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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Use a thread and a needle to burst the blister. The needle with puncture the blister and the thread will soak up any moisture. I'm a regular hill walker in Scotland and the continent and we use this technique, 2 or 3 days later you will be absolutely normal.

Follow this idiots advice if you want to run the risk of septicaemia or even gangrene!

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Does anyone use Pure Gym just up from Tollcross in Edinburgh? Im planning to head back but normally used to only use it first thing in the morning. How busy did it get in the evening/weekend?

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Always use the free weights if possible. Get so much more out of them. Best thing to do is look on how to use correct form, or get a PT to show you the correct way.

If anyone wants any help, or guidance with weight lifting, give me a shout. More than happy to help out where I can.

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I see some people are looking at 'weight' from the scale. Transfer that over to 'Body Fat' reading from a body composition reader, as to give a better indication of the gains, and loss. Body Fat % over body weight every time.

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Back #lifting after a dodgy month or so, managing 3 times a week since late december.

My big change from my normal routine has been ditiching the smith machine for the actual squat rack. Having got over the intitial fear that I'd fall over the difference is amazing - you can squat much lower and you feel the stretch much more. Obviosuly I;ve sacrificed some weight but it's slowly going back up anyway.

Aye always use the squat rack. Smith machine is terrible for your back. Upto 100kg on the old squat

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I see some people are looking at 'weight' from the scale. Transfer that over to 'Body Fat' reading from a body composition reader, as to give a better indication of the gains, and loss. Body Fat % over body weight every time.

Yeah this is good advice. People get caught up on weight when that is not really a huge deal

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Anybody know how to convert the weight you can do on a resistance machine to equivilant weight in dumbells?

I can press around 80kg no probs on a press machine but only 45 pressing two dumbbells.

So much harder with free weights.

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I've been running fairly regularly over the past month. I do a four day shift pattern, two days, two nights. For my dayshifts I cycle in and back, making a total of ten miles and for my nightshifts I run home, five miles. I've also been running on my off-time and playing squash at least once a week. I've been trying to get back to swimming, I went the other week and did 30 lengths. I used to do a lot of weights in the gym but I just got bored of it. I've got a couple of dumbells at home.

I posted on the squash thread that I've had a sore back after playing a few times - I played yesterday and feel a bit better but I've been trying to strengthen my core. I have a pull up bar in the house and for the last week or so I've been doing a set of 12 pull ups first and last thing. Are pull ups good for your core, I've read they help strengthen your back? I've also used the pull up bar for leg raises, pulling my knees up to my chest when doing pull ups.

Anyone got any other bodyweight exercises to strengthen my core at home?

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I've been running fairly regularly over the past month. I do a four day shift pattern, two days, two nights. For my dayshifts I cycle in and back, making a total of ten miles and for my nightshifts I run home, five miles. I've also been running on my off-time and playing squash at least once a week. I've been trying to get back to swimming, I went the other week and did 30 lengths. I used to do a lot of weights in the gym but I just got bored of it. I've got a couple of dumbells at home.

I posted on the squash thread that I've had a sore back after playing a few times - I played yesterday and feel a bit better but I've been trying to strengthen my core. I have a pull up bar in the house and for the last week or so I've been doing a set of 12 pull ups first and last thing. Are pull ups good for your core, I've read they help strengthen your back? I've also used the pull up bar for leg raises, pulling my knees up to my chest when doing pull ups.

Anyone got any other bodyweight exercises to strengthen my core at home?

One of the best things you can do, if not THE best.

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If you have a chin up bar you are sorted.

I try and do a routine of chins, poulls hanging knee raises.

I do it like this 8 reps, seven reps, five reps three reps, then two reps. Then change from cins to knee raises or pulls. Then try and do that whole thing twice or three times if you are mental.

oiu dont really need to f**k about with weights too much either if you can doo all that. I'd try and do that every single day if possible. Takes no time at all, well worth it.

Most folk steer well clear of chins and pull ups because they look like utter c***s when they can bench press their own body weight x2 yet can barely rattle out half a dozen chins.

Its brilliant for your core too. Your stomach muscles will be in tremendous nick in no time.

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I've been running fairly regularly over the past month. I do a four day shift pattern, two days, two nights. For my dayshifts I cycle in and back, making a total of ten miles and for my nightshifts I run home, five miles. I've also been running on my off-time and playing squash at least once a week. I've been trying to get back to swimming, I went the other week and did 30 lengths. I used to do a lot of weights in the gym but I just got bored of it. I've got a couple of dumbells at home.

I posted on the squash thread that I've had a sore back after playing a few times - I played yesterday and feel a bit better but I've been trying to strengthen my core. I have a pull up bar in the house and for the last week or so I've been doing a set of 12 pull ups first and last thing. Are pull ups good for your core, I've read they help strengthen your back? I've also used the pull up bar for leg raises, pulling my knees up to my chest when doing pull ups.

Anyone got any other bodyweight exercises to strengthen my core at home?

Be careful with this as your sore back may not be due to needing strengthened. I've been going to a muay thai gym for just over a year and the ab workouts are pretty hard going. In the past six months I've developed a really sore pain at the lower part of the right hand side of my back whenever doing ab work.

Visited physio and was advised that I basically jumped in the deep end with a weak core(like most have) and have fucked my back. With alot of ab exercises your glute muscle(bum) kicks in before your back muscles whereas my back muscles on the right hand side kicked in before my glutes. This was due to straining wrong muscles. Basically start small with abs and work your way up.

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Be careful with this as your sore back may not be due to needing strengthened. I've been going to a muay thai gym for just over a year and the ab workouts are pretty hard going. In the past six months I've developed a really sore pain at the lower part of the right hand side of my back whenever doing ab work.

Visited physio and was advised that I basically jumped in the deep end with a weak core(like most have) and have fucked my back. With alot of ab exercises your glute muscle(bum) kicks in before your back muscles whereas my back muscles on the right hand side kicked in before my glutes. This was due to straining wrong muscles. Basically start small with abs and work your way up.

Well worth looking into using a chin up bar.

I got back twinges now and again form when I played cricket but havent had any problems whatsoever since. My back is as strong as it has even been and I think things like hanging leg raises and things you can do while hanging from the bar are great for your back as well as the core.

I really don't understand why more people dont do chin up bar based exercises they are fucking brilliant.

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Well worth looking into using a chin up bar.

I got back twinges now and again form when I played cricket but havent had any problems whatsoever since. My back is as strong as it has even been and I think things like hanging leg raises and things you can do while hanging from the bar are great for your back as well as the core.

I really don't understand why more people dont do chin up bar based exercises they are fucking brilliant.


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After putting 8 1/2 lbs on over the festive period, ive took nearly 5lbs of that in the last 3 weeks, so im getting there. Had a good gym session today which included 11k on the hybrid cycle, 10k on the spin bike, 10k on the cross trainer, 2000 mtrs on the rowing machine, and 10 minutes on the leg press. Legs are aching, which isnt a bad thing.

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Well, with all the cycling I do , plus going to the gym most days, I thought I'd built up a decent level of fitness, so decided to go the a Body Attack class tonight at the local gym .

Holy shit!!!

Very fast and high impact aerobic exercise and found it really tough

If anything. It brought it home that unless you go lots of all round exercise , you're only really fit for what you do.

I've got into the bad habit if doing more or less the same gym routine , which coupled with my cycling, really concentrates on the same muscle groups all the time .

Now feel totally fucked and know I'm going to suffer tomorrow !

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Well, with all the cycling I do , plus going to the gym most days, I thought I'd built up a decent level of fitness, so decided to go the a Body Attack class tonight at the local gym .

Holy shit!!!

Very fast and high impact aerobic exercise and found it really tough

If anything. It brought it home that unless you go lots of all round exercise , you're only really fit for what you do.

I've got into the bad habit if doing more or less the same gym routine , which coupled with my cycling, really concentrates on the same muscle groups all the time .

Now feel totally f**ked and know I'm going to suffer tomorrow !


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Think thats a really good point about changing routines. Play fives twice a week and during the christmas break I spent the time doing an hour of cycling but found the first game back really tough.

I usually do half an hour on the bike then pretty much the same weights routine. Would it be beneficial to change round the order of even one or two exercises?

So much conflicting ideas...

The last time I worked out a few years back one of the personal trainers gave me a routine that had negative effects and eventually I lost heart and stopped.

I kinda know how much I can push myself and what exercises work its hard to know whats best to be honest.

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Think thats a really good point about changing routines. Play fives twice a week and during the christmas break I spent the time doing an hour of cycling but found the first game back really tough.

I usually do half an hour on the bike then pretty much the same weights routine. Would it be beneficial to change round the order of even one or two exercises?

So much conflicting ideas...

The last time I worked out a few years back one of the personal trainers gave me a routine that had negative effects and eventually I lost heart and stopped.

I kinda know how much I can push myself and what exercises work its hard to know whats best to be honest.

Mix up the weight. One week/day do high weight and low reps. Then the next week/day do low weights and high reps.

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