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The Falkirk FC Thread

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3 hours ago, Harry Kinnear said:
4 hours ago, BigSpow said:
No different to myself was carried into Brockville since the age of 2. Like I said its individual choices but stop bleating on about not attending matches!

To be honest, I have hardly been on P&B this season as I don't feel I have a right to an opinion on a team I have seen very little of so I have hardly been bleating on. As you say it is individual choices.

Your opinion is always welcome on here Harry.

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3 hours ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

Your opinion is always welcome on here Harry.

I'm sorry if I offend Harry here but I know him and as I said I respect those who haven't bought season tickets or paid to see FFC......its all an individual choice and will always be.

Harry has done no finger pointing towards fans who have choose the opposite of his choice as far as I know online or when I have spoke in social zones. 

It really is a mess and only success on the pitch can go towards changing that, the current owners are going nowhere unless complete meltdown happens as far as my opinion goes.


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I'm sorry if I offend Harry here but I know him and as I said I respect those who haven't bought season tickets or paid to see FFC......its all an individual choice and will always be.
Harry has done no finger pointing towards fans who have choose the opposite of his choice as far as I know online or when I have spoke in social zones. 
It really is a mess and only success on the pitch can go towards changing that, the current owners are going nowhere unless complete meltdown happens as far as my opinion goes.
No offence taken at all pal. You are right Mr D it is all about individual choices and I respect those that still attend games as that is their choice. Looking forward to the day that we as a club are moving forward with everyone pulling in the same direction.
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39 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

Today's February the 9th.

I read that today is the last opportunity for us to get loans in. Is that the case?

Because it's taking a risk if we run with the Bare Bones XVIII we have...

It's the end of February, think this was briefly discussed on the Rovers thread.

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The type of arsehole that posts pictures of his latest model FFC beach towel on the first day of his holiday.
Absolute walloper.
[emoji23] Shows what you know. Lets move on its boring. Continue to be an armchair fan rather than a supporter.
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Everyone to their own, I say.

i was at the 57 final.

TBH, it’s too late in the day for me to make ‘gestures’.

Just glad to be able to go.

The atmosphere last night was really good.

The attitude of the players permeated through to the fans who were willing them on to score the equaliser.

Can’t wait till the next game.

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4 hours ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

Today's February the 9th.

I read that today is the last opportunity for us to get loans in. Is that the case?

Because it's taking a risk if we run with the Bare Bones XVIII we have...

I read that as well somewhere, can't think where though. On here probably?

If that is indeed the case then my guess would be that, having allowed Leitch to go on loan, they probably thought that they were getting someone in and it hasn't materialised. 

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4 hours ago, Big Fifer said:

It's the end of February, think this was briefly discussed on the Rovers thread.

It was, and mentioned earlier here as well:

“Finally found it...end of February!

Extension Provision for Clubs Entitled to Participate in League 1 or League 2.

66 Notwithstanding Regulations 55(ii) and 55(iii), Clubs, for the time being entitled to participate in League 1 or in League 2, shall, subject to the conditions set out in Regulation 67, be entitled to Scottish FA Register and League Register a Player on the basis of a Temporary Transfer, during September and February in any Season.

67 The conditions applicable to a Temporary Transfer proceeding under and in terms of Regulation 66 are:

(i) all of the other provisions of these Regulations relating to Temporary Transfers, in particular, but without prejudice to the forgoing generality, Regulation 57, must be fully complied with;

(ii) the term of a Temporary Transfer beginning in either of the periods specified in Regulation 66 must not terminate earlier than the first day of the first Registration Period following the date of commencement of the Temporary Transfer of the Player and the date of expiry of the term of the Temporary Transfer must fall within a Registration Period; and

(iii) in the event that, during the course of a Season and during the term(s) of subsisting Temporary Transfers undertaken in terms of Regulations 66 and 67, by reason of and/or connected with intervention by football regulatory authorities the Board considers it necessary to prematurely terminate the extension arrangements for League 1 and/or League 2 Clubs provided for in these Regulations 66 and 67 and/or to terminate any Temporary Transfer permitted by Regulations 66 and 67 the League and/or Company shall suffer no claims or liabilities by or from any Clubs and/or Players which/who are or were parties to any such Temporary Transfer(s) and any and all such Clubs and/or Players waive and forever discharge any and all claims that each and/or any of them may in the future have against the League and/or Company as a consequence of, resulting from or in connection with, such premature termination of such Temporary Transfer(s) and/or any Registrations resulting therefrom or connected with same. and any transferor and transferee Club(s) and Scottish Football club concerned shall hold harmless and indemnify the league and Company in any claims which may in such circumstances be made against one or other or both of the League and/or Company.”

Edited by TxRover
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2 minutes ago, Bantabairn said:

Fck.......I need a sleep now

There’s a couple of other sections I highly recommend as sleep aids. Just as a foot note, finding that simple sentence that shows September and February as the deadlines took dozens of searches, as the SFA doesn’t posts this anywhere easy to find or searchable. They don’t even put it on the calendar they offer!

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They know their time is done, but unfortunately hold all the cards at present, SA is still owed thousands, he ain’t just selling up unless he gets paid. 

Owed thousands for what?

SS is the only thing.

I don’t think he wants to sell
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7 hours ago, Senor Bairn said:

The club should be utterly embarrassed that not only did we allow hearts fans into the home end last night, but they weren’t removed and even got their own wee section next to the away end.

Lex miller and his cronies are utter fucking diddies.

I actually thought that was quite a sensible and pragmatic way of dealing with a potential problem rather than them being dotted around the stand.


I'm going to assume we aren't bringing anyone else in. Why did Leitch and Laverty get sent out on loan? We are so short it is ridiculous. Not that either of them would've resolved this but we are one or two defensive injuries away from a disaster at the back.

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I actually thought that was quite a sensible and pragmatic way of dealing with a potential problem rather than them being dotted around the stand.
I'm going to assume we aren't bringing anyone else in. Why did Leitch and Laverty get sent out on loan? We are so short it is ridiculous. Not that either of them would've resolved this but we are one or two defensive injuries away from a disaster at the back.

f**k that, should’ve kicked them out.
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1 minute ago, Senor Bairn said:


f**k that, should’ve kicked them out.


I know Falkirk fans who were in the Linlithgow end when we played through there, I take it you would've had then launched out too?

Edited by Marshmallo
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They know their time is done, but unfortunately hold all the cards at present, SA is still owed thousands, he ain’t just selling up unless he gets paid. 

Owed thousands for what?

SS is the only thing.

I don’t think he wants to sell
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For the benefit of the away game only gang, there were a couple of "f**k the msg" and "Lex Miller, you're a w****r" chants last night.

Did you point out the perpetrators and send the photos to Mr.Hogg? [emoji6]
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