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The get fit, stay fit thread

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What's your diet like?

Nothing terrible in actual foodstuffs, I eat a fair share of fruit and veg, quite a lot of salad and fibres. Too much processed food of course but above all I think it's just that the portion sizes are too big.

I've been tempted,seems like a great bit of kit for exercise- did it come with any suggested routines or anything?

There's lots of instructions and videos online through a quick Google, as a complete novice (and someone who hasn't done any weights whatsoever for over a year) I've been sticking to fairly beginner stuff. Sit-ups with pushing the kettlebell to the top at the end of the rep, crunches from side to side and squats.

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I had an hour of Fives tonight and felt capable of running up and down for another hour. In the past week I've had two games, did some intervals and did kettlebell stuff 6 out of 7 days. I also didn't get drunk in the end (though had a barbecue on Thursday with ciders) but I'm already feeling a hell of a lot fitter. :)

Edited by vikingTON
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  • 2 weeks later...


I had been doing pretty well May - June in terms of gyming it, but ditiched it yesterday for Beer Garden escapades, which resluted in too many beers, crap food, and relentless consumtpion if sugary juice today.

I have my gym bag with me. I could go after work, but reckon i;d just half arse it anyway and it;d be pointless, better save myself for when I'm not rough and demotivated.

Good idea, or am i bullshitting myself? :lol:

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I had been doing pretty well May - June in terms of gyming it, but ditiched it yesterday for Beer Garden escapades, which resluted in too many beers, crap food, and relentless consumtpion if sugary juice today.

I have my gym bag with me. I could go after work, but reckon i;d just half arse it anyway and it;d be pointless, better save myself for when I'm not rough and demotivated.

Good idea, or am i bullshitting myself? :lol:

A half arsed day is better then a zero work day. Get it done!

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I've been on a health kick since the start of the year. I'm 5'11. When I started I was just under 14 stone, I wasn't fat, infact I was quite fit already but just wanted to trim down a little body weight

Since the 1/1/11 I haven't touched a drop of alcohol. I run, I've only missed a couple of days, largely due to my girlfriend giving birth. I've cut down drastically on the amount of shite I eat and have combned that by going to the gym at least 4 times a week when possible. I'm now down to just over 12 stone. The main reason? Without doubt, it is completely down to cutting out alcohol all together. I only drank maybe 8/9 pints a week, but cutting that out has made a hell of a difference.

So now that I'm down to a weight I'm happy with,it's all about trying to keep it there.

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Since the start of the year I've also been losing weight and getting fitter. Exercise mostly did it for me as my diet was already reasonable. Also found the scientific approach really helpful & motivating: measured my weight at Boots pretty much every week for 6 months and recorded my progress.

I've lost 24 pounds in the 6 months. Pretty happy where I am now, but am now targeting another 7 pounds away by the end of the year. From now on am just going to weigh myself at the end of the month and adjust the following month's activity / diet according to that. Plan to do that indefinitely.

As I've got closer to my target, the weight's been a bit harder to shift, so am going to mix up my exercise routine a bit for the remainder of the year. Few more exercise classes and less cycling I think.


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Since the start of the year I've also been losing weight and getting fitter. Exercise mostly did it for me as my diet was already reasonable. Also found the scientific approach really helpful & motivating: measured my weight at Boots pretty much every week for 6 months and recorded my progress.

I've lost 24 pounds in the 6 months. Pretty happy where I am now, but am now targeting another 7 pounds away by the end of the year. From now on am just going to weigh myself at the end of the month and adjust the following month's activity / diet according to that. Plan to do that indefinitely.

As I've got closer to my target, the weight's been a bit harder to shift, so am going to mix up my exercise routine a bit for the remainder of the year. Few more exercise classes and less cycling I think.

Great Job. Very well done.

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Back to the gym on Monday and back to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tonight, will be feeling it tomorrow. Really need to go on a sustained run of fitness, good diet and regular exercise. I've been out pished on each of the last three weekends (the middle weekend drinking Friday, Saturday, Sunday) and it's just a waste when you've been putting the hours in at the gym and watching what you eat to go and do that.

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Since the start of the year I've also been losing weight and getting fitter. Exercise mostly did it for me as my diet was already reasonable. Also found the scientific approach really helpful & motivating: measured my weight at Boots pretty much every week for 6 months and recorded my progress.

I've lost 24 pounds in the 6 months. Pretty happy where I am now, but am now targeting another 7 pounds away by the end of the year. From now on am just going to weigh myself at the end of the month and adjust the following month's activity / diet according to that. Plan to do that indefinitely.

As I've got closer to my target, the weight's been a bit harder to shift, so am going to mix up my exercise routine a bit for the remainder of the year. Few more exercise classes and less cycling I think.

Good shit.

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I've turned into a right fatty these past few months. The stress of exams, not being in Stirling to go to the Uni gym and juggling several jobs made me shoot up from 12 to 13 stone. I actually don't drink a lot but a really shit diet and not getting enough exercise is evident to see in me gaining weight. Another thing which hasn't helped is the fact that living in the centre of Falkirk, there's no where to go for a jog. A run up to Cally Park is pointless as there is a constant flow of traffic to interrupt my rhythm, dog shit all over the pavements and people out walking dogs.

I've started exercising regularly again. I took out the exercise bike from the garage and done a good half hour shift on it yesterday. Another half an hour shift will be done today and tomorrow before all exercise stops at the weekend as I'm away.

Does anyone know of any cheap gyms in Stirling. The Uni gym is great but is usually mobbed when I'm able to use it. I'm moving through there soon and wouldn't mind going to a gym that has facilities including a sauna, jacuzzi etc and was slightly quieter. Would the best bet be a local hotel? I won't get better value for money than the Uni gym but wouldn't mind a change of scene.

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I'm hammering myself to get fit again after a bit of a lay off through illness and a bit of a knee twinge.

I didn't put on any weight or anything but I lost a bit of general fitness with not being able to train hard. I'm fucking loving getting back into it again as I want to be in the best nick of my life for the start of the leagues (squash). I want to be winning matches against kids half my age and I want to be more durable than them if it's an attritional game.

Doing tabata, weights, and 10k most nights on the crosstrainer as it is good but doesn't impact the joints. Wanted to see if I could get the six pack this summer and I did. Yayy.dry.gif No way am I going to be able to keep that sort of routine going though at my age.:lol:

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At the start of November I weighed in at 17st 5lbs. (I am just a smidge under 6 foot tall)

I decided to start losing some weight, and gave up the two biggest sins I had in my life - Irn-Bru and bread

I was drink just over a litre of irn-bru a day, and would have toast for breakfast, sandwhiches for lunch, and sometimes a sandwhich in the evening.

Apart from getting withdrawl shakes for a few days after not drinking the Irn-Bru, it was easy enough - I replaced it with diluting juice (no added sugar stuff).

Bread got cut down, I still have toast int he morning, but I tend to have fruit for lunch, and I don't have the sandwhich snacks int he evening i used to.

This morning I weighed in at 12 st 5lbs.

A total loss of 5 stone (or 70 lbs) since November.

Some of you that know me, will have seen the before/after picture I had. And to be honest I have never felt better.

I've done no additional exercise (always went for walks, climb a few hills etc). But I I am now planning on doing a bit more. I'm not the type to head to the gym or stuff, but I'll probably get invloved with some 5-a-side or something.

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At the start of November I weighed in at 17st 5lbs. (I am just a smidge under 6 foot tall)

I decided to start losing some weight, and gave up the two biggest sins I had in my life - Irn-Bru and bread

I was drink just over a litre of irn-bru a day, and would have toast for breakfast, sandwhiches for lunch, and sometimes a sandwhich in the evening.

Apart from getting withdrawl shakes for a few days after not drinking the Irn-Bru, it was easy enough - I replaced it with diluting juice (no added sugar stuff).

Bread got cut down, I still have toast int he morning, but I tend to have fruit for lunch, and I don't have the sandwhich snacks int he evening i used to.

This morning I weighed in at 12 st 5lbs.

A total loss of 5 stone (or 70 lbs) since November.

Some of you that know me, will have seen the before/after picture I had. And to be honest I have never felt better.

I've done no additional exercise (always went for walks, climb a few hills etc). But I I am now planning on doing a bit more. I'm not the type to head to the gym or stuff, but I'll probably get invloved with some 5-a-side or something.

Thats is a tremendous effort, well done.

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At the start of November I weighed in at 17st 5lbs. (I am just a smidge under 6 foot tall)

I decided to start losing some weight, and gave up the two biggest sins I had in my life - Irn-Bru and bread

I was drink just over a litre of irn-bru a day, and would have toast for breakfast, sandwhiches for lunch, and sometimes a sandwhich in the evening.

Apart from getting withdrawl shakes for a few days after not drinking the Irn-Bru, it was easy enough - I replaced it with diluting juice (no added sugar stuff).

Bread got cut down, I still have toast int he morning, but I tend to have fruit for lunch, and I don't have the sandwhich snacks int he evening i used to.

This morning I weighed in at 12 st 5lbs.

A total loss of 5 stone (or 70 lbs) since November.

Some of you that know me, will have seen the before/after picture I had. And to be honest I have never felt better.

I've done no additional exercise (always went for walks, climb a few hills etc). But I I am now planning on doing a bit more. I'm not the type to head to the gym or stuff, but I'll probably get invloved with some 5-a-side or something.

Brilliant stuff.

Even cutting down the bread and fizzy stuff will have seen you shedding weight quickly enough.

Its difficult to cut bread right out but as you say, just using it now and again is no problem.

Did you take exercise as well or was it purely a purge of the rubbish in the diet?

edit for being an ear chewing moron and not reading the last paragraph :1eye

Edited by Reynard
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At the start of November I weighed in at 17st 5lbs. (I am just a smidge under 6 foot tall)

I decided to start losing some weight, and gave up the two biggest sins I had in my life - Irn-Bru and bread

I was drink just over a litre of irn-bru a day, and would have toast for breakfast, sandwhiches for lunch, and sometimes a sandwhich in the evening.

Apart from getting withdrawl shakes for a few days after not drinking the Irn-Bru, it was easy enough - I replaced it with diluting juice (no added sugar stuff).

Bread got cut down, I still have toast int he morning, but I tend to have fruit for lunch, and I don't have the sandwhich snacks int he evening i used to.

This morning I weighed in at 12 st 5lbs.

A total loss of 5 stone (or 70 lbs) since November.

Some of you that know me, will have seen the before/after picture I had. And to be honest I have never felt better.

I've done no additional exercise (always went for walks, climb a few hills etc). But I I am now planning on doing a bit more. I'm not the type to head to the gym or stuff, but I'll probably get invloved with some 5-a-side or something.

My mate lost seven stones just by going for walks along the seafront here. Probably a couple of miles a day. He still eats the same and he was never "sporty" anyway. The slight downside is that he smokes like a chimney while he is out on his walk but he is in good shape now too.

Walking is brilliant exercise, a lot of folk seem to feel the need to run when walking burns near enough the same amount of calories for distance travelled.

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