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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Best to have rest days.

Btw, getting 'massive arms' takes a hell of a lot of time and dedication as well as a consistent caloric surplus. It is absolutely not something that'd happen by mistake.

Yeah i know that mhak, thanks though. When i used to train with weights i got very lean but hardly bulked up...i know how much work it takes! I was his meaning because i wasn't bulkjng up would it be ok to skip the rest days.Some posters have said they do a few everytime they pass the chin up bar

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Ah, I see where you're coming from. This is actually a technique known as 'greasing the groove', which is explained here. Basically, you'll be fine provided you don't go to failure.

Thanks for that, mhak. I couldn't find much about it, probably because i wasn't explaining myself very well. I'm going to leave the bar up for good now biggrin.gif

Edited by forza ton
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I do it on either the exercise bike or the crosstrainer. I've also done it like circuit training too but its more of a hassle for me.

Basically four minutes just warming up-light jog-pedal not too madly, then 8 sets of twenty seconds springting as hard as you possibly can, then ten seconds of rest, repeat it eight times then a couple of minutes of just turning the legs over. Then go and find a chair. Ten minutes later you start to sweat like a rapist. I find it better doing the sort of sprinty type stuff. But you can do it in other ways too, as long as you are getting out of breath anything will work really.

I think i may have confused your post. Did you repeat the whole 8x20s/8x10s second 8 times? I had a go at 4 sets and was quite convinced my thighs would explode. :lol:

Can i ask what sort of resistance etc you set it up on?

I tried it on:

Height: 8

Resistance: 9

Speed: 235-250 during the 20 second intervals, just slowly turned the pedals for the 10s

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The one thing I've noticed since I started being a bit healthier is I'm a lot more energetic, especially at work. I think it's down to one thing in particular - I've stopped eating things like rustlers burgers, pies, chocolate, fizzy juice etc at lunchtime, and I don't feel sluggish when i come back out afterwards. My day now consists of 3 clementines in the morning, 2 bananas, a kiwi fruit, a sandwich and a yoghurt at lunchtime.

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See this is is a problem for me, im very self-conscious in the gym. Always feel like there's someone watching me to see if i'm doing things correctly. Or they want to see me struggle.

Yes im a paranoid android.

Next time you are in the gym - ask yourself how much time you spend looking at/judging others.

Probably very little I would assume? Same goes for them. Most people are too preoccupied with themselves these days.

Also, off topic for this response but on topic all the same, I've been going to the same gym at the same time alone for almost 2 years. The same people are there every night and if I've spoken more than 10 words in those 2 years I'd be very surprised.

ETA - I have been extremely strick this week. I've only had 1 slice of bread, no crisps, 2 biscuits and a handful of Roses (chocolates not flowers) in my mates last night. Been eating fruit and veg as snacks.

Edited by Dindeleux
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The one thing I've noticed since I started being a bit healthier is I'm a lot more energetic, especially at work. I think it's down to one thing in particular - I've stopped eating things like rustlers burgers, pies, chocolate, fizzy juice etc at lunchtime, and I don't feel sluggish when i come back out afterwards. My day now consists of 3 clementines in the morning, 2 bananas, a kiwi fruit, a sandwich and a yoghurt at lunchtime.

I'm the same buddy. Probably the last year my diet had been half decent as I was going to the gym a lot anyway. But over the last 2 weeks I'm finding myself feeling a lot better about life in general. I've not been as crabbit as I usually am either. I also find that I'm having a more settled sleep and can also wake up a lot easier.

Saying that, I'm delighted that its a "day off" tomorrow as I'm desperate to have a nice wholesome meal (takeaway). For any of the guys on here who know what they are talking about - 1 "bad" meal isn't going to wreck a weeks work is it?

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Next time you are in the gym - ask yourself how much time you spend looking at/judging others.

Probably very little I would assume? Same goes for them. Most people are too preoccupied with themselves these days.

Also, off topic for this response but on topic all the same, I've been going to the same gym at the same time alone for almost 2 years. The same people are there every night and if I've spoken more than 10 words in those 2 years I'd be very surprised.

ETA - I have been extremely strick this week. I've only had 1 slice of bread, no crisps, 2 biscuits and a handful of Roses (chocolates not flowers) in my mates last night. Been eating fruit and veg as snacks.

Pringles are a c**t to stop eh??

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Pringles are a c**t to stop eh??

Not really, the in-laws had left the shitty one's here at Xmas - Plain, Smoky Bacon, Cheese and Onion. If my house was full of BBQ or Salt N Vinegar I wouldn't be writing this post just now.

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I dunno if you ever tried the ketchup flavoured ones, but I had a serious addiction to them. Someone says you can still buy Pringles if you eat just a couple at a time, which is impossible!

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I dunno if you ever tried the ketchup flavoured ones, but I had a serious addiction to them. Someone says you can still buy Pringles if you eat just a couple at a time, which is impossible!

If I open Salt N Vinegar one's I will eat them until my hand can't get to them without tilting the tub upwards. I usually stop at this stage.......................and then 5 mins later I start them again.

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This is perhaps a bit of a stupid question but has anyone done adult swimming lessons? I am thinking of training for a triathlon (mentioned it in another thread) and while I can swim I'm not exactly flying through the water like Ian Thorpe. Edinburgh Council venues offer adult improvers and stroke development courses, anyone done one?

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I'm the same buddy. Probably the last year my diet had been half decent as I was going to the gym a lot anyway. But over the last 2 weeks I'm finding myself feeling a lot better about life in general. I've not been as crabbit as I usually am either. I also find that I'm having a more settled sleep and can also wake up a lot easier.

Saying that, I'm delighted that its a "day off" tomorrow as I'm desperate to have a nice wholesome meal (takeaway). For any of the guys on here who know what they are talking about - 1 "bad" meal isn't going to wreck a weeks work is it?

It won't wreck anything to be honest. When I have a "cheat meal" I find it very positive as it gives me more motivation to go to the gym, it keeps me sane, and best of all it tastes 100 times better than it would had i had it regularly.

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This is perhaps a bit of a stupid question but has anyone done adult swimming lessons? I am thinking of training for a triathlon (mentioned it in another thread) and while I can swim I'm not exactly flying through the water like Ian Thorpe. Edinburgh Council venues offer adult improvers and stroke development courses, anyone done one?

It would probably be very helpful to you if you went along to a local swimming club. The coaches there will be able to point out your weaknesses and help you work on improving them.

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Anyone ever had any bother leaving DW? Also what is the process? I have been a member for about two years but I have decided to leave because its costing me £40 a month and through my job I have just discovered I get access to our school gym for free (I'm a teacher). It means I can nip to our gym after work without fannying about trying to get down to the DW and mainly because its free.

Anyway is it just a case of going down to DW and saying 'i'm off'?

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Anyone ever had any bother leaving DW? Also what is the process? I have been a member for about two years but I have decided to leave because its costing me £40 a month and through my job I have just discovered I get access to our school gym for free (I'm a teacher). It means I can nip to our gym after work without fannying about trying to get down to the DW and mainly because its free.

Anyway is it just a case of going down to DW and saying 'i'm off'?

There will be a cancellation period, usually a month. So if you tell them today, your membership will stop on 27/02/13. You'll have to pay up til this point thpugh

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There's probably less people judging you than you think. People might look at me and scoff for how little I lift- I don't care as long as I'm progressing. I only internally sneer at people wearing baseball caps indoors or guys with fake tan and Cristiano Ronaldo haircuts doing 40 sets of bicep curls with decreasingly worse form.

Words of wisdom

I felt a bit self-conscious at first, but aye, I'm more or less the same. I keep track of my lifts in my wee notepad and so long as I can see a progression week-to-week then I'm content.

My main gripe, and the only time I really judge, is if I see someone sitting texting away for 5 minutes at at time at a machine I'm needing, then doing a handful of reps, then going back to the phone for another 5 minutes, lather, rinse, repeat. Far and away that's my most common complaint, happens all the damn time. Perhaps it's just me but it seems like really bad etiquette.

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Do tabata, I got rid of that last layer of fat round the gut doing this, seriously brutal, but you need to do it to burn fat. Or some other form of HIIT.

Now upto 12 sprints on the tabata training. Feeling fine after it as well. Reckon I could have done more. I have fucked my shoulder from weights so taking a week off so going to blast tabata every lunch this week. Also got two games of football and a couple of cycling classes. Oh and a core class on wednesday just to finish me off.

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