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The Falkirk FC Thread

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2 minutes ago, Gollum said:

And my point is that there isn't a player in world football that would both get my knickers wet and want to play for Falkirk in this upcoming season. We have to sign some type of jobber whether Engish or Scottish, but a 21 year old on a 3 year deal thats proven in our league is about as good as it's going to get.

All depends on how much you are willing to pay. There could have been cash in the coffers ....but that is gone now.

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1 hour ago, Zbairn said:

Absolutely...... total shocker that they  did not refer to refunds.

To ask us to pay full price for a 3rd season, that may not allow the fans in to the full extent, dependent upon the Covid situation is just ripping us off once more. 

Not even a mention of free FFCTV if you cant get in.


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1 minute ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

I think you’re a bit over the top referring to fans being ‘ripped off’.

What could the club do?

They lost the revenues from the lost games.

i think they’re legally obliged to offer refunds but why not just forget it?

Here is one for you. I know a guy who shelled out for 3 season tickets last season for him and his kids which was nearly a grand, as a goodwill gesture to the club. All he got was a curtailed season on FFCTV ....which occasionally buffered and also didn’t work properly for the last match. So...he should just forget it and do the same? The club have offered him zilch, nothing, nada as an incentive to renew.  There were so many things the club could have done to enhance our experience. They haven’t even thanked us for our support last season. Bitter? Me? ....you better believe it.

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12 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

It doesn’t matter what other clubs are doing. I have a copy of the Trading Standards letter. It’s clear and unambiguous. The club are breaking the law by not offering refunds. If this goes to court it could cost us big time....cash we can Ill  afford to lose, again. 

We seem to be making a habit of this.

Who did Trading Standards write to if you don’t mind me asking? The club(s) and SPFL?  Not seen anything about this bar on here. 

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59 minutes ago, falkirkzombie said:

Kind of weird day to announce it with today being a massive day for Scottish football, will go under the radar - unless that's what they were going for.

Or they are trying to cadge along on the Scotland good vibes train.

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25 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

It doesn’t matter what other clubs are doing. I have a copy of the Trading Standards letter. It’s clear and unambiguous. The club are breaking the law by not offering refunds. If this goes to court it could cost us big time....cash we can Ill  afford to lose, again. 

We seem to be making a habit of this.

Hahahaha fuckin hell man. Take a day off 

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5 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:

Who did Trading Standards write to if you don’t mind me asking? The club(s) and SPFL?  Not seen anything about this bar on here. 

The SFA.

It states in relation to refunds.....”where football clubs, as service providers, are not compliant with consumer law, they may risk action by the local authority or any other enforcer under consumer protection law. .........consumers can also take action themselves, through the courts if necessary.  It is important that all parties are aware of how the law applies”

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6 minutes ago, squeezeboxson said:

What is the refund actually due for though?

How the tickets were marketed and sold last season. It can be considered a contract between business and consumer. Due to There being a curtailed season, the club should offer a refund.

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5 minutes ago, squeezeboxson said:

I just wonder if certain fans would have been less bitter had the club not capitulated like they did at the end of last season...


5th in the Seaside league after being so far in front. Then Deans saying “it was an impossible task for Holt” to get more than 3pts from 5 games would be  just laughable, if it wasn’t so soul destroying. 

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The decent and sensible thing to do is to offer a refund. It's then up to fans whether they take that option up or not.  We should be making the offer though and not sweeping it under the carpet.  At least then you aren't seen as taking the piss. A lot will say I've paid it don't need the money but there may be a few that need the cash in current circumstances.

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2 minutes ago, hobbes said:

This forumScreenshot_20210614-113755_Twitter.jpeg

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse.

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1 hour ago, Gollum said:

Who do you reckon would have been a better than signing on paper than those in recent years? Which manager would have joined us in League 1 that would have caught your attention?

That's not the point I was making.  The Rawlins have come in taken control with a small investment some how and some people seem to think there's been a new broom and different direction this season but I just don't see it. We haven't done anything so far that we couldn't have done before they arrived. That's the point I'm making.  When will we see what they are bringing to the table as so far it's just more of the same.

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