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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Just now, Shandon Par said:


Get some nice bird to walk on your back. 

I'm another sweets/sugar addict. Whenever I put on weight it's on my middle. Had a long dry spell and found I ate more sweets. Been boozing a bit again and found myself less interested in sweets. 

The last time I had this sort of pain I cured it by doing an absolutely huge shite. That hasn't worked this time.

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1 minute ago, Ross. said:

The last time I had this sort of pain I cured it by doing an absolutely huge shite. That hasn't worked this time.

Last time I had something like that I cured it with a game of squash. Probably not what a doctor would advise. Maybe lie on a bed of Toblerones? 

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1 hour ago, Ross. said:

I appear to have done something to my sciatic nerve. Woke up this morning and my right leg between my arse cheek and back of my thigh is twitching like Muhammad Ali with hypothermia. Not quite painful but certainly uncomfortable when walking. Slight pain in the middle of my lower back also. Will take a night off tonight and maybe do some stretching to see if it helps.

On first reading i thought that said that you "Woke up with your right leg between your arse cheeks" and thought, well neither wonder it hurts. :lol:

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OH and I have been trying to get fit since Nov last year, though only a bit more seriously since Jan as Christmas always fucks it up. Going well so far, we train in Krav Maga 2-3 times a week and now have been going to the gym as well. Weight is coming off, though OH is having more success there than I am since I struggle with the sweet stuff as well but he has been totally off the beer.

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 I also invested in one of these a couple weeks ago. Absolutely magic!
I try to mix up my workouts as much as possible. If anyone is looking for decent ones on YouTube then there's good ones if you search for Hasfit. There is a bit of fucking around with them explaining the moves though so I tend to write down what they're doing and then go for it myself.

Count backwards in your head have 10 a head of you and everyone you run takes one off that number. That's how I used to do it. Good thing about Jill sprints is they are over quick. No idea why anyone would CHOOSE to do them though unless they're training for an event. They are no fun. Easier ways to burn calories and get in shape.
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Count backwards in your head have 10 a head of you and everyone you run takes one off that number. That's how I used to do it. Good thing about Jill sprints is they are over quick. No idea why anyone would CHOOSE to do them though unless they're training for an event. They are no fun. Easier ways to burn calories and get in shape.

My thought process was that there was a big hill behind my house and as I gazed at it I thought "I bet that'll work". Any better suggestions will be welcomed by me.
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On 7.2.2017 at 12:22, Shandon Par said:

Last time I had something like that I cured it with a game of squash. Probably not what a doctor would advise. Maybe lie on a bed of Toblerones? 

Would need to be the old ones rather than the new ones I think.

Anyway, I'm putting it down to bad posture and a dodgy sleeping position. Leg and back felt fine last night so cracked on with the usual workout. Lower back on the left side is a tad tender today but it's definitely a muscular thing, going by previous experience.

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Is every gym full of 16-19 year olds on weeknights or just my one? Used to be OK after 7.30/8pm but now barely worth the hassle of trying to use the equipment as these groups check their phones, do sweet FA then lynxify the changing room.

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41 minutes ago, ThomCat said:

Is every gym full of 16-19 year olds on weeknights or just my one? Used to be OK after 7.30/8pm but now barely worth the hassle of trying to use the equipment as these groups check their phones, do sweet FA then lynxify the changing room.

Same where I go but it's mainly the old codgers, rather than the youngsters who hang around doing fek all. 

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Got back from the US last night after my Super Bowl shenanigans. Feeling pretty jet-lagged, stiff and sore from the flights, and also pretty bloated and lethargic after all the food and booze of the last 8/9 days. The scales suggest I've only put on 3lbs some of which will no doubt be retention from the shit stuff still in my system but I did however cycle off creatine for that 8 days by being away so this has perhaps negated some of that weight.

A Thursday night is part of my normal routine though so I think I'm going to try and get straight back into it tonight, if not I know fine well I'll miss the next one or two and end up doing nothing until at least Monday.

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I exercised for the first time in over a year last night. Went to the gym and jumped on the treadmill for 30 minutes as was my usual starter before going to weights etc. 

I was utterly horrified at my level of fitness, kept having to slow to walking pace while this 65 year old was sprinting away next to me. 

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I stood on the scales for the first time in about 3 months and I'm 13:1 which is the heaviest I have ever seen myself when on the scales but I dare say I would have been about 13:6 last year for a spell. Feel great with my hiit work outs and swimming though and don't look like I'm that much overweight.

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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I stood on the scales for the first time in about 3 months and I'm 13:1 which is the heaviest I have ever seen myself when on the scales but I dare say I would have been about 13:6 last year for a spell. Feel great with my hiit work outs and swimming though and don't look like I'm that much overweight.

Gaining a bit of weight isn't a bad thing when trying to trim up, good job!

I'm trying to gain a bit of weight at the moment which can be challenging. My appetite deserted me after Christmas probably just because of ridiculous greed around that period.

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I don't know if I have done well though as I don't know what weight I was before, something I think I look much better but I still feel fat and look fat from certain angles. Just going to carry on the way I'm going and try not to concentrate too much on weight just now and I know I'll get a good end product.

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I exercised for the first time in over a year last night. Went to the gym and jumped on the treadmill for 30 minutes as was my usual starter before going to weights etc. 

I know everyone has a preference but getting your weights done before cardio makes a difference.
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