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3 minutes ago, AdamAnt said:

This is exactly what I mean, even valid criticism is shouted down as some sort of agenda from the new guys. Why is that? What I’ve said is a perfectly legitimate complaint and not in the slightest abusive. Attempting to silence legitimate concerns is not a good look. 

You can criticise anyone you want and that is fine - but there are people on here with several accounts (as was shown only last week) who are trying to stir things up. This Board will make mistakes - probably in hindsight  Griffiths was one - and will be criticised for them but making new accounts because your old one was exposed seems to me shady. Why I would rather we all posted under our real names.

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4 minutes ago, Kevin James Left Knee said:

You can criticise anyone you want and that is fine - but there are people on here with several accounts (as was shown only last week) who are trying to stir things up. This Board will make mistakes - probably in hindsight  Griffiths was one - and will be criticised for them but making new accounts because your old one was exposed seems to me shady. Why I would rather we all posted under our real names.

So to clarify, you concede my criticism is valid, yet still accuse me of having an agenda? I don’t get that logic. 

I have to be honest I’d be a tad peeved with my parents if they named me Kevin James Left Knee but fair play for practicing what you preach and posting under your real name. 

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The idea that the Griffiths signing was a "board mistake" is just mental to me. Cash was available and Rennie gambled he'd be the spark we needed to reach the playoffs. It didn't work out, fine. The board should not have any say over who is signed

ETa - Apart from you know who, who could've killed the club stone dead

Edited by bairn88
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On 04/08/2022 at 10:09, Bainsfordbairn said:

I assume this refers to me?

 That’s not a new one; I’ve been accused of being a board sycophant / areselicker (inset any random insult here) by multiple people in relation to different boards over the years. Usually in an attempt to discredit something I’ve said.  

 Which part of the current board am I reporting to?

 Is it all of them? There appears to be a disagreement between one former board member and presumably two of the others, at least judging by your claims. Am I on the side of the FSS, which I should be given that I’m a member, just as I was of Bairnstrust? Or am I siding with the two patrons and reporting back to them? Or am I part of some fiendish plot by the old MSG board to undermine everybody? 😆

 It’s complete nonsense, just like most of the conspiracies that get aired on here.

 I have no communications or contacts with anyone of the board. The only time I normally see them is when they walk into the office on a day I’m working there. Two of them - Nigel Serafini & Kenny Jamieson - are folk I’ve barely spoken to, though when we have chatted I’ve found them to be pleasant & personable. The same description would apply to former director Douglas Moodie.

 Of the remaining two, I like Gordon Wright. He seems to be at most of the youth games I watch and any director that goes to see the kids gets brownie points from me. He often stops to chat about their performance when he’s walking along the touchline at the end of a game. I just find him to be a pleasant, inoffensive old man.

 As I think I said previously, Keith Gourlay and I are former work colleagues. He always makes a point of coming over for a blether when he sees me and we do get on well. I’d describe us as being friendly but not quite friends. We didn’t keep in touch during the 20 years our careers diverged and we’re not in touch now, despite your insinuations to the contrary.

 That’s probably all I want to say on board stuff as I think folk are getting bored with it.

Just caught up with this. Curious as to why you latched onto it being about you? I don’t think anyone else read it and then assumed it was in relation to them, so was wondering why you bit on that particular post in the manner that you did.

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I've no idea why people are so desperate to know who everyone else really is. Never used to be like that on here. We always managed to discuss and argue things and noone gave a monkeys who was who.  I for one don't give a toss who anyone is and what they do in their lives all I know is the vast majority are Falkirk fans.  Some people are happy to let others know who they are and that's fine. At the end of the day it's a forum you believe what you want to believe and that's up to you.

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1 hour ago, bairn88 said:

The idea that the Griffiths signing was a "board mistake" is just mental to me. Cash was available and Rennie gambled he'd be the spark we needed to reach the playoffs. It didn't work out, fine. The board should not have any say over who is signed

ETa - Apart from you know who, who could've killed the club stone dead

The money was to be used to sign a striker that window the manager signed the wrong striker. Not much else you can say on the matter.

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5 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

I've no idea why people are so desperate to know who everyone else really is. Never used to be like that on here. We always managed to discuss and argue things and noone gave a monkeys who was who.  I for one don't give a toss who anyone is and what they do in their lives all I know is the vast majority are Falkirk fans.  Some people are happy to let others know who they are and that's fine. At the end of the day it's a forum you believe what you want to believe and that's up to you.

There is a small subset in any generally online/anonymous group that feels they need to , hell, have a right to know who everyone is and exactly what they might really know. Tends to be the same types that insist that everything must be disclosed in various things, and are actually just nosy as hell and probably bored out of their skulls at their dull lives.

The classic example is pretty common on sitcoms etc, the neighbor who sits knitting/reading the paper by the window so he/she doesn’t miss who is visiting whom and what people are going where in the neighborhood. The best cure is, unfortunately, outing them instead, and while that’s dropping to their level, it does tend to make them pull back a while. It also seems more prevalent now, at least here in the U.S., since the various conspiracy stuff that started with the Clinton’s in the 90’s has turned into a fun blooded “truth-seeking” mob since Obama had the temerity to get “elected”.

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1 hour ago, bairn88 said:

The idea that the Griffiths signing was a "board mistake" is just mental to me. Cash was available and Rennie gambled he'd be the spark we needed to reach the playoffs. It didn't work out, fine. The board should not have any say over who is signed

ETa - Apart from you know who, who could've killed the club stone dead

The board mistake was appointing Rennie. That was a monumental f**k up. The worst manager in our history - who sanctioned that I have no idea but it was diabolical from the board.

I agree though that once the manager is in place the board shouldn't be blamed for their signings.

I didn't mind the Griffiths signing at the time but I had no idea he was so done. The Dundee fans told us though.. as indeed the Partick fans told us how awful Alegria is. 

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2 minutes ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

The board mistake was appointing Rennie. That was a monumental f**k up. The worst manager in our history - who sanctioned that I have no idea but it was diabolical from the board.

I agree though that once the manager is in place the board shouldn't be blamed for their signings.

I didn't mind the Griffiths signing at the time but I had no idea he was so done. The Dundee fans told us though.. as indeed the Partick fans told us how awful Alegria is. 

Calm yourself, Rennie did turn out to be rotten but I'd hardly put him anywhere near being the worst manager in our history especially given the squad he had to try work with thanks to Holt.

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20 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

Calm yourself, Rennie did turn out to be rotten but I'd hardly put him anywhere near being the worst manager in our history especially given the squad he had to try work with thanks to Holt.

Worse Falkirk manager ever?

That particular accolade belongs, and always will belong, to George Miller.

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7 minutes ago, HonestAl said:

Worse Falkirk manager ever?

That particular accolade belongs, and always will belong, to George Miller.

Sheerin takes a lot of beating mind you. I've never ever seen a manager tell fans he wishes he was better like he did at the fans forum. Nice guy and probably a good coach but never a manager.

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2 hours ago, bairn88 said:

The idea that the Griffiths signing was a "board mistake" is just mental to me. Cash was available and Rennie gambled he'd be the spark we needed to reach the playoffs. It didn't work out, fine. The board should not have any say over who is signed

ETa - Apart from you know who, who could've killed the club stone dead

Agree it was for the manager to spend his playing budget as he seen fit not the board,  think the club need to take the heat for appointing what turned out to be the wrong manager in Rennie however. Also for what it’s worth I fully backed signing Griffiths at the time as did many others, to get a player of that quality in seemed a no brainer, hind sight is a great thing!  

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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Context is everything. Rennie came in on a 6 month deal at a time of huge upheaval. Deans left the building and broke all contact immediately ensuring he never had to account for his behaviour.

The new guys were just in the door, and while any appointment at that time, they took on all available evidence the smallest gamble possible….a local guy who had worked in the MLS and Korea for periods of time, and had some sort of track record to point to, and who came with no known baggage.

That 6 month deal was the clincher I guess. No pay offs on what was after all, a wee gamble. It didn’t get anywhere close to being a success, and Rennie got himself away back to the US, and FFC were not landed with paying out on an early contract termination. He wasn’t better than Sheerin, but he could talk a better job than Sheerin.

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50 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

Sheerin takes a lot of beating mind you. I've never ever seen a manager tell fans he wishes he was better like he did at the fans forum. Nice guy and probably a good coach but never a manager.

Gary Holt’s “Mission Impossible” tenure from Gary Deans? That was an absolute “train plummets into a mile deep ravine” piece of work.

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1 hour ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

The board mistake was appointing Rennie. That was a monumental f**k up. The worst manager in our history - who sanctioned that I have no idea but it was diabolical from the board.

I agree though that once the manager is in place the board shouldn't be blamed for their signings.

I didn't mind the Griffiths signing at the time but I had no idea he was so done. The Dundee fans told us though.. as indeed the Partick fans told us how awful Alegria is. 

Agree with first and last paragraph. Not sure with middle part. For me any signing should be discussed with the bod, ffs look at where we are now……….

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The whole DG thing was a wake up to every Boardroom that in 2022, reputational risk/impact is a h-u-g-e component of signing any player with known baggage, and no Board can shrug and say “nowt to do with us. This begins and ends with the manager”.

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11 hours ago, Senor Bairn said:

Reading through this thread I don't think there's one player who hasn't been slated from Saturday when in reality there was maybe only 4 who had really poor games. 

If the game finished 2-0 then the hysteria wouldn't have been as wild as it's been. I reckon it would've stayed 2-0 if we had 11 on the park also.


I actually messaged my mate from down south to say we are playing well and on it pre Airdrie goal. For me we had two invisible players, three players not playing to previous form, one due to a move to right back and Morrison doing what he has done for a while now. 

2 hours ago, FFC 1876 said:

Calm yourself, Rennie did turn out to be rotten but I'd hardly put him anywhere near being the worst manager in our history especially given the squad he had to try work with thanks to Holt.

Rennie was a complete car crash, brought in 7 players and made us worse than the previous worst.

The Holt split season was horrific but given he wasnt appointed as long term, I'll not include him. It's Rennie all day for me, various formations throughout games, weekly and zero tactical plan for with and without the ball. He also followed the Sheerin we are Brazil 70 in training.

Let's not forget season ticket holders stopped going to the game or even watching at home under Rennie, that's how bad it was.

Edited by MrDust
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8 hours ago, Shodwall cat said:

I still question if keeping on Kennedy is the right thing to do considering the amount of time he's out for unless of course we aren't paying anything towards having him which is doubtful. We could always bring him back in January once he'd proven his fitness. Given our current injury list it seems strange to lengthen it further with a player we could simply send back and replace.

I said pretty much the same thing when I heard he got the injury. We are only hampering ourselves. 

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