance last time against Dumbarton has been awful. Every game passing him by as he hides in the middle of the park not really getting involved in anything. Then the most disappointing of all of course is Tidser. No way is this the same player that was at Morton. He’s so slow on the ball, can’t run, barely leaves the centre circle and another complete shitebag.

Finally leave worst until last Paul Dixon. Feel bad for saying it every week but he’s finished. Not a surprise that teams now target him every week as he’s hopeless. Both defensively and offensively he’s regressed massively since January. Either loses possession or just aimlessly hoofs it when he gets in, never stops a cross, very rarely stops his man getting by him and his final ball is absolutely useless. And to think we’ve got another 18 months left of watching this c**t.
Other than I think MacMillan has potential, the rest of this is spot on.
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His afterthought remark of “me too” has quickly returned to “its the players, not me”. He is back in the place where he is doing everything right, and they aren’t executing the plan.

Nothing has changed in McKinnon’s head.

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4 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

(but I suspect it's just a rental fee we receive).
Well done FFC. 

Correct me if I’m wrong but is that not how pretty much any venue works? The band’s management book and pay for a venue and its up to them ( the band) to make aprofit from tickets

It depends on the artist , Springsteen for example charges every venue 1M per show and it's up to the venue or more commonly the promoter to make money from the show.

I have never heard of the band's management booking/paying for a venue (unless it's at the low end of the business) - that's the promoter's job and very few major artists (like The Killers) will agree to a gig without a flat fee or minimum guarantee.

I'm sure Falkirk self-promoted the first few concerts - made a fortune out of Elton John and lost a packet on Ronan Keating. You learn by your mistakes and we are now well placed to make this a decent money spinner in the coming years.  


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They’ve messed everyone else around why would messing a potential manager be any different.

Still would chance it going for Joe McLaughlin as manager.
I've heard Joe Mclaughlin mentioned a few times. I'm sure I'm missing the reason why though. Came across as a right arrogant p***k on the WDHS podcast
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1 hour ago, keithgy said:

I have spoken to a member of the Airdrie backroom staff this week and he told me they targeted Dixon as they saw him as the weak link,if other teams see that how the f**k does Ray McKinnon not see it???

Are you sure he doesn’t see it? Given the patchwork nature of his signings, he has little in the way of natural options on the left side. My guess is that he simply feels that “another” player at left back would be a similar target and perhaps slightly less effective (if that’s even possible). Ray is hardheaded, and is still convinced that he knows best, that Dixon was the ideal choice to fill a role last year and he’s not gonna change his mind because he “knows best”. Until the players follow his directions perfectly, Ray will hum and haw about how the team needs to play better and execute the plan. When that happens, it’s the referee, the bounce of the ball, the conditions or the tough league that gets blamed.

Remember, Ray is convinced he’s playing chess and everyone else is playing draughts.

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5 hours ago, bairn88 said:

This is absolutely bang on btw. Players should be ashamed they’re not 10 points clear, but instead ray’s mentality of oh but we’re in touch so all is well has seeped into them. It’s the reason we went down last year (after being 8th in March) and the reason we won’t go up this year with Ray at the helm


I agree in some areas that the players should be ashamed but these players that are here are here for one or two reasons, one money and the other that no one else a league or two above us wanted them.

Mutch is our only sellable asset, the rest are journey men or nearly men, yes some should be too good for this league but the management has built a squad that's the equivalent of wethers originals in being nice and there is the problem

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They’ve gotten it wrong before this season on the scoreline. Really, since the days of Gordon McFarlane, that side of things has faltered to the point where it’s all a bit cringeworthy.

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