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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Anyone recommend any wireless headphones? I’m not too keen on headphones when working out but sometimes I fancy it. Do a lot of walking as well and the cable is doing my head in. Not looking to spend much as I they won’t get used too often.

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Anyone know how to get a stronger overhead press? It seems to be my weak point, can only do 50kg for reps and it bugs me.

As with bench press if you’re losing weight then your OH will suffer. Pack some cals in and watch your presses improve.

Focus on getting stronger in all the compound lifts and eat plenty food.
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31 minutes ago, Daydream said:

As with bench press if you’re losing weight then your OH will suffer. Pack some cals in and watch your presses improve.

Focus on getting stronger in all the compound lifts and eat plenty food.

This isn’t accurate. I’ve lost 15kg and my bench has doubled in that period. Enough protein, carbs and fat will do. You don’t need to pack food.

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58 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Mpow Blaze are the ones I've got, they were about £17 and are excellent

Just had a look at these. Good reviews. Does the wire not get caught between your head and the neck of your t-shirt or that when exercising? 

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1 hour ago, Dele said:

Just had a look at these. Good reviews. Does the wire not get caught between your head and the neck of your t-shirt or that when exercising? 

I've never had that problem, no. I've been using them for running, walking and weight training for the past six months and they've been absolutely fine.

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I got back on the cardio today after my holidays with a 10 mile non-stop cycle. 

I'd been blootering these no problem but the sweat was lashing out of me today. 

I've also started pushing the weight up with the dead-lifts and squats. 150kg being my best dead-lift (one rep!) so far and 100kg my best squat. 

I'm in better nick at 40 than I was at 20.

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My bottleneck is grip strength. My left hand gives out before my legs and back do. Very frustrating.
Do you use straps?

Not sure if thats considered cheating. I always used them during my admittedly brief period of trying to lift heavy weights.
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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Do you use straps?

Not sure if thats considered cheating. I always used them during my admittedly brief period of trying to lift heavy weights.

Why have you taken a sudden dislike to monosodium glutamate?

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

No just chalk on heavy ones. I know I could get straps but ideally I'd like to strengthen the grip without. Maybe naively I thought it'd just do it as I ramped weight up but I'm stuck on 140. Perhaps as suggested I should add something in at the end of every workout to help. I've got a pair of grip strengthen things in a cupboard somewhere, could take those with (once I'm home the odds of me lifting a finger for exercise drop to 0).

I guess it is the purists way to try and strengthen grip but it pissed me off that liek you, my grip was preventing me from working the intended muscles by going heavier. 

I did find my grip lasted better if I had one hand facing in and one facing out. I am sure you have tried that though....

Unless you are really determined, I would get straps though. Made a big difference to me. 

@Dee Man My hatred of MSG refers no to the delicious monosodium glutomate, but to the Major Shareholders Group that runs Falkirk FC. Thank you.

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Just now, MixuFixit said:

I've been using hook grip instead of mixed grip but I guess I could try it. I was always a bit worried doing that would mean the different sides of my back were getting slightly different exercises, did you swap which hand was out/in?

I cant recall really tbh. I moved onto using straps pretty quickly once my legs and back became capable of going heavier. Never tried chalk or that, just the straps. 

I suppose you maybe should swap hands just to be sure, it did always worry me that the bar would swing out from my legs due to the different angles of my arms. It did definitely help with grip strength but as I say, it got abandoned pretty quick in favour of taking grip strength almost out the equation.

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4 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

What do you do in its place, out of interest?

When I say abandoned, I meant I abandoned any attempts to strengthen my grip and went with straps. 

I did abandon doing weights altogether though havent did it in years. When I was getting reasonably good at it, I was able to go and do it at least 3 or 4 times a week as I was working in Aberdeen and had nothing better to do. 

Now its a simple case that I know to get back into it id have to commit to that time again and at this point in my life I cant. It would mean less of stuff I enjoy doing (boxing) or stuff I need to do (cardio). One day though I might have another run at it. 

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