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The Falkirk FC Thread

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6 hours ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Away from the trivial matter of club ownership to the important question of the day.
Are we still going to be using those horrible yellow balls this season?

I will be using my old, pink and wrinkly balls as usual this season.

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Well I just read the Bexley is bonkers blog which seems to confirm my worst fears . Dearly dearly me is all a can say ?
Bexley is bonkers.co.uk/blogs/2012/sep/1301.php

me I didn’t look hard enough for the author of the Star Letter featured yesterday. A Bob Bedwell, and I doubt there are many of them in Sidcup, stood for election to Bexley council in both 2006 and 2010. So was the letter in praise of the owner of Cafe Blanco a bit of ‘insider dealing’? The flaw in the argument is that Bob Bedwell stood for the Labour Party and one might have guessed that the cafe owner linked as she is to the Campbells would be inclined the other way. But when did that stop a political hook up of convenience? Surely you’ve not forgotten Sandra Bauer (Labour) and Melvin Seymour (Conservative) who worked so hard at stitching up Olly Cromwell?

I am also reminded that my reference to the Campbells and the pub in Bean did not reveal a lot even after linking back to the July blog. Time to come clean.

In front of me is a file of papers, some on Dartford council notepaper, others relating to the County Court, one from the Guild of Master Victuallers, another from the drink wholesaler Maison Maurice and some bearing the signature of Mark Campbell of Bexley Cabs fame.

The Black Horse Inn, BeanThe situation appears to be that the landlady of the Black Horse in Bean got herself into serious debt and had to get someone to take over her lease and the debts. The Campbells rode to the rescue. Mark and his father, Colin Campbell the deputy leader of Bexley council, are both recorded as being involved both before and after the takeover.

By all accounts Mark Campbell made a pretty decent job of running the pub and the outgoing landlady should have been happy. However she had made one very silly mistake. So anxious was she to get away from the stress of managing a debt ridden business that she allowed the Campbell takeover before the dotted line was signed. With a foot firmly across the threshold no signature was ever forthcoming, nor allegedly was the money. Meanwhile Mark Campbell improved the pub, spending money on its fabric and turning it into a profitable business. Bad as that might be for the landlady, debts continued to pile up and the debtors were knocking at the door of an outwardly successful pub. Eventually the new ‘owner’ walked away and guess who was left with the additional debt? None other than the original landlady who, without the requisite signature was still the legal leaseholder.

In law the Campbells have probably not done a thing wrong. They gallantly offered to take over a pub, they improved it and presumably took a little reward for their efforts. How very unfortunate that the bills were ignored. When the game was up they moved on. Nothing wrong with helping someone out for a while is there? Nice people.

The landlady is now much further in debt than she ever was before and the leaseholder is breathing down her neck and not the Campbell’s. All because she thought she had found some good Samaritans and ignored the advice to not allow Mark Campbell in before he paid.

The file includes some interesting witness statements which I should point out have not been tested in court.

• The landlady claims the agreed price for the lease was £80,000 and that the debts to be paid amounted to £66,000.
• A letter signed Mark Campbell accepts the agreed price was £80,000. (The money is said to have been due to come from the sale of property in Spain.)
• The landlady claims that Mark Campbell failed to pay the brewery anything for a minimum of four months.
• The Master Victuallers confirm that Mark Campbell took over the lease but failed to sign for it and that they advised against it.
• The drink industry supplier Maison Maurice confirms that Mark Campbell did not pay their bills and that cheques bounced.
• The local postmaster who had loaned the cost of a new boiler states he was given a cheque only after a four month delay and then had a phone call saying he must not present it.

Maybe the salesman from Maison Maurice was right when he wrote “I have been in the licenced trade for over 40 years and I have never met such a lying duplicitous person as Mark Campbell. He owes money to several people who believed his lies and it cost them dear. He is a total con man”.

Mark Campbell had earlier tried to take over another Black Horse Inn. The one in Sidcup that was demolished to make way for a Waitrose store that never was. The deal with Campbell fell through when the owners decided to sell its Sidcup premises to developers.

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3 minutes ago, Bairn Necessities said:

The wealth thing is interesting. I would be certain that Martin Ritchie is wealthier than Mark Campbell. Yet we haven't seen that wealth in the club (rightly so really - what moron pushes millions into a football club) 

See most owners of Football teams or the ones mental enough to think they can make a difference at least the one interested in us isnt mental enough to think he can challenge the OF either of the Edinburgh sides and Aberdeen. and is being realistic enough interesting to see he want to raise the capacity of SoL and develop the surrounding areas, If he tries to do the same to us fair one but as long as he doesnt leave the club riddled with debt (its a given really).

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The wealth thing is interesting. I would be certain that Martin Ritchie is wealthier than Mark Campbell. Yet we haven't seen that wealth in the club (rightly so really - what moron pushes millions into a football club) 

Nobody with any sense would invest in us. However how can a Del Boy wanna be publican and former mini cab driver who’s hooked with a Mexican real estate saleswoman in the big apple, with high hopes to make money in coffee chip up to our board of directors with some of her sales commission and convince them that he should be the preferred option to run the club ahead of life long fans with 800 k of solid investment from local people. It totally beggars belief and trumps racist gate relegation farce and Hartley fiasco by a country mile. It took ordinary fans ten minutes to oust the alleged Charleton ! What he was playing at only he knows but his track record makes Geordie Fulston seem like an angel . The board should hang there heads in shame !
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3 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Bexley Cabs & Barbers was a great business. You drove the taxi while he sat in the back cutting your hair.

I can't think why it failed.

Might be able to give Greg B a trim ok well just lose the bun (i refuse to call it a man bun) ..lol

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1 minute ago, Stainrod said:

Nobody with any sense would invest in us. However how can a Del Boy wanna be publican and former mini cab driver who’s hooked with a Mexican real estate saleswoman in the big apple, with high hopes to make money in coffee chip up to our board of directors with some of her sales commission and convince them that he should be the preferred option to run the club ahead of life long fans with 800 k of solid investment from local people. It totally beggars belief and trumps racist gate relegation farce and Hartley fiasco by a country mile. It took ordinary fans ten minutes to oust the alleged Charleton ! What he was playing at only he knows but his track record makes Geordie Fulston seem like an angel . The board should hang there heads in shame !

They should but they wont, this only adds to the list of the ludicrous decisions.

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Having actually read some of the patter about Campbell now (thanks to being ill informed to participate in a PM discussion) this is where I am.

The man is of seriously questionable scruples. BUT, what is there that will fall foul of a due dilligence procedure? I dont know the answer to that but I suspect nothing.

I think this man is going to assume control of the club. I think the MSG have dropped any pretence of being fans and are in full blown "this is business" mode. A mask used by many to hide deplorable acts, ironically including Mr Campbell most likely.

Whether Campbells indiscretions are behind him we wont know until its too late, but either way, wary about the mans vision for the club....

One thing thats fucking GUARANTEED to happen, is that the moment concerms are raised about this guy by fans ie at the EGM necessary to get this deal through, there will be an off radar amount of "AYE WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE GRATEFUL TO US!!!!" type chat from the MSG, with "falkirk fan" Sandy Alexander leading the charge.

The spite in the air from them will be thick. They are selling this club to this man out of spite, because their feet werent being kissed enough for their liking.

It will result in us having to be very wary of this guy from day 1

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26 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Having actually read some of the patter about Campbell now (thanks to being ill informed to participate in a PM discussion) this is where I am.

The man is of seriously questionable scruples. BUT, what is there that will fall foul of a due dilligence procedure? I dont know the answer to that but I suspect nothing.

I think this man is going to assume control of the club. I think the MSG have dropped any pretence of being fans and are in full blown "this is business" mode. A mask used by many to hide deplorable acts, ironically including Mr Campbell most likely.

Whether Campbells indiscretions are behind him we wont know until its too late, but either way, wary about the mans vision for the club....

One thing thats fucking GUARANTEED to happen, is that the moment concerms are raised about this guy by fans ie at the EGM necessary to get this deal through, there will be an off radar amount of "AYE WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE GRATEFUL TO US!!!!" type chat from the MSG, with "falkirk fan" Sandy Alexander leading the charge.

The spite in the air from them will be thick. They are selling this club to this man out of spite, because their feet werent being kissed enough for their liking.

It will result in us having to be very wary of this guy from day 1

So what’s changed for you? Have you got wind of new information about him from your PM discussion that we’re not all privy to?

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If your right it’s administration here we come
Thats the go-to doomsday scenario for football fans but it feels lazy. Whats the mechanism by which you see Campbell leading us to this? I am asking, I genuinely dont know.

I see more unfulfilled "promises" from a largely absent owner who shows a general malaise towards the plight of the club. Thats my fear. Languishing whilst he gives no fucks what we say or do about it.

That said, in that scenario I dont know what would have been the point in acquiring the club in the first place.

I am between a rock and a hard place in terms of having any faith in a new guy who seems to be (or at least has been in his past) ok with ripping people off, and definitely not having any faith in turds like Miller, Thomson and Sandy "you idiots should trust me" Alexander.

I know a lad who has worked in flats which Lex Miller rents out. Says they are basically slums. He is a scumbag who has helped see the club to competing in the third tier with hardly any money and a squad of 16 fit players.

Honestly, I dont know if Campbell is any worse than that or not. In terms of being malevolent scumbags, it seems the frying pan and the fire are operating at similar temperatures.

At this point the only advantage I see to having Campbell is that at least if he fucks it, he wont care where the money comes from to buy him out, and so the fans have a better shout of getting the club, which we should have this time round but for the toxic c***s at the helm
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So what’s changed for you? Have you got wind of new information about him from your PM discussion that we’re not all privy to?
Sorry posted the above reply while you were posting. Nothing knew. Just the letter about ripping off the pub posted on the thread I hadnt read it.
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3 hours ago, Stainrod said:

me I didn’t look hard enough for the author of the Star Letter featured yesterday. A Bob Bedwell, and I doubt there are many of them in Sidcup, stood for election to Bexley council in both 2006 and 2010. So was the letter in praise of the owner of Cafe Blanco a bit of ‘insider dealing’? The flaw in the argument is that Bob Bedwell stood for the Labour Party and one might have guessed that the cafe owner linked as she is to the Campbells would be inclined the other way. But when did that stop a political hook up of convenience? Surely you’ve not forgotten Sandra Bauer (Labour) and Melvin Seymour (Conservative) who worked so hard at stitching up Olly Cromwell?

I am also reminded that my reference to the Campbells and the pub in Bean did not reveal a lot even after linking back to the July blog. Time to come clean.

In front of me is a file of papers, some on Dartford council notepaper, others relating to the County Court, one from the Guild of Master Victuallers, another from the drink wholesaler Maison Maurice and some bearing the signature of Mark Campbell of Bexley Cabs fame.

The Black Horse Inn, BeanThe situation appears to be that the landlady of the Black Horse in Bean got herself into serious debt and had to get someone to take over her lease and the debts. The Campbells rode to the rescue. Mark and his father, Colin Campbell the deputy leader of Bexley council, are both recorded as being involved both before and after the takeover.

By all accounts Mark Campbell made a pretty decent job of running the pub and the outgoing landlady should have been happy. However she had made one very silly mistake. So anxious was she to get away from the stress of managing a debt ridden business that she allowed the Campbell takeover before the dotted line was signed. With a foot firmly across the threshold no signature was ever forthcoming, nor allegedly was the money. Meanwhile Mark Campbell improved the pub, spending money on its fabric and turning it into a profitable business. Bad as that might be for the landlady, debts continued to pile up and the debtors were knocking at the door of an outwardly successful pub. Eventually the new ‘owner’ walked away and guess who was left with the additional debt? None other than the original landlady who, without the requisite signature was still the legal leaseholder.

In law the Campbells have probably not done a thing wrong. They gallantly offered to take over a pub, they improved it and presumably took a little reward for their efforts. How very unfortunate that the bills were ignored. When the game was up they moved on. Nothing wrong with helping someone out for a while is there? Nice people.

The landlady is now much further in debt than she ever was before and the leaseholder is breathing down her neck and not the Campbell’s. All because she thought she had found some good Samaritans and ignored the advice to not allow Mark Campbell in before he paid.

The file includes some interesting witness statements which I should point out have not been tested in court.

• The landlady claims the agreed price for the lease was £80,000 and that the debts to be paid amounted to £66,000.
• A letter signed Mark Campbell accepts the agreed price was £80,000. (The money is said to have been due to come from the sale of property in Spain.)
• The landlady claims that Mark Campbell failed to pay the brewery anything for a minimum of four months.
• The Master Victuallers confirm that Mark Campbell took over the lease but failed to sign for it and that they advised against it.
• The drink industry supplier Maison Maurice confirms that Mark Campbell did not pay their bills and that cheques bounced.
• The local postmaster who had loaned the cost of a new boiler states he was given a cheque only after a four month delay and then had a phone call saying he must not present it.

Maybe the salesman from Maison Maurice was right when he wrote “I have been in the licenced trade for over 40 years and I have never met such a lying duplicitous person as Mark Campbell. He owes money to several people who believed his lies and it cost them dear. He is a total con man”.

Mark Campbell had earlier tried to take over another Black Horse Inn. The one in Sidcup that was demolished to make way for a Waitrose store that never was. The deal with Campbell fell through when the owners decided to sell its Sidcup premises to developers.

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More of the same blexeley pish. Ffs can we no get some real dirt on this guy instead of going over and over this pish stuck on a message board. Honestly feck me.

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Took a read of the bexley thing and from what i can make out from the Sunderland deal both pretty similar in he wanted to raise the capacity of the SoL  and develop the surrounding area this seems to be the common thing whilst it is a lot less expensive to buy us and if you listened to what he said the first thing he wanted to do was to speak to the council about owning the stadium outright (if i am right in saying this gives him an asset) again the surrounding area not being used at a lesser price to develop and build 4th stand and hotel .  I could be adding 2 and 2 and coming up with 5 but then again there seems to be a lot of us trying to play Sherlock here and coming up with pretty much the same anyone got a van and a great dane i can team up with ? ..lol.

On the flip side though if he does build the hotel and make a success of ti and does bring the academy back and we manage to sell a few gems at a profit  as long as we arent wracking up a shit load of debt which is the biggest concern.

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