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The get fit, stay fit thread

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6 hours ago, Forfinn said:

I don't know about the BMI variance, but you should definitely be seeing a variation in body fat - even if you weren't losing weight.  I take a reading most mornings, more because I'm interested in the trends and stats rather than an obsessive desire to lose weight or body fat.

Both are pretty consistent for me, but do vary day-to-day.  For example, this week I've recorded a different weight and body fat percentage each morning but the differences between the smallest and largest reading has been 0.6kg and 0.5%.

If it's giving you the same reading every time I'd be suspicious it's not working properly.

ETA: I've got no idea how it calculates body fat percentage, whether it's a simple calculation based on weight and height or some kind of witchcraft.  I should probably look that up.

It changes between evening and morning, but always between the same two values. I'll keep an eye on it for another few weeks.

6 hours ago, Aufc said:

BMI is the biggest pile of shite ever. Wouldnt get too hung up on it

BMI's great for a rough guide, but that's all it is. My point about the BMI thing above was just that it doesn't seem to be working right. I used BMI as an initial guide to establish some target weights. Now though that I've lost that almost 3 stone I'm guessing based on visuals instead how much more I need to lose (that and trying to use body fat as a rough guide). I reckon I only need to lose around 1 more stone.

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I have started using the Freeletics bodyweight app for cross-training for running.  I thought it would nominate the workouts but it doesn't seem to do that unless you pay.

I'ts pretty good although I am rubbish at sit-ups and having not done any chin-ups for years my forearms are now sore. 

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I've put a stone on just reading that.

Out for dinner last Friday, 2 and a half medium dominos on sat, drinking all day and Chinese on Sunday, family lasagna and chips from a local restraunt on Monday. Then ate that' crap tonight and out for dinner tomorrow.

Trying to scunner myself so I'm motivated to stay sober and eat properly until Christmas so I can enjoy myself.
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I had to give myself a one month ice cream excile as I was smashing a tub of Ben and Jerrys once a week as my cheat meal. Can't be good for you smashing your blood sugar up and down like that once a week.

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Looking for a wee bit of advice here lads. Been busy this week. Played a fair bit of squash and a bit of boxing training. Right shin is really sore, like shin splints but probably not as bad. Have had experience of this pain before and find compression socks helped, but it also looks like I have some fluid retention in my lower legs. Could the two be connected?  How does one get rid of fluid and what causes it?

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I fucking hope not. Cheers for turning a slight niggle into a life-changer though!

Slight jest; but fluid retention in the extremities (particularly feet) is something that you should see the doctor about. Is it constant or does it only happen after exercise?
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9 hours ago, mrcat1990 said:

I had to give myself a one month ice cream excile as I was smashing a tub of Ben and Jerrys once a week as my cheat meal. Can't be good for you smashing your blood sugar up and down like that once a week.


Even when I am in good shape I always have a meal where I have a curry/Chinese/pizzas etc washed down with a tub of ice cream. You need something to look forward to every week. If you are are eating 5 or 6 meals a day then then is 35-42 meals a week-if one of them is terrible it cant do to much damage.... that's my philosophy. I usually put on about 7 -9lbs with my cheat meal though and it takes me about 5 days to shift it, but as long as I am down after a week I am happy.

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I've been slacking off massively the past couple of weeks. No weights, swimming or cycling and downing a ridiculous amount of beer. Out for the football today then back to living like a monk Monday onwards for November and hopefully beginning of December. 

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