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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Time to get the excuses out the way first...
I've been signed off of all strenuous physical activity by my doctor since August due to having ridiculously low iron levels that were so low they wouldn't register on a blood test, which explained a lot of things. Got a double dose infusion and was told it would probably be late October before iron levels were back to normal
Anyway, gradually been building my fitness back up over the last 4 weeks by doing mainly strength training and light cardio.
Decided to give the rower, bike, treadmill challenge a blast today at a steady pace to see where I was at - came in at exactly 31 minutes. A big thank you to [mention=57451]Daydream[/mention] for unwittingly motivating me. I got the foot down when it was obvious I was going to be similar to his time. 
Aiming to knock at least 1 minute off per week now I know what sort of pace is required. Some very decent times posted here to aim for. 

Haha good effort! My second go I got down by almost 2 minutes...


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I've been looking for a forum and space like this. Feel embarrassed to tell people I'm close to how I feel. I have a job in physical activity but the past 2 years I've let my body slip! Put on the weight and endurance is getting poor.

I used to run half marathons most weekends, tough muddler, rat races, got to a weight where I was toned but my father said I looked gauntly. I went to the pub and ordered pint of water with lime cordial and my father told me I was becoming a boring b*****d. However, I've went to far the other way. Took a few months off and just never got back into a routine.

I go to the gym for a while then stop... My motivation and dedication I used to have has gone. I blame the missus. I was single and free and then settled down and got lazy and fatter!

So joined the gym again, plan to do 30/45 mins before work each morning (gym doesn't open early enough to do more) then I've set up a morning rise and shine fitness club at work 8.30am 4 days a week to do circuits, badminton, Joe wicks and a day of choice! Then try and get to gym after work most days whilst missus is still working (car sharing)

I don't have a question, just sometimes good to get it off my chest and down somewhere to hold myself accountable. It's now out there in the world

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5 minutes ago, SaltandPepe said:

I've been looking for a forum and space like this. Feel embarrassed to tell people I'm close to how I feel. I have a job in physical activity but the past 2 years I've let my body slip! Put on the weight and endurance is getting poor.

I used to run half marathons most weekends, tough muddler, rat races, got to a weight where I was toned but my father said I looked gauntly. I went to the pub and ordered pint of water with lime cordial and my father told me I was becoming a boring b*****d. However, I've went to far the other way. Took a few months off and just never got back into a routine.

I go to the gym for a while then stop... My motivation and dedication I used to have has gone. I blame the missus. I was single and free and then settled down and got lazy and fatter!

So joined the gym again, plan to do 30/45 mins before work each morning (gym doesn't open early enough to do more) then I've set up a morning rise and shine fitness club at work 8.30am 4 days a week to do circuits, badminton, Joe wicks and a day of choice! Then try and get to gym after work most days whilst missus is still working (car sharing)

I don't have a question, just sometimes good to get it off my chest and down somewhere to hold myself accountable. It's now out there in the world

Good luck!

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I have adopted a new grip while benching recently to try and get more out of  it rather than just strength alone (wide grip instead of narrow)  and I've worked up to 130kg on it so far, so I'm only 10kg off of my overall max which I think is decent, I love trying different things like this and has given me a bit of motivation to train a bit smarter. 

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So after getting down from 14'11 with 28% bodyfat to 11'7 with 15% bodyfat, I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was FUCKING SICK of cutting and decided I was going to start trying to put on some decent muscle.

I've been eating 3,400 calories a day (I'm still running three times a week hence the pretty big surplus) for the past week and a half and have put on precisely nothing :lol:

Edited by Gaz
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Productive weekend in the gym!

Saturday and Sunday - 2 hours both days on the cross trainer, high level and on 'kilimanjaro' Hill mode, emphasis on endurance over speed.
Heart rate monitor showing approx 1300 calories per workout.
I lose motivation easily nowadays so having the rugby on the screen and watching that, distracting me, worked a treat. Can either watch it sitting on the sofa or get something out of it.

Wish the gym had WiFi or sky so I could watch the football whilst working - enjoy working on machines when have something to distract me... Days I go in and nothing on but homes under the hammer or Lorraine etc... I do 10 minutes and I'm bored!

My gym is very basic, the issue with living in the middle of nowhere with VERY selective choices for a gym.

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Download films to your phone, bluetooth head or ear phones and you're rocking!

Productive weekend in the gym!

Saturday and Sunday - 2 hours both days on the cross trainer, high level and on 'kilimanjaro' Hill mode, emphasis on endurance over speed.
Heart rate monitor showing approx 1300 calories per workout.
I lose motivation easily nowadays so having the rugby on the screen and watching that, distracting me, worked a treat. Can either watch it sitting on the sofa or get something out of it.

Wish the gym had WiFi or sky so I could watch the football whilst working - enjoy working on machines when have something to distract me... Days I go in and nothing on but homes under the hammer or Lorraine etc... I do 10 minutes and I'm bored!

My gym is very basic, the issue with living in the middle of nowhere with VERY selective choices for a gym.
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Productive weekend in the gym!

Saturday and Sunday - 2 hours both days on the cross trainer, high level and on 'kilimanjaro' Hill mode, emphasis on endurance over speed.
Heart rate monitor showing approx 1300 calories per workout.
I lose motivation easily nowadays so having the rugby on the screen and watching that, distracting me, worked a treat. Can either watch it sitting on the sofa or get something out of it.

Wish the gym had WiFi or sky so I could watch the football whilst working - enjoy working on machines when have something to distract me... Days I go in and nothing on but homes under the hammer or Lorraine etc... I do 10 minutes and I'm bored!

My gym is very basic, the issue with living in the middle of nowhere with VERY selective choices for a gym.

Two hours on the cross trainers sounds boring as f**k

I am also not convinced you are working as hard as you could be if you are sitting watching something on the tv....
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Thank you for your input, not sitting. I'll take your opinion with minimal consideration not knowing me. I've appreciated the forum to be able to use it as a sound board and supportive ideas and suggestions.


Each to their own with exercise choice, however I don't work well staring at a beige wall infront of me so the TV is a distraction and works for me. I have my heart rate monitor to tell me if I'm working hard enough within my heart rate zones. I'm working on calorie reduction and endurance so longevity is my method currently. Not a daily routine, I also do weights and mix it up most mornings before work on cross over cable machine.


Went old school tonight and took measurements on my chest, waist, belly, arms, thighs, calves (used to do that with insanity) and will assess every fortnight. Worked out my BMR and calorie intake of my chosen foods I enjoy so wee diary to take notes.






Two hours on the cross trainers sounds boring as f**k


I am also not convinced you are working as hard as you could be if you are sitting watching something on the tv....




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I apologise!

Countdown is my strange choice in the gym, trying to come up with anything better than a 5 letter word makes the time fly by

That’s a great idea actually. You could construct a HIIT routine around an episode of countdown, go all out during any of the games.
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Changing my weights routine a little bit to see if it helps get me started again at the gym. Instead of doing 3 sets of 10 with a small progression in the weight I decided to to 20/15/10 with lighter weights to start but a bigger progression with each step so I still end up doing the last set at my top weight. Found it much more of a challenge and my tits and arms are dead this morning.

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Today was to be the 2nd attempt at the rower/bike/treadmill challenge. 

Rattled out 3:52 on the rower, jumped on the bike which took me 40 secs between getting off rower and doing my first pedal due to stupid feet straps, battered through that to the best of my ability while making a mental note not to ever attempt the challenge again the day after a particularly heavy leg day, jumped on the treadmill and on or around the 24 minute mark with about 1km to go I accidentally hit the emergency stop button as I was adjusting the speed up for the final kilometre. Shouted "f**k SAKE" before sheepishly apologising for my language to the runners either side of me. 

I've never hit an emergency button on a treadmill before in my life but I've now managed it about 5 or 6 times in the last month or so in this new gym thanks to the emergency stop being too close to the speed/incline buttons and being hyper sensitive. 

3rd attempt in a few days. 

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1 hour ago, Dee Man said:


Today was to be the 2nd attempt at the rower/bike/treadmill challenge. 

Rattled out 3:52 on the rower, jumped on the bike which took me 40 secs between getting off rower and doing my first pedal due to stupid feet straps, battered through that to the best of my ability while making a mental note not to ever attempt the challenge again the day after a particularly heavy leg day, jumped on the treadmill and on or around the 24 minute mark with about 1km to go I accidentally hit the emergency stop button as I was adjusting the speed up for the final kilometre. Shouted "f**k SAKE" before sheepishly apologising for my language to the runners either side of me. 

I've never hit an emergency button on a treadmill before in my life but I've now managed it about 5 or 6 times in the last month or so in this new gym thanks to the emergency stop being too close to the speed/incline buttons and being hyper sensitive. 

3rd attempt in a few days. 

Have you thought about wearing pants whilst on the treadmill?

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9 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Have you thought about wearing pants whilst on the treadmill?

Good point. The fact I was getting excited at being on course to knock a minute or 2 off my time probably didn't help. 

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Friday night in the gym I managed to hit a new 1RM PB for bench, lifting 245lbs (111kg) pretty comfortably. Based on this I decided yesterday to go for 250lbs (113kg), in my mind I thought if I don't use a spotter I'll be less likely to quit, lesson learned, always use a spotter, got the bar maybe quarter of the way back up, felt my arms go weak and ended up having to roll the bar down my body and off my legs. 

Clearly the woman working in the gym yesterday had not seen my fail as while I was squatting she asked if I'd ever considered competing as the gym is planning to hold a small Powerlifting meet among some of the members in December. Either taking part in all three lifts or just one or two. I'm tempted to give it a try but also scarred of making a total arse of myself. Anyone on here ever competed before? 

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On 05/09/2019 at 09:20, Torpar said:

Finally got round to the Staggy challenge last night, I'll get my excuses in nice and early and state that for the past few years I've been squatting and deadlifting  135lb/60kg as I felt my old knees couldn't hack it anymore. Turns out this was just a poor excuse and I surprised myself last night. Bare in mind the weights here are in pounds so I've converted to kgs and rounded up/down 

Squat: 88kg  1.02

Bench: 107kg 1.24

Deadlift: 116 1.35

I plan to attempt these again at the start of Octorber

Had to find out my latest 1RM numbers last night in order to have a 5 week programme put together ahead of the mock meet in December, though not a huge jump I'm pleased to see I've been able to push on a little since September 

Squat - 250lbs/113kg 1.33 of body weight

Bench - 245lbs/111kg 1.31 of body weight

Deadlift - 300lbs/136kg 1.6 of body weight

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