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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Two runs in two days and I’ve done something to my foot, magic!
Will be adopting the Shandon Par method of just doing hundreds of press ups. Still going out for walks as well.

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46 minutes ago, Gnash said:

What exactly constitutes a push up for this challenge?  Proper straight back and legs and getting your chest down to a fist's width from the ground?  

I can do 35-40 without stopping but then I'm gubbed so doing 100 takes 5-6 minutes, just for that segment alone.

Aye the important thing is proper technique, not the speed.

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46 minutes ago, Gnash said:

What exactly constitutes a push up for this challenge?  Proper straight back and legs and getting your chest down to a fist's width from the ground?  

I can do 35-40 without stopping but then I'm gubbed so doing 100 takes 5-6 minutes, just for that segment alone.

It was the press-ups that took all my time too. About 7 minutes worth. I have no chest.

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50 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

Two runs in two days and I’ve done something to my foot, magic!
Will be adopting the Shandon Par method of just doing hundreds of press ups. Still going out for walks as well.


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Have found with pressups the same, can do maybe 40-50 then failure. Can do batches of 10-20 with short break up to about 100 then just feel too tight.

Moving the arms around helps to work different areas, hands together like a triangle works arms more whereas wider hand placement seems easier and seems to work the chest.

Was thinking of doing a large number of reps but using an on the minute idea.
20 pressups, one minute for ten mins
20 squats same
20 crunches or sit ups same
20 light weight dumbell curls same

20x10 200 of each and 40 minutes

Not sure what's better? Going daft with potential poor form and injury or twice as much volume with just enough break to keep heart rate up but not too much?

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On 04/04/2020 at 11:20, Shandon Par said:

Then a tenth espresso followed by six rounds on the punchbag. 100 more press-ups then a bath. 

I appreciate you've probably put away about a kilo more coffee since but anyway. Is this you?



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First post in here but I often come in for a look.
I’ve always kind of did 5k’s semi for fun with only a brief look at times and tended to hit just over 21. But a friend went sub 20 and it made me try go for it, worked like heck at it and finally managed it today. 19:49. Pretty delighted.

Not sure what to go for next. Wouldn’t say I’ve a massive desire to go for a ten k.

Been really good with doing weights, joe wicks or 5k most days. Usually have football too but not right now obviously

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Guest JTS98

Interesting to see what people are going for.

I don't set myself rep targets for anything, I just base everything on time and do as much as I can in that set time.

Combination of star jumps, running interval training (on the spot), press ups, knee crunches, planking, and some back stretching. A routine gone through twice a day for just over 20 minutes. It's all measurable by time except the back stretching, so that's why the time varies a bit. Knackered by the end of it.

I'm slightly wary of trying to do a certain number of anything as a target because of the potential for injury, I find it better to set my time limit then just do as much as I can in that period. The body finds its level that way.

In a situation like this, many people will be doing exercise that is very different to, or much more than they did before, and that brings the potential for injury, so do keep that in mind.

But fair play to the rest of you, some big numbers here.

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Nearly killed the poor dog with running him too much recently so he's laid low on painkillers which means when we do get out it's just a slow walk round the block. Got this springy punchbag thing just before lockdown. Even with me being old and slow, it's still a bit slow for my reactions but you can hit it pretty hard on the rebound and it feels remarkably like a real head, plus it's good for working on timing, skill and footwork, rather than punishing cardio. 

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Deadlifts yesterday.

Working up to 4 sets of 5 reps @ 115kg. Not the strongest on this thread by any means, but I'm absolutely burst. A light 5km run planned for late this evening.

Just curious, for those that started weight training by following a 'proper' LP programme, when did your LP stop, for deadlifts? I can squat 4 sets of 5 reps at 115kg and still feel like I can put weight on the bar each week, but already I'm dreading 4 sets of 5 reps at 117.5kg deadlifts next week.

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Been doing online CrossFit workouts via Zoom. It’s bloody killing me but I’m quite enjoying it.

Not sure the neighbours will be, I’m in a top floor flat and I don’t think burpees/jumping jacks/skipping etc are what they want at 7am 😂

I am now actively trying to avoid meeting any of them until this is over in case I get shouted at!

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First post in here but I often come in for a look.
I’ve always kind of did 5k’s semi for fun with only a brief look at times and tended to hit just over 21. But a friend went sub 20 and it made me try go for it, worked like heck at it and finally managed it today. 19:49. Pretty delighted.

Not sure what to go for next. Wouldn’t say I’ve a massive desire to go for a ten k.

Been really good with doing weights, joe wicks or 5k most days. Usually have football too but not right now obviously

Today’s 5k nearly 2 mins slower. Made a right mess of it, went far too quick at start and couldn’t get breath back. Bit annoyed but it’s still miles in tank
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Trying to work my way up to doing 5k, almost every day since we've been stuck indoors I've been out for a run of some description. I've worked my way up to 4.2km which is more than I've been able to do for a long time.  Finding it easier some days than others but I've usually been going for the run around 5-5:30 in the afternoons and the last week or so has been absolutely perfect for it. I know not everyone feels like they're up to doing something productive but I'm determined to at least use the time to improve myself a lot - due to the hours and jobs I work I often don't get any time or when I do find the time I don't feel like going out to run. This global situation has actually given me time so I'm hoping that once things resume in a more normal manner I'll at least have kept a few good habits. 

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The wee man being born has put a bit of a spanner in the exercise routine. Managing to get out for a run every couple of days, and still doing sets of press ups whenever I remember. Back to work on Tuesday, will see what I can manage from then on.

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On 15/04/2020 at 12:15, Gaz said:

Deadlifts yesterday.

Working up to 4 sets of 5 reps @ 115kg. Not the strongest on this thread by any means, but I'm absolutely burst. A light 5km run planned for late this evening.

Just curious, for those that started weight training by following a 'proper' LP programme, when did your LP stop, for deadlifts? I can squat 4 sets of 5 reps at 115kg and still feel like I can put weight on the bar each week, but already I'm dreading 4 sets of 5 reps at 117.5kg deadlifts next week.

Strangely enough this felt absolutely fine. Managed 5 sets of 5 deadlifts at 117.5kg this morning before work. Absolutely burst though.

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