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The Falkirk FC Thread

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So, it’s nearly three weeks since this incident took place. Every bit of counsel I have taken since then stops me before I am half way through with the same word…..untenable. Nothing has happened, so here I am.

A member of the Board of FFC didn’t care for my dim view of their performance in what was their specialist field. This was based entirely on my having a go at his performance on the anonymous football forum we know as Pie and Bovril, and I also stated that the company he worked for was seriously small beer.


He tried the spin of claiming my criticism was on “social media” which kind of infers what most people relate to as being FB, Instagram, Twitter and the likes. I don’t hold an account on any of those.


So, his course of action might reasonably have been to join P&B and maybe have a pop back, or just suck it up as being pretty damn close to the truth. That is not what he did.


No, this Board member of FFC took a different path. He sent an abusive text. It’s what a communications specialist would do, right? Nah, I didn’t think so either.


That act alone should have been enough to see him step down immediately in order not to bring further shame  on the Board of FFC. He didn’t do that though.


Thing is, sending me an abusive text message didn’t happen. 


That person didn’t send the text to me. That person sent it to my son…………he sent an abusive text about a father to his son. He dragged my son into his world of horrendously bad judgement and wholly questionable temperament.


So, now you have two people absolutely raging. The FFC Director claimed he was “angry” when he sent it. His anger registered nowhere near the anger that I and my son both felt, but hey, we didn’t send him abusive texts in return. I suppose we both exercised restraint and common sense and a bit of judgement in not acting as he did.


I wrote to every Board member, and Mr Deans responded on behalf of the Board saying that he was concerned by the complaint I had outlined. He wanted to meet at the stadium to discuss the matter. I declined. 


I fully accepted that he did not want to commit anything to email, whereas I wanted nothing verbal that could be spun or re-interpreted. My complaint was not an outline…..it was fully formed with the evidence to back it up.


To crank it up even further, this person then went back to WhatsApp, and deleted the message in the hope of destroying the evidence. As my son put it “he clearly doesn’t understand how the internet works”.


So has this person taken the only reasonable course open to him and resigned from the Board? Sadly, no. That person is still there. 


For me, that is yet another stunning manifestation of his highly questionable judgement.

If he had made the choice to do the honourable thing and stood down immediately, I would not have put this into the public domain, but it seems potential damage to his reputation is a price he used prepared to pay in order to cling on. 


This person might see themselves as a communications expert, but it seems action and consequence simply doesn’t appear on their particular radar.


Not to take sides with the board member in any way, but just to bring a bit of balance here, would you care to tell us what you said, what he actually said that was abusive, and also whether he actually knew he was contacting your son?
Clearly he’s out of line but I always like to try to understand both perspectives in an argument before draw a final conclusion?….
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Please excuse the language but I’m absolutely fucking fuming at what I’ve read there from Duncan. Our club is absolutely rotten to the core. 

I cannot believe that Andy Thomson, an absolute fucking charlatan, is in any way back involved in our club. This fucking chancer should have had the door unceremoniously slammed in his face and been banned from the ground. 

 McFarlane, you know who I am, you have my number if you want to text me too, but you’re an absolute fucking disgrace. Total and utterly unprofessional. Ego driven nonsense. In no way qualified to have a seat on the board and I’ll stop there before I say something I really regret. 

Deans, to not act on this properly from Duncan, whom I know both him and his son personally and have absolutely no reason to doubt anything that has been  said, is not just unprofessional but corporate mismanagement. 

Phil Rawlins said this was the most professional board he’d ever worked with? Don’t make me fucking laugh. A bigger fucking fantasist than Mark Campbell if he really thinks that. f**k me. 

Clear them fucking all out.  Immediately.  

Heads.  Fucking.  Gone    


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10 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

Not to take sides with the board member in any way, but just to bring a bit of balance here, would you care to tell us what you said, what he actually said that was abusive, and also whether he actually knew he was contacting your son?
Clearly he’s out of line but I always like to try to understand both perspectives in an argument before draw a final conclusion?….

I've seen the message, as like Rugster I know both the poster and his son.  Not my place to post the content, but given it starts "your dad....." that should address at least one of your questions.

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18 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

 whether he actually knew he was contacting your son?

Do you think he accidentally texted a random number about someone and it just happened to be that persons dad? Fucks sake. 

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Do you think he accidentally texted a random number about someone and it just happened to be that persons dad? Fucks sake. 

You need to calm down [emoji3]
Do I know the full story here? No.
How do I know that they didn’t have a conversation on the sons phone previously and he assumed he was contacting the father? Hence the question.
It was cleared up by another poster.
No need to be condescending. We have enough of that around the club already….
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2 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Do you think he accidentally texted a random number about someone and it just happened to be that persons dad? Fucks sake. 

0778001000....send message "your dad's a fanny"

0778001001.... Send message "your dad's a twat"

0778001002.... Send message "your dad's a nugget"


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1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:

Not to take sides with the board member in any way, but just to bring a bit of balance here, would you care to tell us what you said, what he actually said that was abusive, and also whether he actually knew he was contacting your son?
Clearly he’s out of line but I always like to try to understand both perspectives in an argument before draw a final conclusion?….

Well, a fair question. I think he felt I questioned his prowess in the field of PR (self evident I would have thought) and it seems his typically overblown CV type extract on the official site was something worthy of examination. My friend builds wooden garages and sheds (nice ones), and the fact that my friend’s turnover was higher than this man’s employer turnover made me describe it as a bit toytown compared to other better known PR companies. To that end, what follows is his considered response that he sent to my son about me.

You will note the “slagging me off on social media” spin. It was P&B, not FB or Twitter or Instagram or Tiktok or YouTube.


QUOTE Your dad still not wanting to speak to me mate? Continually slagging me off on social media, and not got the balls to have a conversation? Shitebag.

Saw him sit in the second row and not say a word last night despite giving it big licks on pie and bovril. The true definition of a keyboard warrior. UNQUOTE

Interestingly, on the same day he sent this abusive text to my son, he also had a 67 minute phone call with me during which I made it abundantly clear why I considered him unsuitable for the office he held. Funnily enough, after calling me a “shitebag” (in this context, a coward) this individual didn’t even have the guts to tell me he had sent that text to my son at any time during that 67 minute call.

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Well, a fair question. I think he felt I questioned his prowess in the field of PR (self evident I would have thought) and it seems his typically overblown CV type extract on the official site was something worthy of examination. My friend builds wooden garages and sheds (nice ones), and the fact that my friend’s turnover was higher than this man’s employer turnover made me describe it as a bit toytown compared to other better known PR companies. To that end, what follows is his considered response that he sent to my son about me.
You will note the “slagging me off on social media” spin. It was P&B, not FB or Twitter or Instagram or Tiktok or YouTube.
QUOTE Your dad still not wanting to speak to me mate? Continually slagging me off on social media, and not got the balls to have a conversation? Shitebag.
Saw him sit in the second row and not say a word last night despite giving it big licks on pie and bovril. The true definition of a keyboard warrior. UNQUOTE
Interestingly, on the same day he sent this abusive text to my son, he also had a 67 minute phone call with me during which I made it abundantly clear why I considered him unsuitable for the office he held. Funnily enough, after calling me a “shitebag” (in this context, a coward) this individual didn’t even have the guts to tell me he had sent that text to my son at any time during that 67 minute call.

Yep, agree out of order and total lack of professionalism.
Interesting to see that he takes comments on P and B very seriously. If that’s the case he ought to consider the damage he is doing to the club and do the right thing before this escalates further….
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29 minutes ago, Duncan Freemason said:

Well, a fair question. I think he felt I questioned his prowess in the field of PR (self evident I would have thought) and it seems his typically overblown CV type extract on the official site was something worthy of examination. My friend builds wooden garages and sheds (nice ones), and the fact that my friend’s turnover was higher than this man’s employer turnover made me describe it as a bit toytown compared to other better known PR companies. To that end, what follows is his considered response that he sent to my son about me.

You will note the “slagging me off on social media” spin. It was P&B, not FB or Twitter or Instagram or Tiktok or YouTube.


QUOTE Your dad still not wanting to speak to me mate? Continually slagging me off on social media, and not got the balls to have a conversation? Shitebag.

Saw him sit in the second row and not say a word last night despite giving it big licks on pie and bovril. The true definition of a keyboard warrior. UNQUOTE

Interestingly, on the same day he sent this abusive text to my son, he also had a 67 minute phone call with me during which I made it abundantly clear why I considered him unsuitable for the office he held. Funnily enough, after calling me a “shitebag” (in this context, a coward) this individual didn’t even have the guts to tell me he had sent that text to my son at any time during that 67 minute call.

Incredible lack of self awareness on display there...... Among plenty other obvious issues. 

Are there really people on the board of directors of "our" club who think they can essentially offer out sqaure go's with fans/paying customers in order to sort their problems?

What an absolute shower of fucking mutants. (PM me lads x)

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2 hours ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

Not the most pertinent point here but Pagoda is a really shit name for a PR company. 

The thing that annoys me is that doesn't even look like a pagoda in their logo. A pagoda has multiple tiers of eaves. The logo looks more like a cupola (what you see on the top of a whisky distillery etc.).

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I don’t know how these things work, but I would be staggered if Gary Deans has not asked him to resign from the Board. His communication to me saying I had “outlined a complaint” makes me think he hadn’t. Simply asking the man if he had sent the text would have been enough. I mean, with the evidence we have, it’s simply undeniable. On that alone he simply has to go.

Perhaps his clouded judgement has made him refuse to resign, and it’s only at the AGM that he can be removed (if he refuses to read the writing on the wall). His continued presence serves only to embarrass the club further.

If nothing else, perhaps this is at last, the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and we cannot sink much further. I won’t hold my breath, as every day he remains on the Board, we settle further and further into the mire.

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For Gary Deans to accept this behaviour from one of his Board members is truly scandalous. For a so called PR guy to actually consider that doing this is OK, questions his integrity and ability to see the bigger picture.  

If the Q&A wasn't bad enough, this is dragging the club into more disreputable territory.

His position must now be considered untenable. 

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